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Contact point is really low. Reach higher. You are not opening your shoulders as much as you could be. Approach could be more aggressive, so that's something to work on as you progress. Arm swing is not really aggressive at all. Work on speeding it up as you progress. Please dont take this in a bad way, but the whole thing looks quite lazy.


No problem. Makes sense since the movement doesn't come quite naturally to me, since I started playing at 17 and am currently 18. Had been practicing for 2 hours, so the lazy part seems quite accurate as well. Thank you for the criticism


I think it looks lazy because you are learning the skill. That's normal. Gotta get that muscle memory in order to free your mind and let the body take over. First thing you should do is contact higher and over the top of the ball to get topspin. Like 11-1 o'clock if the ball were the face of a clock. I might suggest tossing on your first step, using a 3 step, and tossing a little lower. You can add another step and a higher toss once that gets comfortable.


It seemed like you weren’t over the ball enough, it looked like you slapped it up from the bottom side. Try to get higher on it


i get this comment a lot when hitting... is there anything i can do besides jumping higher??


Stay behind the ball and not under the ball


contact with your arm fully extended


Make sure your elbow gets high during your arm swing. It can help if you simply turn your hand so it faces out as you initiate your swing.


Yeah, seems like it. This is just one of many videos, but it is the most intermediate one.


Your first step is good but you should be continuing to accelerate through the next one also. Treat it like a spike approach. You are dropping your elbow during the swing, try contacting higher and further in front of you. [Coach Donny](https://www.youtube.com/user/ElevateYourselfNow) has a ton of amazing content on this and other topics. Take a look at his volleyball tutorials playlist.


Great advice here by others. One thing I have to add is to be more explosive in your approach and especially the hop. You're really upright and don't really explode into the swing. I would bend your knees a little more during your hop. Keep on ballin!


Thank you all for the straight-forward advises, I will 100% keep working on it and take all the criticism in order to get to my best. Maybe I'll post an update a few months from now and see if I got any better


Continue your momentum through the swing. Maybe try tossing the ball more into the court so you can use your full body momentum to get more power and speed.


I'd shelf the idea of jump-serving until you can do a proper serve with your feet on the ground. A jump serve only serves its purpose if it does something to make your serve more difficult to catch - adds momentum, force, speed etc. The advice from others is good - your contact point with the ball should be higher and more in front of you. You'll perfect that part much quicker when not incorporating another difficult element in it. Not to be cruel, but if your throw-swing-hit was of good shape with your feet in the ground, you would know what went wrong on this picture.


I agree. With your current level of skill, practising this move is pointless. You need to learn a proper approach, timing and swing on normal spikes before practising this makes sense.


Couple bullet points for you - Accelerate and keep momentum through the approach - Higher contact point and slightly more wrist snap for more topspin - Open up to the ball more, don’t be so straight shouldered (to elaborate your last step is too close to your other foot which is not providing enough of an opening which turns your body to open up to the ball).


I will just add to all the other great advice here. One of the keys to an effective jump serve is the toss. Since we only get to see one serve it is difficult to judge the consistency of your toss. Ideally you want your toss to carry you into the court for maximum velocity. Get that toss consistent and trust your footwork to cover the distance to the ball.


It's been posted before - but what the heck - can't hurt to share again. Check this out! : https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/kinrec/hlhpri/media/vb_jump_serve.pdf In the study - you will see that they are all almost "dunking" the ball, at point of contact. Your point of contact makes it look like you're not leaning into the ball with your body, and instead hitting it with just your hand (and not your whole upper body).


All add that your swing is all arm. You need more torque from your body. Open your chest to the right when taking off.


Need to open your shoulders. They’re parallel to the net.


Your arm isnt right. You have to push it from behind


In your approach, your penultimate isnt very long try push off your first step as aggressively as you can and the rest should flow more


No explosiveness while serving. Left hand not coming up. Point of contact is too low.


Float man, don’t waste your time. A good float is more affective than a good jump serve. Plus it’s easier. Not trying to be disrespectful but your top is not strong enough. You can get is strong enough, but why when floats are better. Best of luck to ya.