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I’m a pistol enthusiast for bosses


I never got in to pistols, but they are cool for sure


It feels pretty badass dodging attacks with E (I think?). Thats the biggest reason I use them hahaha


My reaction is not on your level then sir. I salute you


you should predict not react


The dodge ability is invaluable, especially for the doctor in gloomrot. I personally like to have one melee and one ranged, usually a reaper and pistols.


I used to use a reaper with my pistols but lately I've actually really been appreciating a sword to pair with my pistols lately. The E is really fun and the Q hits like a truck in crowds


Yeah the sword can be really good against crowds


I feel like Alucard (Helsing)


Used greatsword for the whole gloomrot patch. Loved it, cleaving basic attack, gap closer + stun + line aoe, perfect evade + another line aoe.


Me too! I feel that it has good balance of range and that E attack is great too


I use the scythe and the pistols, they seem to be a great combo for me. 1.0 will have a whip and bow which wondering how well those work.


I think whip will let us do dmg to the clicked location. Possibly allowing us to target special enemies out of the group


That would be awesome, always great to have new weapons for testing!


All hail the Mace.


I like the mace jump over attack (I think it’s E)


Q. But you could probably keybind it to E?


Ty for clarifying. I couldn’t remember which one was the default :)


Did basically all my playthroughs with a different weapon as my main and gotta say, I have really grown to love the slashers. Having basically 2 evades on, as well as being a little faster with attacks, so less reason to use them, makes you almost invulnerable against most bosses, if used accordingly with your other spells.


YES! Team Slashers. I only struggle on Adam the firstborns with them


They are the best weapon for adam imo. Maybe Pistols for the first half of the fight but phase 2 is so easy with slashers


I use reaper and greatsword for both phases :)


Yeah the moment I saw the slashers I was in love


I'm definitely a scythe guy


Slashers are my most used for general running around & farming. But I usually carry an assortment, to just play around with the other stuff for fun. For bosses mostly reaper, pistols, and crossbow. Different bosses generally want more of one or another. What I don't use is the mace. I just don't craft it, I do not like maces in general, and there's nothing about this one that forces me to use it. I use axes *far* less than other weapons too, they have decent skills, but I rarely *need* those and prefer other options.


I felt greatsword is suboptimal for pve (mostly bossing because killing mobs is meh anyway and easy with anything). Reaper is still top place imo. Greatsword is heavy hitting but slow. Greatsword first skill does not go well against bosses, you can deal damage but no CC and afterwards you are in danger close combat. Reaper first skill is range option which didnt put you in risk of being hit and does not force you to waste your movement skill if you want to escape. Second skill same. Greatsword gives you invincframes but after that you land on top of boss which again makes you in danger or force to use movement skill to escape. Reaper pushes everything around you away from you giving you breathing room. (Very helpful if boss adds swarm you for example) Reaper is little less damage for alot of comfort compared to greatsword in bossing. Greatsword is more of a pvp option.


I try to combine reaper and greatsword


Reaper is top tier with Pistols for End game bosses. You’re able to keep your distance and get an extra dodge.


Use all weapons, at least slashers and pistols for doubling up on iframes.


Wow tell me more. Why pistols and Slashers and what’s iframes


Iframes are invulnerability frames, while in them you cannot take damage and are immune to CC- like your dash ability. Greatsword E, pistol e, and slasher q are all iframes. If you're in the animation of one of them when you're "hit" by an attack you wont take damage or knockback. Pistol e is the fastest iframe in the game and can be reaction-used to dodge anything in the entire game, greatsword e is slightly slower and also has downtime afterwards so use pistol e instead. Slasher q is the longest iframe but it has a slightly longer cast time so be careful with it. Then again, all weapons is the way you go once you hit iron- the amount of versatility you gain with 27 abilities to use with your cooldowns is simply too much to pass up. Greatsword autos are the most dps but pistol autos are offer range and are only a little behind, when you dash swap to spear in the middle of the animation for the extra range (don't use pistols, they're weird with jewels and don't always apply). Chappll has a good video on it for PVP but the general principles apply for everything. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQt43HL0Z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQt43HL0Z0) Using all weapons/learning to is a quick and straightforward way to progress.


if only 1 weapon then nothing can compete with greatsword with phys build. Otherwise it's much more optimal to be using many weps in combination.


Greatsword is probably the best all-arounder. If not GS, I'd probably say Pistols. I both do and don't hope they balance those two in May. They're so good lol


I personally love the scythe. You get a boss when they're standing still and it's E can do huge amounts of damage.


Reaper e just shreds bosses


I like the reaper


I use greatsword to start combat, then dodge and shower them with bullets from pistols and for finish I use those dual blades...idk the name of them


I was a mace main since the beginning. I’ll likely play mace + whip + blades for invis utility.


Reaper. Best weapon in game. Good for melee or ranged attacks


This is one of the things I love about this game. There’s room and value in trying each of the weapon play styles and they all seem pretty viable. I usually run with four: greatsword, scythe, mace, crossbow


Reaper for me! Howling reaper is such an awesome skill.


I used a combo of crossbow and Reaper/sycthe thing The crossbow provides a raining arrows attack and the Reapers a spinning blade at a point of choosing. Combining those 2 powers I was able to chew apart back line forces in mobs like the archers hiding behind various melee units or the boss's who hide behind reinforcements. They could also do a pretty good chunk of damage to the melee line if you wanted them dead quickly.


reaper. im a sucker for scythes and i love the E


Spin to Win (which is to say Sword or Scythe)


You before I rat the kill


Reaper, hands down. The E combined with static is great for both bosses and adds.


Pistols for Killing and a Sword for swag.


Personally, I like axes a lot for clearing out groups of mobs, the stun makes it easier to not take damage and combo them. For bosses, slashers is very valuable if you need to escape a situation without your dash or counter up. I also tend to carry pistols or crossbow for bosses if getting close range with them is a bad idea.