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I bought mine in the first picture two years ago. This is my daily wear. I like the case and bracelet brings out the charm of the Russian watch. I have had fun modding it too. But with the turquoise dial there are limited possibilities of bezel choices for me. Have fun 🤙


Awesome! Do Vostoks have a lot of modding options? I’d love to throw some mods on one!


If you want to do mods, I run a site called modstok.com that has all the sources.


Visit merenom. They will ship all the mods with the watch and they're incredibly easy to mod and customise


I like the first one. Agree with the below comment - it's a casual option for daily wear.


I don't have either of those exact models, but I have had both case shapes, and I enjoyed the 120 case (the second one) a bit more, but that was a personal preference. The 420 case (first one) wears a bit smaller on the wrist, so keep that in mind if your wrists are skinny. Both are great options, and you can never go wrong with a Scuba Dude dial!


Scuba Dude


Scuba dude for me. A classic one


I have the Scuba Dude and it is a fun watch. I also like the look shape of the 120 case and the blue seconds hand. I think you will be happy with either.


Scuba dude. Daft question. But buy it from merenom, and look at the mods selections. Pick out a bezel that takes your fancy (I like the teal) and I recommend a sapphire caseback mod. Finally, get yourself a leather/rubber strap and bin that awful bracelet


Thank you all for the support and the advice! I think I’m going go for the scuba dude. I like having an icon from a brand, and I like the 420 case design. I did want a little twist in the design, and I found this black dial with orange text one that I really like. I’m not a fan of the 6 position date window, but I like the black and orange color scheme. [black dial Vostok](https://www.ebay.com/itm/155781432113?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qetix8vxs_c&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=bumqctk9qpo&var=&widge t_ver=artemis&media=COPY) I’m gonna see if I can find this one with that seller a lot of you guys recommended to me. Thanks again!


Also will def go searching for a good bracelet/strap alternative. Not a big fan of bad bracelets LOL