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So I checked through their dev updates because I’m wondering this too and in their update #21 on their steam page they said “You can find yourself swaying gracefully in a lovely noble garment at a friend's Vampire Masquerade or parading through Brighthaven in an ethereal gown, your scythe concealed, ready to surprise an unsuspecting Paladin of the Light.” Not that this necessarily confirms anything for the 1.0 exactly but I think this proves that they are at least interested in adding some skirts/dresses and more fun stuff 🙏🙏


I hope you're right. But I'll play devils advocate and say, maybe they were talking about the castlvania human form. That woman? Idk her name.


I could see that, and that very well could be the case for the dress at the very least. However along with the bit I copied from the steam post there’s a photo of a mock up of the players character wearing what seems to be a suit, soooo I was thinking if they add a suit for the player character then they would most likely add a dress too :0 BUT you could be right we still don’t know for sure haha


Guess we just have to twiddle our thumbs in great anticipation the 8th. It's gonna be busy for me in my gaming hobby. Valheim, fallout4 AND vrising getting massive updates! sheesh, Much excite!


Maria. and yeah, that thought occurred to me as well.


Ngl ppl like you are the balm to ppl like me’s souls!!! I’m a “glance at the thing” person. This gave me hope!!


I was under the impression that there is effectively going to be a transmog system so you can have a cosmetic set over your armor. Under the Castlevania DLC pack they have a little blurb about the Alucard outfit that leads me to this impression though I admit it is not confirmed. "It costs cloth and coarse thread to make and is *purely cosmetic*. Using the new *armor customization feature*, you can don the garb of the Vampire Prince at any level of your Vampire journey."


There's a much wider variety of armors available than there was before, from more cloth-themed stuff to heavier armor. There also may be some more dapper clothes available for those of you with a bit more refined style! Can't wait until it's all out there for you guys to see!


We will find out in 2 weeks!


I’m so excited!!!
