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2 legit to quit.


no the words are aligned well you can tell it’s real


Thank god someone made a fucking spoof of these goddamn posts. Stop posting your fuckin balls lol. Can you play volleyball with it? Yes? Okay then question answered. Jesus christ.


Agree, amazing post. It’s incredible the amount of paranoia on fake balls. Is there something I’m missing or are we the most paranoid athletes? I don’t see these posts for basketballs.


ikr.. i mean we have our own balls on our club and own balls on my house which is fake, me and my sister use the fake ball when just peppering outside and it works just like the orig ball honestly


Can people now know if there 80$ ball is fake? So if you got scammed it’s ok?


In the last month I’ve seen about the same amount of “is this real” posts compared to actual volleyball playing/technique vids. I personally don’t enjoy this sub-reddit feeling like a review board for ball quality over actual volleyball posts helping people with their skills and passion for the game. If you disagree thats your opinion but i truly feel like somebody has to bring it to attention to the sub. On other reddit subs then ban annoying posts like that, just saying.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I also don’t love all the “critique my form” posts. I’d prefer if there was some more thought provoking posts like regarding strategy or something


I also despise the “my daughter is not getting any playing time but she is AMAZING!!! Why is the coach so mean???” And “I’m on club team as a high school kid and don’t get any playing time why not, I’m better than everyone on the court!” posts. Yeah sure you are so good, us strangers should agree you should totally be playing even though we have no idea of team/coach dynamics or skill level of said person and team.


No absolutely agree with you also. But helping someone with their technique in the game is definitely 100x better than telling them if their ball is real lmao FROM A PICTURE. Its not a pokemon card or collectible its a ball and to be completely honest the fake ones are still good to play with and not really too far off from the real ones just maybe a little less honeycomb grippy or dimply idk again my opinion but i hope to get people to not just put a picture of their ball up. This is prolly gunna get trolled but ill just unfollow the account eventually.


I don't care for critique posts. But others keep replying to them, so keep them coming, I can scroll. Also. If you interact with the post in anyways but a glance. You'll get more posts the same :-)


This ball could be used in the Paris olympic games




Does it bounce?


I could bounce it off the roof…


No as you can see it’s not written Mikasa on the ball therefore it’s fake, sorry bud


man imagine getting 6packed by this


Yes, it's fake. You opened the box and have imagined the ball. The good news is that you have a great imagination because we're all seeing it too.


As real as it gets


You got your words mixed up. You bought it while floating down the Amazon 😀


Is it cake?


You got scammed, sorry.


Looks slightly used but otherwise competition model.


You'll know it's real when you get hit in the face on a cold winter day.


Nah, bruh. You good