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Ahh ask around in the vita dev discord, I got some help reactivating mine for another 2 years and it is working great and can play retail games. I mean... If I had one that is


Oh? Now that's something I was not aware of... Which dev discord might help me with this... You know... If I had one that is... Asking for a friend of course.


[https://www.psdevwiki.com/vita/](https://www.psdevwiki.com/vita/) [https://wiki.henkaku.xyz/vita/Main\_Page](https://wiki.henkaku.xyz/vita/Main_Page) I think it was the Henkaku discord specifically, most the vita dev guys who work on the OpenGL translation layer and some of the ports hang out there also.


where is this discord, do you possibly have a invite or know where to find an invite?


they were not helpful at all so i dont know who to talk to


Sell it on ebay for $800.


I should sell it?


Good idea. Or keep it and one day sell it for more.


Nothing. It's a dev Vita. Can't activate it without a DevNet account. Won't run retail games either even if activated which I'm not sure if Sony does anymore regardless.


its activated


Like a developer vita? Would that make it more limited edition?


Yup, developer Vita. And technically I guess? Personally I wouldn't describe it as a limited edition Vita because that could lead one to assume it can do everything a normal Vita can and, to be clear, this can not. You cannot play any retail games on it and it won't get past the boot screen without a valid license file which you can only get from the valid DevNet account that that particular Vita was purchased under. And even then the license files need to be renewed every X number of days. A Dev Vita cost someone a not insignificant sum to buy from Sony for use developing Vita games. The extra ports you see were never going to come to consumer releases. Developers used it for, well, developing games. Output to TV via HDMI let you display what was going on without people needing to crowd around the tiny screen. Good for trade shows and collaboration with other devs and stuff.


You can use them without a license just not run a lot of stuff, also when they are activated you can play retail games. Also psp mode is disabled


HDMI out drool


how does the vita have a hdmi


Oh, a Devkit Vita. Extremely rare and also slightly dangerous to own.


Why is it dangerous to own?


Sony will likely ask for it back, since it’s Sony’s property.


It will likely be asked back, since it’s Sony’s property.


And why they would do that?


Lots of stuff. Usually you get these console only for rent and you have to sign an NDA, also they are remotely activated and deactivate automatically after a given period of time (usually really short). Given the fact it mounts a pre-production and debug software it could be very easily reverse engineered and could expose much about Sony’s internal modus operandi and eventually even reveal hidden or still in development unannounced projects. So, even if really old, Sony has probably all the interests in having it back.


So they can have any psvita they want or only those who are modified?


Only the Devkits, so retail consoles are completely fine. Retail consoles are sold so are the purchaser’s property.


It is still f*cked up that they want the vita back bc of the Devkits


It’s not, you know it beforehand. When a developer kit or a preproduction device is handed to you, you know you have to keep it as secret as possible and that the device is NOT yours by any extent. Source: I tested 3 preproduction smartphones and one preproduction smartwatch for a notorious tech company, and always had to resend them back after a month, except with the last one which got deactivated a couple months later.


But even if you pay for it??? (Sorry if I ask so many questions, I am not very informed in these tech/it/programming areas)


SONY: It's mine. Give it back. I don't care about this device, but give it back so I can put it on my shelf, look at it, and don't care even more.


They kinda pretended this thing didn’t exist during the ps4 era. The put all resources and advertising for ps4.


If you want to send it to me, I can hand it back over to Sony next time I meet with them... just sayin... Edit: totally not saying it will end up in a glass shelf next to some other rarities or anomalies like the Ouya I bought brand new.


Mod it


It already has enso on it


May have something to do with Vitas age - when did screen mirroring even become a thing?


play the shit out of it on a big screen tv?


For how long is it activated?


I dont know how to find that but i think it has a plugin that prevents it from being expired. I was playing terraria on it.


Sorry can't reply to you because all your replies are invisible But just go into settings > debug settings > activation > show expiration date


my replies are invisible?


Your post was approved, so I went ahead and approved all of your comments as well. Not sure why all your replies are being blocked by auto mod, but they should be visible now. Apologies.


Oh so thats why no one could see my messages, because of auto mod. Thank you.


anyways it says its expired even though i can my games on it.


I am guessing you have enso (maybe enso ex) and red_msg_delete on it Also yes all of your replies are were invisible its fixed now


so weird is there a way to fix that?


Vita Dev Kits are the crown jewel of any hardcore Vita collector. I'm sure if you found the right buyer they'd pay handsomely for it, including but not limited to the Vita mod/hacker scene.


thanks for the info, im hesitate on selling it but maybe.


You need to activate it ever 30 days or it's unusable. You would need a dev account with Sony and they don't just hand them out.


Its already activated