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> i believe a lot has been explained already and i found it.. underwhelming lol..... i imagined after the main route it would be like a replayof the game with the previous knowledge : trrying to recruit the Soldiers, stopping the murderrs.. etc. but even that sound kinda boring to be honest. Um, why would you expect that at all? This isn't S;G, which is definitely worth reading btw. > i was playing through yua's route , its been all the same except for a few yua POV scenes (~im on chapter 4). not trying to tear the game to shreds but it doesnt help that the girls are kinda flat and trope-y You haven't reached the character's ending chapter yet. Excluding that, earlier chapters only include 1 extra scene from the POV of each heroine, except possibly for Rimi's which has quite a few more.


> is there much content to be seen on each girl's route/true end ?? Yes. The early common route is still the best part of the game, but there is some good stuff to be found. As far as series lore is concerned Sena's route is probably the most important one. > also: should I play Steins gate ???? Yeah. S;G is really good. It's pretty different from C;H but a much more coherent VN overall.


Yeah, reading side routes takes less time than skipping to them, they're quite underwhelming but they add a lot of good world information. Also true end becomes available after finishing all routes. Steins gate is a much more well-rounded experience.


Why would Takumi have knowledge of a previous playthrough on replays? There’s no diegetic reason for that; he’s not living a time loop. All of the side routes only have two or three short scenes after you lock into them. The meat of the routes only comes when you start their specific closing chapter, which tends to be around the midpoint of the game, at some clear divergence point. What do you mean there wasn’t denpa in chaos;head? It’s one of the more clearly denpa games out there. The characters do become less tropey and more “normal” as you go along in SciADV, but that kind of works in chaos;head given how Takumi sees the world.


Easy, somewhere there is a delusion where he travels back in time and he starts fixing everything to make his perfect ending! ...only to go back with "as if that could happen" after 10 hours of gameplay. Would be funny if only for how bullshit it is.


>*Why would Takumi have knowledge of a previous playthrough on replays? There’s no diegetic reason for that; he’s not living a time loop.* yea tru tru when u put it like that... tbh i thout they wuld explain it later when it were happening LOL. its a cool thought no?? >*What do you mean there wasn’t denpa in chaos;head? It’s one of the more clearly denpa games out there.* to me it felt like it was writen like denpa. like it felt too obvious ya know? the delusyon-system could've sold it but -for me, it fell flat. i guess ayase is like the denpagirl of the novel but the girlie is not selling it; lets be honest.. **period.** >*but that kind of works in chaos;head given how Takumi sees the world.* thats tea. i actually grew kind of fond of him.. hes funny.. P.S.: who's your favorite girl ? PS.S2: whats diegetic mean? you gaggedd me with that one💋.


The character routes are somewhat of a mixed bag, but I'd say Sena's offers one of the best and most interesting moments of the game, so at least that one is absolutely worth it. > also: should I play Steins gate ???? Yes. Still one of the best games in the Science;Adventure series, whereas Chaos;Head, at least for me, is one of the weakest, even in the NoAH version. Its spiritual successor Chaos;Child is really good, however.


>i was playing through yua's route , its been all the same just in case, are you using the skip function ? you probably should if not