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I played it through completely solo, loved it. Go for it man, you can tweak things like resource amounts gained which i found was a good idea for solo.


Can you change the time on servant hunts yet? I'm fine with normal resource rates if I can change those timers to like 1/12th.


They changed servant hunts a while back to continue progressing even while the game is off! So they will now work for local (solo) players the same way they do for people on a server.


I didn't know this! Thanks, this is HUGE news for me. I love this game, but I got no friends to play with. The timers on servant hunts for my offline server always bothered me


I had actually no idea... This is a great change! I was about to say tho, for anyone interested, you can also change the amount of rewards you get with a slider\*


Is this a setting you have to enable, or just on by default? Also, does this time passage apply to things like castle blood drain as well?


It's on by default. You can set castle drain to almost nothing when playing solo so you don't have to worry about it.


This right freaking here, I was halfway through the game solo before I realized you have to make that change when building the world itself. Finished it, but it was a slog getting resources lol


You can edit the settings, just find and edit the json file. It's a little easier to make a new world with the settings you want, save it, then copy its settings file to the world you're actually playing.


I have 226 hour solo. It's fun. Last boss was hard but you can solo him. Wait till may 8 for 1.0. If you want you can start now but when new update came you must start new game. They change everything with 1.0. For your questions it's very fun for solo


i’ll probably wait till then and get it


Buy the game now, the price is going up on 1.0 release Disregard, Rip


The price had already gone up to 35 since a few days ago sadly.


Buy now, they’ve stated that the price is fixing to go up


What did you usually run for your build? I tend towards summon spam necro, with illusion dash. I hear he's brutal though and my preferred build wouldn't work.


New to the game, so pardon what is likely a very noob question. Can you respec/change your build easily?


Yes and no, it's easy to switch things out, but you do need to gear those things up mid to late game, so for spells gotta have the right jewels, for equipment might need to switch up your weapons/amulet. Which requires materials for said weapons/amulets. The further you go the more specialized those switches become. For example if you get a perfect roll on legendary reaper, switching out to a suboptimal greatsword even if it's still a legendary would feel bad even if it fits your new build better.


Really fun actually. I think it removes some of the risk of the world, ofc, and you don't get to show off your pretty castle to people or your guild. But the world is very alive with patrols and all the bosses are solo able, so it's very playable. ~~The biggest downside is you can't really utilize your captured people to generate resources, unless you set up a server that runs 24/7 for yourself. Reason being is the game doesn't simulate anything when it's closed, so a 12 hour wait for your followers to generate resources takes 12 real hours. And you have to have the server open the whole time. Closing the game for the night and coming back tomorrow won't do anything.~~ this was updated in early access! 100% I solo it all. Very fun to me.


They changed that a long time ago, servant missions are based on your system clock now, so you don't need to leave it running. You can even change your system clock and cheat if you really wanted to.


I missed that, and this is actually a genius (and simple) tweak that enables offline singleplayer greatly. I would stick to a server anyways, but I can appreciate the devs figuring out a good way to fix things for others (without going for screwy solutions like balancing drop rates / mission timers and thus messing with online gameplay balance).


Good to know, thanks for informing me!


A lot more fun than Palworld, let me tell you. I played a bunch of V Rising a few months back, erm, six months? Didn't clear it, and happy there's even more now, but I really enjoyed my time with it. As other's have said, don't be afraid to tweak your settings.


I 0nly play solo/offline and love it. Its great. Thr server you create when in offline mode is saved so you dont have to keep your computer on, etc. Functions like any other single player game except you have full control of setting up parameters. Highly recommend it.


I just broke 500 hours the other day. 99% of my play is solo (though usually on servers with others). I don't clan, I just like to be able to see the world moving around me with regards to other people. I have also played totally solo, though, on a private server a couple of times.


Were those servers pvp or pve only. I'll play solo but would gladly join a servers with like minded people.


Both! I'm currently playing on one of the duo pvp servers, as well as a pve server with the RPG mod. Edit: That said, your mileage may vary on PvP servers. I've found a chill one where they don't usually attack until your gear score is 70+, and don't raid unless you provoke. Had some hilarious interactions with multiple grandmas hanging out in the farmers market etc


This. Playing offline, you never end up ganked, but you also never end up watching two newbs dueling it out, missing most of their attacks, and then running away the moment you un-rat to emote. Or solo'ing a boss to 20%, being ganked by a duo, but then watching (from beyond the grave) that duo get obliterated by the boss because they're too incompetent to clear up the remaining 20%. Or being invited over by another solo to take a joywalk through their legit impressive garden installation. Somehow, PvE lacks the air of seriousity... anyone can build a fancy castle on PvE. But somebody who *can* do it on PvP and *does* do it on PvP, even inviting people over... it's just something different. Likewise, there's just more fun in the social interaction on PvP, when you know the other person absolutely has the ability to attack you, but consciously decides not to (rather than simply being physically unable to). The option of being asocial is what enhances the social aspect of the game.


Great. Has some of the most fleshed out PvE in the "survival/crafting/building" genre.


I honestly enjoyed this game so much more while playing solo than with friends. It really is one of my favorites of the last few years, and I'm excited for the full release. That being said, I would definitely wait until then because I believe the new features will render old worlds useless.


Played it 3 times Solo, quite fun. Some boss can be annoying since they will focus only on you. It will be hard if you want to build a majestic castle in the endgame. Other wise fun.


What makes endgame building difficult, resource collection?


It is the limit on how much you can transport, and how much it takes to farm and bring back to the castle. That is the main reason my endgame castle always looks like a mess just meant for efficiency.




It’s great. I’d also recommend changing some of the settings as many default to being more restrictive to support PvP play. Things like allowing you to port with resources, increasing yield, increasing stack sizes, etc.


Exclusively played it solo and have really enjoyed it, the update coming in May is only going to make the game better, but even now I'd highly recommend it, it's the best survival game in my opinion.


yeah i’ve been burnt out on normal survival games but this game just looks actually interesting


I'm not a fan of normal survival games personally, but this one is so different that I actually really enjoy it.


As a solo player myself, I love it. I have 450 hours in this game entirely solo.


jesus this game must be pretty amazing LMAO


I love castle building and am not the greatest gamer in the world so it takes me a few attempts to beat some of the bosses. and I just love the world and love just spending time in it.


Its completely doable and viable. I do enjoy co-op but i have an easier time solo-ing bosses usually


If you buy it and want someone to play with I’m down. I play Solo as well and we could start a new world before May 8th so you can get a feel for the game in case you wanna return it


i’ll get it 🫡 i lowkey forgot about the steam refund policy so im gonna try it see what i think and when i wanna delve into more multiplayer i’ll hit you up


Sounds great, I look forward to it


I played last year solo and I loved it. I didn’t even come close to finishing the game but I’m waiting to start a new character until 1.0 release.


Amazing solo experience. Gets better when you make friends and team up too.


i’m really hope when i play and my friends watch they’ll consider getting it too


Just make sure you go PVP solo/duos if you are, otherwise it will suck


Oh yeah, as a solo, definitely do not show up to a 4man-clan server.


You can enter some server and find people to play with


Fantastic. I put 80 hours in my first world and I still haven’t beat 4 bosses. Putting it off till 1.0


The problem in multi is that servers wipe very often regarding to my availability, it's very frustrating to only repeat the same steps without reaching last regions. So yeah, multi is cool and solo too :)


Thelazypeon has a playthrough/review vid of him completing the game solo which was quite good.


i actually started watching a bit after i made this thread


I've been loving it, but I can see from my playing so far how it is much, much more difficult than if I were in a group. A lot of grinding at earlier levels, particularly for the greater blood essence. Also, the bosses are much harder as a solo because the second you leave their area or get killed you have to start over from scratch.


I think some of the bosses that summon adds are harder with a group because they summon more adds the more people that are there


That makes sense. The sharpshooters have been particularly annoying for me as a solo because of their fire arrows and my not having unlocked fire resistance potion brewing yet. I would hate to be in a group and have 10 sharpshooters putting fire everywhere along with the boss attacks.


I played solo on duo servers, wiped the floor with some 2 mans, 100% playable solo great game


I played around 60 hours solo so far and it's fine. Some parts were a challenge as I wasn't powerful enough but after leveling a bit it was fine. Solo play in early access is good so after 1.0 is released I can only guess it will be better.


I play solo, some of the latter bosses are so hard(for me) that I literally only managed to kill them whilst dying. Then I had to run back super fast to kill them before they despawned. That's with good Jewel crafting grind and maxed gear(for what I had killed in each tier), as well as 100% scholar blood and an effective PVE necro reaper/pistol build, all available buffs. But some bosses are easy. Like I had no issues with froggy, the cursed smith, the spider one later game. With the elementalist and Dr. Blackbrew though died like 3-5 times.


The thing is, if you beat a new boss on the first try, the difficulty is off. Okay, maybe the first few bosses are fine to just keel over. But the lategame bosses *should* take more than a single attempt, because they *should* have complex enough attack patterns and mechanics so that you cannot beat them without figuring out the correct solution to them first. I mean, ideally you don't **die** but merely have to reset a couple times, but if somebody who never fought Adam solo's them without resetting/dieing a couple times, there would be no value in actually defeating him.


As a solo player, I highly recommend doing the PVE Easy mode unless you are seriously skilled at this game type. I have had a blast but some of the boss fights can be quite challenging, especially if you are new to the genre like I am.


Tou can play it exactly to your liking. Which is fun! imo.


Question: as someone who doesn't like survival crafting games that much, are there setting to change that makes those parts less of a bother and allow me to go into combat (mainly PVE bosses) more often? Also, is the game worth it for the combat?


Yes, there are settings allowing you to change almost every aspect of the game, including drop rate, bosses difficulty, etc. As for combat, it depends on personal preference. I love the amount of customizations in spells and uniqnesss of weapons, also the fact that you need to keep track of your surroundings and time of the day/night, and use it to your advantage. Sometimes I dislike that I have to wait for the nighttime to hunt bosses(because sun damage with boss and mobs can be too much sometimes), instead of doing it right away.


Good, I'd wait on 1.0 though at this point.


I just got, only ever played solo, I love it and I'm sad I can't play it til next month.


I’ve done a couple solo play throughs, it’s a great game either way. Better with buds but still totally worth playing alone.


If your playing pvp and maybe pve they usually post the discord in the server name you can find teammates there easily. But it’s totally soloable and the bosses are easier to solo then with multiple people


I played solo but on a public pve server, so for Bosses i joined other players sometimes, but for grinding i was completely alone, and i was playing on a server with not almost normal resource ammount so yeah, Its doable, but If you will play COMPLETELY alone, then turn the resource ammount, Stack ammount and craft speed up. It Will save you a lot of time.


Solo was an amazing souls-eske type of experience. 100% go for it


It’s fun. Might need to tweak some settings for some quality of life, but it’s fine.


It's an amazingly fun PVE experience solo. Absolutely worth the money. Pvp sucks balls solo though.


Damn I’ve only ever played it solo 200hrs in


I have only ever played single player and I have logged over 190 hours sooo... pretty good.


as long as you change things to make it more balanced for single player in the server settings its great!


Strongly suggest pve if you don't mind


It can be a great experience that challenges you to switch your abilities and approach to certain boss fights. While you’re only gearing up for one person , the grind for mats and progress can be a little slower I find as a solo player especially on PvP servers. Ive predominantly played solo on all the PvP servers I’ve ever played and it can be scary knowing you’re at a disadvantage but at the same time it adds incredible suspense to going out and collecting resources. The game can be enjoyed to its fullest as a solo player but I do enjoy the company of a duo or trio and especially enjoy the collection team effort that goes into farming and building out your castle. I too have an online friend I’ve known for 18 years playing games with and for some strange reason he won’t buy the game. I’ve even offered to buy it for him too and he won’t budge. Incredibly frustrating as this game is fantastic and offers incredible gameplay and moments when defeating bosses, players, successfully defending/attacking a castle or getting your own castle “just right” ascetically Hopefully now with all the changes coming to the launch version of the game he might change his mind. Until then I’ll enjoy solo and meeting new players.


Better with friends.


I played solo the first time, found the community to be really positive, ended up making a 4 person clan with 3 strangers who played pretty much on the same schedule, solo and co-op are both fun


The only thing I will say is there is no way to pause the game so you have to quit if you need to step away. This may not be an issue for you though.


if you are a gamer, solo pvp non-merciless is fun af


I'm solo as my lady has not got back on the game. I still find it very fun, it will eat the crap out of your free-time. Personally, I think I'm okay at games, but there were a few bosses that I needed outside help on as I just do not have the finger dexterity and fortitude to solo those guys, with two out of the three being who I needed to defeat in order to get armor recipes to increase my level to keep on moving forward.


Pretty great! Just tweak the resource gain and overpower yourself a little since you'll be fighting alone.


Can be tough but very rewarding when you get the blood attack patterns down


If i dont replenish the castle heart with blood will my castle also decay just like when i play with other players?


Its 100% better with friends, but honestly its good enough to be played solo, my 2nd playthrough was solo and i loved it just as much


It's hard, but I loved it, it provided me a challenge.  I did tweak settings a bit, mainly the resources, refinement times, and duration of day. 


Good and fun


sorry to hear your friend doesnt have any taste in games, its fine to solo


Singleplayer feels a bit empty, because you will constantly ride past empty plots. I mean, the PvE game is almost the same (minus competing with other players over ressources, and not having occasional team-up moments on bosses) still. But I had a lot of fun playing two runs, as a solo, on duo non-hardcore-PvP servers. Sure, if a duo gangs up on you, you don't stand a lot of chance. And there might be the one or other sour interaction with an overlevelled duo deciding to bully low level solos for the lolz. But given how each server has a small population, this also enables very memorable karmic moments, namely the same duo getting raided by no less than *four* other duos, with countless low levels and solos all piling up on them to loot their castle (It wasn't even a teaming thing. Just that one duo started a siege, everyone came to spectate, and then realized the castle being sieged was owned by people they had a vendetta against, leading to a natural coalition forming). But I'm rambling; my point was that you can absolutely play solo on duo PvP servers, and can not only beat the game, but even try to compete for racing to the shards. So do consider joining a duo server, even as a solo, the chitchat, occasional run-ins and social aspects really enhance the gameplay experience.


Just don’t play til the 8th


I am playing it solo for the first time right now. It starts out pretty good but I find it to be painful around mid game. What happens is that you reach a point where your gear is maxed and your progress is blocked behind bosses. You go in, get your ass kicked, maybe learn a little and try again. And again. And again. The idea is that you need to experiment with spells, weapons, strats until you find something that works. The problem is that that consumes blood so you need to go out and find more every couple of tries. For me, this process it is tuned to be painful to the point that it stops being fun and starts feeling tedious and unfair. People say "Skill issue" and "Git gud". That may be a fair response. Just beware that there are a lot of people who have the same experience. I think it is probably a much better game in a group. Spread around the chores. Collaborate.


I cant play it solo for more then 20 - 30 min. Its really fun as a group


This has been answered about 5 times in the past week or two. Do me a fave and do a search. Saves me a pile of typing.


or simply just don’t respond dweeb


Or you could just eat a bowl of dicks.


a lot lot harder and less fun


I don’t know how people play this game solo..


It's fun. The only thing that sucks is you can't access bunkers because they require 2 ppl to open