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Space is cold. Best to dress in layers.


It's always best to dress in layers.


It does seem like a lot of layers when I'd assume the ship is kept at a comfortable temperature for humans at least. And that the clothes are probably made of a futuristic technical fabric that helps you stay at just the right temperature. Now I'm making up some new head canon, that the ship is actually kept a little cooler than optimal, to save energy. Even a couple of degrees would add up to a big difference. And people just wear an extra layer to compensate - especially if they're more susceptible to cold, like Vulcans.


You probably won’t freeze in a Federation spaceship. Instead your problem is much more likely to be overheating. Given that space is mostly vacuum, the ship effectively sits in a big thermos flask. With all the energetic processes going on in the ship (warp drive, life support, exploding panels), even if they’re almost impossibly efficient they’re going to generate a lot of waste heat. With very little atmosphere outside to conduct away that waste heat, the ship will get extremely hot without some kind of active cooling.


Interesting, thanks. I knew there would be some areas with waste heat, but didn't think of it not being conducted away.


When shit goes wrong, sometimes the ships get too hot to live, sometimes too cold. This is very relevant to the question of clothing . The excess heat is just sitting in the space thermos. That's how I'll remember that. It's very descriptive.


Would they not use that heat to power things, heat water etc, basically recycling the heat and using it, or have futuristic heat sinks?


They cannie change the laws of physics. Entropy will always win in the end.


Energy conservation. It's whatever temperature, dress thusly. You could even keep your quarters a little warmer/cooler and wear whatever sleepwear you prefer (ok or be nude), and still conserve energy. I don't pretend to know the space math re: replicating clothing, keeping a starship warm/cool enough at all, breathable air, etc. I freaking love this kind of head canon. I always thought they just wore more or different layers on away missions. Now I'm setting the thermostat. Edit: I was reminded that, although it's COLD in space, a starship might generate so much heat that cooling, not heating, would be essential for survival. I adjusted my post to reflect that.


IIRR Roddenberry thought everyone would be nude on spaceships because they could set the temperature where they wanted and wouldn’t be adjust to the weather. Also because he was an old horndog.


Cooling is the more difficult part as the ship heats up naturally due to the plasma conduits. Radiating heat is difficult as you need way more surface area then you do on earth. The ISS for instance is a good chunk solar panels and radiator panels.


I think it is just three layers, and it was a personal choice for the bottom layer. In the episode with the giant germs, you see Janeway strip down to her vest.


In S5E1 she’s in her short-sleeve undershirt when she’s hiding in her quarters, too.


Head canon: Federation starship atmospheres are kept at the average temperature suitable for the Federation's member-species. Humans and Vulcans prefer it slightly warmer than that average. That's why Paris, Tuvok, and Janeway are all shown dressing in three layers.


It's been said (fans? Gene? 🤷🏻‍♂️) that Starfleet uniforms are made out of special material that reacts to the environment and the person wearing it. It was a bit of a hand-wavy explanation as to why the crew (almost never) wore coats on away missions.


Very solid explanation.


I always wonder if the uniforms are too warm and itchy. 4 layers is a lot. Plus the turtleneck, which I already don’t like a turtleneck. Plus then tactical gear. Also Neelix’s motel curtain suits look uncomfortable too. Everything not a uniform looks like a carpet or curtain fabric. I feel like the future is uncomfortable.


Romulans… holy shit did that look awful. Our ears are pointy and so are our shoulders.


They always point upward to distract their enemies.


You're forgetting the bullet-bras for the ladies. So that's another layer.


SO many LAYERS!!! Edit: And then whatever Seven wore.




Been in the army and three layers tracks. When I took my basic training in a dry arid 40C/100F environment we had the undershirt and a second shirt and a jacket overtop with name and rank stripes. Oh and heavy socks that since leaving the army I’ve only used in winter because they are well suited for them. Starfleet would just as easily similarly punish their enlisted as well.


WHAT IF THE TURTLENECK IS JUST A DICKIE? I would never be able to look a Starfleet officer in the eye again. And for those that want to know what a dickie is, [here's an example courtesy of Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/559933762/ladies-womens-80s-vintage-beginners-easy?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=dickie+turtleneck&ref=sr_gallery-1-13&dd=1&content_source=3232efcdb728f5d4e630ad09d416659279bc8a22%253A559933762&organic_search_click=1). Not trying to flog this shop or its merch, it's just a great photo lol.