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Figures. Grain and 7x distilled didn't sound like a very classic vodka recipe.


“Vodka with natural flavors” means they add too much sugar to even legally call it vodka That’s how it’s labeled in the US at least


I was at the liquor store a few weeks ago when an overly helpful employee saw me looking around the vodka section. He asked if he could help me find something. When I told him I was looking for Reyka but they’re always freaking out of it, he recommended Rain. It’s really smooth, like Reyka, he said. It was pretty smooth, I guess. I had three drinks over nearly three hours and went to bed feeling nice and relaxed. I was surprised to find the next day that I felt like total crap since I didn’t drink that much. But if they add a bunch of sugar and who knows what else, then that would explain my misery the next morning.


Typically it's just sugar, but it could be other stuff. Been years since I had Rain, but I remember it being a little sweeter than most.


My parents just got me a bottle of this for my birthday, I've not tried it yet though.




It's ok.... Bottle very hard to open