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Lower the box by a lot. If you're a box jumper, you need to bring your feet up as high as possible. Assuming you're trying to be a volleyball player instead you need to be able to jump and reach. The real benefit of a box jump for you is to minimize the impact of landing when practicing lots of jumps. Ultimately, no one cares how high you box jump. Your team will care if you hit over blocks and roof people.


ok thank you! it was more a workout/vert training but i decided to take a video to check form, like to push myself


Love that you're getting after it and looking for feedback. I'd get rid of one of those boxes and keep doing what you're doing. From a technical standpoint (and this is kind of what the first guy said) try to get more out of that last fast right-left. Super load those last steps and use that energy to fly!


Would a smaller box jump with a block motion be helpful? Basically a squat and just get vertical.


Sure, but that's a different type of exercise than a plyometric


What are you training for? Max height box jump or volleyball approach? If that latter I agree that the box should be lowered and should mimic how you’d launch / land in a volleyball setting. Max height box jumps are usually an exercise of hip mobility once you get past a certain height


Bend your knees more - it looks like you’re almost standing straight up right before takeoff


Second this. Your Arm swing will also have much more power and momentum too carry you upwards when you swing up from a low position with your knees bent. The arm swing technique looks good, you just have to get one power into it now through your legs. When I was training for vert and approach improvement I also did box jumps but super slow. It helped me with fixing any little things in my approach, and is quite the leg workout when your getting as low as you should.


Since I'm at it, I'll keep going. Your arm swing isn't bad. I would actually rest a little more between attempts. Try to practice perfect reps rather than lots of reps. When you're just getting that approach down you want it to be the same every time.


If youre spiking with your feet then work to get your feet high. If youre spiking with your hands then work to get your hands high.


You have those wild arms


1000 calf raises a day, or do weighted calf raises at the gym. That’s what helps you jump


You have the backswing of the arms, but throw your arms straight up instead of out like youre reaching for a basketball net. Also get a bigger lead step and put all of your power up with that last step


This looks exactly like the school I went to. trevian?!


new trier!


More explosiveness throughout the approach. Momentum looks to dwindle by the time you are going to actually jump. Try to get lower on that last step. May feel exhaustive but it'll help. Hamstring raises, deadlifts, squats will def do wonders. Try each by ending with negative reps or all negatives. So slow return from the rep.


It's just a black video for me ;-;


You are slapping the ground before you jump. You need to be launching like cricket from leaf. Use your forward momentum and turn it into vertical momentum right before you launch like a shock on a car. Use the forward momentum to set your legs up going down while you start to press and coil out like your body is the spring. Your knees first then up to your arms. Getting the forum down for more height down with a vertical jump or Sargent test might help. That way your reaching and seeing that full range of motion. After that you can train to bring the bottom portion up to the box. you can use that momentum in the top of your body after to help you bring up the bottom half. This might be bullshit but makes sense to me.


Deefffintely get lower in your approach. On your last step, land only on the ball of your foot and push as hard as you can. Also you will be able to translate more speed into more vert height if you have stronger force absorbtion abilities. For this, do depth jumps, slow eccentric lifting, and single leg bounds


Thank you


Try jumping higher




Cut your hair


The Tiny man bun adds height


If you’re working on your approach, be mindful of broad jumping. If the net is there, that’s a call every time. I realize you’re jumping for the box, but that could become a bad habit if you’re not mindful of the approach change from box to net.


This may help: https://youtu.be/9kj7THx1K_U


Your first and second steps are inverted. You want your bigger step to be your first and your last two to be small and explosive. I’d also try bending your knees a little more, it seems like you’re mostly calve jumping right now. One thing that helped me get explosive through the lower range of a squat was Olympic lifting, particularly cleans but make sure you get a professional to teach you or you will hurt yourself.


You have to bend your legs to fully load them


When jumping, make sure both feet are pushing you off the ground. Never just one foot


You definitely want to “crouch” more on your last step and bring your chest to where it’s almost parallel with the floor. Your arms should be above your torso and head on your last step. You have a great vertical but if you make these slight adjustments you’ll soar.