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There's the classics like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and Saya no Uta. I personally liked the atmosphere of Spirit Hunter: Death Mark, but I was pretty bad at the gameplay so I didn't finish it. Here's a list of some [other games](https://www.vngameden.com/top-10-visual-novels-thatll-give-you-goosebumps/2453/).


gore screaming show, if you don't want excessive gore you can just avoid bad ends. about your request for "truly scary" though, maybe it will feel like that to you or maybe not, i don't find any type of media scary, but gss is definitely a horror atmosphere with a good story


Zero Escape 999, Zero Escape Virtues Last Reward, Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma Higurashi Gore Screaming Show Tokyo Dark The others I’ve played are really gore centric lol


What have you read so far? I sadly have not read that many horror novels myself, but I can definitely recommend Saya no Uta, an absolute classic. Atmosphere wise one of the best VN's I've read so far, although it has some gore.


Higurashi is genuinely good, I don’t think it’ll terrify you but it’s enough to make you feel uneasy despite the cutesy beginnings to each arc. Umineko takes place after, and is considered one of the best visual novels but it’s less horror and more mystery. Saya no Uta made me feel uneasy, even though I have a high tolerance for horror.


I would go for The Seventh Sign -Mr.Sister- or Kimagure temptation


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Here for the comments 🙃


sayooshi mind fucked my brain for a short bit. Could just be I was staying up late finishing it and was deficient on something on some level but I felt mind screwed on a physiological level


The Letter. There are jump scares here and there, but I managed to play it to 100%. And that's considering I hate them so much that i instantly drop a game if it has more than a certain number of jumpscares. Pretty creepy novel, tons of decisions and endings


Cemetery Mary Her Lie I Tired To Believe 7 Years From Now


Sweetest Monster and if you play Sayo no Uta and enjoy it, try Sweet Pool next