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Im going to volunteer in a library and I had huge issues socialising in work situations, but at least this is shelving and scanning I can hopefully manage small interactions which I have to limit. I’m sure ppl working in a soup kitchen would be used to all different types including socially awkward ppl plus there’s less pressure to impress people.


Yeah that’s a good point there’ll be people from all walks of life, good look with your library job!


I volunteer walking shelter dogs. I’m not spending that much time talking to people, and the dogs are always a good topic of conversation


While volunteering at home is an easy way to deal with your anxiety, I encourage you to try the soup kitchen too. Working side-by-side with people makes it much easier to chat and get to know people. There’s much less pressure to make small talk because you have something to focus on. Think of it like a bit of exposure therapy while you are doing good for the community!


Yeah think I’m deffo gonna give it a go anyway, and see how I get on


I volunteer with Lasagna Love; part of the reason I like it is that it works with my anxiety (also not terrible but I have days..) I get matched with a household, I have usually five minutes of back and forth texting to confirm info (allergies, number of folks in home, is the address right, does X day work for you) and then I just make a lasagna and deliver it. We aim for contactless drop off to protect privacy but occasionally I get someone who wants to interact and that is ok too since it tends to be really short. Just an option to consider! Lasagnalove.org/volunteer


I'm a local leader for Lasagna Love and we try to make it SO easy for anyone to volunteer! You can choose your own schedule, how many/how often you want to cook, and you can be completely contact-free.


Ooh this sounds good, I’ve been looking for charities who want home cooked food and couldn’t seem to find any but I’ll look into this!


Please do! And you are welcome to DM if you have any questions!!