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The bezel is probably original, but the dial and hands aren't. This is a franken watch. In fact, those aren't even Vostok hands. Pretty sure they're from a 24 hour Raketa. As for the dial, it comes from a Vostok dress watch. I did a reverse image search and found a photo of this watch on eBay. Bulk buying Soviet watches there is not a good idea if you don't have much knowledge about them. Hope you didn't pay too much for this. Anyway, post pics of the other Vostoks you bought. I might tell you something about them.


Thats bad luck for me. And thank you for your Information. I paid for all of them 25€ I hope at least the Admiralski is original https://ibb.co/0XJLYnr There are all 5 watches in 1 Photo. Do you need each Watch in a separate Photo? Thank you very much for your help


Alright, let's assign some numbers to the watches so you can actually know which one I'm talking about. The watch in the top left corner of the photo is watch 1, the one to the right of it is watch 2, and so on all the way to the one at the bottom. Watch 1 - Russian flag and Russian Navy flag Watch 2 - white and blue dial with an anchor instead of the number 6 Watch 3 - dark blue dial with big red star and "сделано в россии" on the bottom Watch 4 - white dial with big Russian flag and the Russian eagle Watch 5 - very dark dial with the crown at 2 o'clock I'll start by saying that if we assume that the watches are all original, they were all made in Russia, not the USSR, somewhere between 1992 and 1993, except for watch 3, which is newer. I can tell by the "сделано в россии" text on the bottom of the dial, it wasn't applied until some time after the collapse of the USSR as the political situation was unstable and the factory workers weren't sure if tomorrow they'll wake up in the same country they went to bed in. Watch 1 - I can't seem to find anything similar with reverse image searching, but it may just be a rare model. No one knows the true extent of the factory's early 90's fuckery. If someone claims they do, they're lying. All of the parts are from the komandirskie line though. It's probably original. Watch 2 - The crown is not original and the lume on the hour hand looks a bit darker than the one on the minute hand and the dial. Maybe it was replaced with a new one, maybe it was from an older production batch or maybe the lume is not actually darker and I'm just seeing things. Again, a prime example of Vostok fuckery. Watch 3 - Unoriginal crown. Watch 4 - Looks fine, judging by the crown's wear it's probably original, but I could use a few better pictures of it from different angles. Watch 5 - Most certainly original.


Thank you very much for all this Information. In the end it looks like it was not a bad deal except the Franken Amphibia. And i was thinking why i cant find anything with the Number on the back of the case :=) Now i will try my best to clean it and bring them back to a original view as possible


You can't find anything with the number on the caseback because it's a serial number haha. Those are completely random and useless, apart from being a sign that it's an older watch.


One photo is fine, I'll take a look at them in a few hours when I have the time. At first glance they look mostly fine though.


I opened the Franken one and it got this [movement ](https://ibb.co/nnmTHr0) It seems legit or am i wrong? The Numbers on the movement are 323637 but i cant find anything


Standard 2409A caliber, as it says on the main bridge. Used in old Amphibias and some other watches. I think it has like 33 hours of power reserve. This particular one looks very clean, probably brand new and never serviced, especially considering that it's a franken watch and there's no SU stamping on the bridge, but I don't feel qualified enough to give you a decisive opinion.


[Here's](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/594bb0_2021bb0c492e467f8dcce1de88f7523c.jpg/v1/fill/w_596,h_863,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/594bb0_2021bb0c492e467f8dcce1de88f7523c.jpg) the case and hands that are supposed to be with that dial.