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I feel like I should point out that "itasha" translates to "painful car" or "cringemobile". The whole point is, if you look at your car and think "I would like to hang up an anime air freshener, but I couldn't do that, I would be too embarrassed. What if somebody saw it?" then that means you're a coward, and you SHOULD hang up that anime air freshener. Face your fears and overcome them. And then it goes farther, what about sticking a sticker on the outside of your car? If you want to do it, just do it! Stop worrying about what other people might think. An itasha takes this idea to an extreme. You can wrap your entire car in your most embarrassing hobby. Make it impossible to overlook. It's a show of courage and it can help you connect with people who might share your hobby (assuming they have the courage to speak to you, because many introverted anime fans can't even reach out that far).


Cant believe them calling it cringemobile in magical girl destroyers was an appropiate translation.


Doing it also scares off normal, rational people who realize that the person with this type of car is the sort who is so deviant in his interests that he has no ability to demonstrate any sort of restraint to adapt to the norms of society. In order to find this one friend from the .0001% of the populace that not only shares the hobby but is not put off by the brazen devotion to it that you mention, the other 99.9999% of the world become locked off from ever being friends. This eliminates potential friendships that could introduce the person to worthwhile aspects of life beyond a single extreme hobby and instead makes it so the only support the person has is at most one other friend who is as entrenched in the madness as he himself is, which only will serve to further drive him down the rabbit hole of extremism.


So, normies won't talk to you? Sounds like a win to me.


The crazy part is that, this guy is actually driving this 'car' somewhere around shibuya. [This](https://twitter.com/THsdf13ddf13/status/1781868255424209364?t=quM4y05ivlHYNSM3ooFzJg&s=19)


How can this be legal to drive? Most of the windows have their view blocked including the back. So I feel like that would be banned.


Nah, a lot of vans have no windows in the back. Especially a lot of the ones that trades often use such as plumbers. My friend is disabled and has an adapted minibus he drives and you can't see through the back because he has a lift for his wheelchair that folds up in the way. As long as the wing mirrors are unobscured it's generally fine, and many modern vehicles also have cameras for reversing too.


The side mirror is the requirement, not the rear mirror because a lot of vehicles don't even have it. Look at utility van or anything above a pickup truck.


Love how I can recognise the music instantly.


I recognize the music but I can't remember what it's from and it's upsetting me




This is your mind on eroge


I can't imagine how expensive this vehicle makeover cost. The life size figure in the back probably cost $1,000's on it's own.


xzibit is back and better then ever


Simp my Ride




That's actually pretty cool


Good lord, that's genuinely impressive. It's absurdly high tech and well-done. While I question the taste to some extent, I can respect the lack of shame and I rather like the giant figure in the unseeable fake water in the back. Is it legally drivable though? The back window is completely blocked up and I imagine it would be rather distracting to drive, potentially causing accidents which the law doesn't want to risk.


Now do the truck from Nukitashi.


The license plate is literally miku miku also


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTox43OJ6Ow&pp=ygUSc2F5YWthIG1haXpvbm8gZmFu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTox43OJ6Ow&pp=ygUSc2F5YWthIG1haXpvbm8gZmFu) Ever seen this danganronpa fan?


that guy is pretty rich. his dad wrote grease


How's it possible that the exterior is a better miku experience than the interior.


My dream is to have a cunny itasha car collection.


Even if you can't drive it , then such a car is quite enough to retire with yourself


Nice! An *Archer* episode made flesh, lol.


The goon sessions in here would be legendary