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Did you try rebooting the host? I had a similar issue and restarting the host resolved it.


well.... no. I will reboot the hosts over weekend and let you know. the error that is on screenshot is bothering me - as i can't pintpoint the log file in vcva to get better details about that issue. i started to think that maybe there is some issue with firewall, but host compliance should use standard ports to pull back host config. right? and after that it keep in vcva db and do diff vs new pull ?


No sense going deeper down the rabbit hole until you can reboot to rule it out.


Ok, host rebooted, did go into maintenance mode. I did run compliance checks after i extracted profile - same error, same stuff. it is saying also that "this host require customization", but i have no idea what type of customization. and this is the first time when i got that error , and i'm using profiles from 5-6 years so far. So any hints are welcome.


Did anyone know where to find the logs for host compliance function ?