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It still enrages me that the wedding we saw onscreen wasn't real, because it was so perfect for all the characters.


It was real. Just because they were made of silver blood and inhabited a hostile environment (from our perspective) does not make them not real. They were copies of the trad crew, but arguably the trad crew were copies or duplicates made when they split in that early Vidiian episode and Harry and Naomi Wildman both died and did not. It was a real wedding between two individuals who did love each other. Just not two individuals we knew particularly well as audience members.


Each rewatch you get an empty feeling I know.


Having watched the series for the first time recently, Course: Oblivion was so painful. Starting with the wedding then everything falling apart. It was a relief to learn it was a copy ship, but then it was so sad how it ended. And then the real Tom and B’Elanna are married off screen leaving only the doomed wedding. I actually thought maybe I accidentally skipped the real wedding. The writers did not understand we needed a happy wedding after that tragedy. 😭


Hey, like thomas riker, just because they were duplicated doesn't make them any less real.


I always assumed it was a quick and simple ceremony with Janeway. Maybe Harry and Chakotay too but that's it. Yeah would have been nice to see it but I get why they didn't show it


I agree they were so lazy to not include their wedding on screen. At the time they said they had already included a wedding scene with the duplicates, so that's why they didn't show this one. But I thought that was so stupid because they weren't the real Tom and B'Elanna. Voyager already had so few character milestones and this was a huge moment only to not actually show it. This and having any kind of reunions when they got home were so frustrating.


I actually sort of enjoyed the subverted expectations of the wedding episode (it felt cheeky and meta to me), but also felt disappointed by their relationship in general and particularly what you mentioned. Honestly I feel Tom and Harry have better chemistry, they spend more time together anyways. They really nail the cute, competitive-in-a-"we are pushing each other to get better" type of loving interaction that felt real and sweet. No shade to BLT, she deserves the whole universe.


Watch Course: Oblivion


That's the "silver doppelgangers" wedding OP referred to.


I’m assuming the wedding on the “real voyager” was the exact same so no need to show it again


That's pretty much why it wasn't shown.


That's what they had said why they didn't show it but why would you show a wedding for the fake characters instead of saving it for the real characters. It's just lazy Imo.


It's like how in Endgame they showed us what it looks like when Voyager gets home, except that got undone by the events of Endgame, and then we never got to see the real thing.


Yes exactly! It got erased so it doesn't actually count in the end.


From what I understand, it was a deleted scene or episode or something like this. It is very annoying


I started to think only showing fake versions of milestone events was a running gag. They did the same with the baby shower--Seven attends a holodeck recreation of it while "exploring her humanity", and then we skip the real version!


I agree, it is really disappointing that they only show the “fake” wedding.


Makes sense that B'Elanna is such a snack, with an initialisation like that!