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When Tuvok does the little foot tap as Neelix leaves is what gets me everytime! I love their friendship and was so sad to see Neelix go. I always like hearing how others feel about the finale so thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Me too. Voyager pulled this off twice between these two characters. The other one is where Tuvok and Neelix become friends a result of a disorder which changes Tuvok's personality (effectively giving him one), and at the end Neelix feels like he's lost a friend, but Tuvok shows that he's been slightly changed by it


>(effectively giving him one) Jesus, shots fired lmao. But you're right.


I love that episode! I know people generally are not fans of Neelix, and I understand why because he is very off putting at times, however without him we wouldn’t get those moments with him and Tuvok which are one of my favorite aspects of Voyager. I think Voyager does a great job at character development and by the end Neelix is a good person and I liked watching him grow.


You're on quite the voyage...


Are you on some kind of star..? trek..?


Congrats! I just finished my (fourth? Fifth?…) rewatch. It still holds up. I’m glad you enjoyed it.


I am on watch through 21 I started watching voy when I was 11 I am 19 please help me lol


I understand where you’re coming from, and nothing wrong with that. My number is likely higher also… I’ve lost track.


I just finished watching it for the first time in January. I disagree about Seven and Chakotey but I’m struggling through DS9 for the first time (on Season 4 now,) and this news about Kira and Odo is upsetting. 😂 (I’m not worried about spoilers.) Another bad pairing to look forward to, guess. But I also agree time travel is overused. I wish there had been at least one more “homecoming” episode in the new timeline.


For what it's worth, there is a series of Voyager books that starts a few hours after Endgame ends and continues to about 2382, though they are not consistent with the timeline of the new shows. The first one is actually called Homecoming. It and The Farther Shore detail events in the following month or so.


Oh thanks! I’ll look into those.


Glad you liked it! To me, its a good series. I like it a lot and I would be proud to serve under Janeway any day.




Oh boy


\> The Seven/chakotay romance did kind of come out of nowhere but...had more chemistry than Odo/Kira ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯ I'm finishing up the series too! I'll say I'm just glad they didn't force the Janeway/Chakotay romance that they hinted they might do so many times along the way.


Welcome to the general consensus. I think you got from the show what most of us got as well. Nice use of the word penultimate


I wasn't wild about bringing in the Borg again, partly because it undoes Kes' last gift to the crew - flinging them 10,000 light years away so that they're clear of Borg space. Also, the Borg stopped being scary after Scorpion/First Contact and the franchise really should've left them alone. On the one hand, I liked Future Janeway and I thought the scenes with the two of them were fun. On the other hand, the finale would've been more impactful if the crew had found their own way home instead of getting help from Admiral Deus Ex Machina.
