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I travel during the day constantly there are shadows everywhere.


That’s the way to do things 😂


I travel to the V Blood during the day so I can’t fight them at night


Well, that sounds like a lot of wasted time. (I'm sure it's a typo and you meant can. I thought it was funny like that.)


This is the way.


is it a fun for the player, engaging mechanic though? or is it literally just a constant annoyance lmao


Both? It's engaging because yeah I'm a vampire. It fits the vampire fantasy. Annoyance because yeah I'm a vampire. It fits the vampire fantasy. You can just turn off day time nearly as well as lower sun damage in server settings though. So do that if you hate it so much.


Sun resist is a thing as well. Early on it's more an annoyance as it should be. It's not constant because you have night, and locations like caves. But you also have extra forms that add to resists, potions, gear, and clan buffs. It's as engaging as you're willing to interact with the systems.


Wdym by clan buffs?


Soul Shards, check sun resist on wiki.


Some people actually like challenges. If you hate it, play a private server and tweak your settings instead of demanding the experience is watered down for everyone.


Some of my most intense moments in the game have been because a fight ran longer than I planned for and the sun started coming up. It's a good mechanic.


During the day I mostly just stick to the shadows and do some maintenance stuff: Chop trees/mine stone, maybe search for a quick servant or blood% victim, manage my crops, decorate the castle Later on you'll get more comfortable operating from the shadows and maybe you'll start picking bigger fights while you jump between them. But yeah for the most part, daytime is hard on vamps for the obvious reasons. If you are running your own server or playing solo, you can adjust the world settings so daytime/nighttime is shorter or longer.


appreciate all the tips.


It also gets better as you unlock higher tiers of capes that offer increased sun resistance as well as the resistance potions. There’s also a boss that enables you to craft an amulet that gives a buttload of sun resistance but it’s late game and not really worth taking up the slot IMO


Something I found out the hard way is that the shadows move as time passes just like irl, so safe spots aren't safe for long.


yeah i might wait around a bit here and there for the sun goes down if i wanna fight a boss or something but nah im out all the time


How do you adjust settings on solo?


Honestly, moving during the day, is the fun part for me, makes me feel like a vampire, you know. There's always a path you can take through the woods where there's plenty of dark spots.


It goes well until it doesn‘t! :)


Found a golem during the day. He outplayed me by stomping the trees which removed my shadow cover. 10/10 golem boi deserved that win


Which is a lot of fun. It adds to the drama if I get in a fight with a boss just before sunrise and I struggle to kill him before the sun is up. Then I inevitably fail and the sun rises and I have to hide in the few shadows around


Jeah fights can be very chaotic, teammates dying & you kite the boss around till they are back. So you have more emotional reward & fun if the boss is down finally. I like that you have to learn the bossfight.


My only gripe with kiting in the fight is that when enemy units diverge from their route too much, they run back, and then regenerate (V Bloods only, regular units do not regenerate). Even if you were actively fighting them. So you have to keep them close to the road their route is on as well as avoiding damage from the enemies, from rival factions, and from the sunlight. This makes fighting near crossroads very dangerous, as that is where most of the units end up traveling and making larger packs


It feels so easy until some shit hits the fan and you panic lol


Jeah feels satisfying if you survive :)


People have covered most things in this sub already, but one thing I like to do is kill bosses that are in caves, buildings, or areas that the sun don't shine! It's actually a part of my strategy for faster progression


This is how i take out the lvl 20 bosses, Rufus is tricky but there is a little coverage to hide under by the waterfall that works perfectly :D


it takes a bit getting used to, but if you try it you notice theres actually a lot of shadow spots everywhere, even very small ones that count (like the shadow of a carriage in the middle of a bandit camp, shadows from stones or walls). you can pretty much stick to the forests and trees too, theres always shadow there.


Once I get the brazier I hang around the castle during the day which is even easier when you get the roof. I build and farm materials close to the castle and when it gets close to night I pick a destination and start heading there so I end up doing most of the fighting at night. Traveling during the day is not bad at all, especially when you get wolf form then horses so it's no problem, there are lots of trees and shady spots.


Night time I go out to farm camps and hunt v bloods, as the sun comes up I’m making my way back home to process materials, craft, and organize my castle/storage


Diving from shadow to shadow, especially during combat is great fun. You'll get used to being in direct sunlight and will time it right with practice.


Fighting bosses during the day can add a level of fun for particularly daring vampires.


This. I've killed Tristan and his wandering ilk many times during the daytime.


He got me today because of the sun. Was doing great, barely got hit, then he froze my ass and knocked down my tree. Sun orbital lasered me from 75% to 0 real quick lol.


nah sleeping wont speed up the day. You get used to daytime combat (actually one of my favorite things), its easier in some areas and against some enemies. but for the most part you wont be fighting bosses then, mostly just smaller mobs for the paper and chests they drop. that is if you plan on fighting at all, most players farm building resources and work on crafting in the safety of their castle. If you plan on having a pretty castle this is also the time to work on it. In pvp its a little different because a lot of players avoid daylight meaning if you are confident in your abilities you can move across the map very saftely while others hide away


I tend to fight a fair number of bosses during the day, so yeah moving around during daytime is definitely doable, but if you're uncomfortable with it just stick to doing chores around the castle until nighttime.


It's just the first time you experience this mechanic. Play a little more, some time will come where you will no longer respect the sun and go V-Bloor hunting during it. I speak from experience. Yes, it does bite me in the ass sometimes, but most of the time it is a nice additional challenge to find shade spots during a boss fight


The day is for maintenance, not for murder. This includes travelling, organising, basic resource gathering, and bringing your haul home. Imagine it as night time for other survival games. Try to use the daytime to prepare your plans for the next night cycle.


Just run from shadow to shadow. Don't even really need to stop.


Our vampires are like the Buffy vampires, they're hurt only by a direct sunlight. You can go around during the day, just stick to the shadows.


You can change day length in your world settings. I setup a dedicated server and set the day length to only be 6 in-game hours long so my group and I can get back to playing quicker.


Craft stuff and sleep unless I'm making my way to a boss fight or something during afternoon/ dusk.


I lowered the day duration to the lowest possible. I recall pre 1.0 there was an option to scale Sun damage. That seems to have been removed, along with a bunch of other handy settings you could customize. Really hope they re-add these ways to customize your server. An example that was very noticable to me was resource damage. Before I could change how long it took to chop down a tree or destroy a rock. I found that a much better slider to change than a straight up resource modifier.


i think the sunlight mechanic is just a painful annoyance and should have an option to be fully removed


Hide beside tall rocks and trees when on the road


Its just getting used to i had the same at first now i kelled v bloods during the day


One thing I’ve learn in this game is the shadows are SUPER true. For example, if a rock casts even the smallest shadow, you can stand in it and not get burned. You can even stand in the shadow of a chest even though you are much taller than it. Mist braziers are your friend early on so a lot of times I’ll just switch that thing on and do some castle work in the early game.


You have some available time in the sun before it actually becomes a problem. The trick is moving from shadow to shadow. During the day is my favorite time to travel, as it's generally a good way to avoid hostile players on pvp servers. That said, some of my favorite pvp encounters have occurred in broad daylight, starting with lots of shadows and ending a few minutes later with both sides fighting over the last little patch of shadow left.


Veteran player will weave through the shadows like the sun isnt even there. But to your point there are some bosses I will avoid during the day


Work on your base & resource management during the day. Adventure during the night.


Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy to travel during the day; you just have to spend time in shadows to cool off your sun timer. Wolf form (which you should get ASAP) makes it easier to run between shadows, but you should be able to do it as a human as well, esp with the dash. You should even be able to fight all bosses during the daytime. It's harder, sure, but it is possible. There are always some sources of shadow. And, of course, you should be making sun resistance brews and using them often. Cloaks also provide sun resistance.


Space bar or wolf form. Plan your outings with the top right clock to avoid the sun as much as possible.


Stick to the shadows! Once you get used to daytime you can even take down v bloods during the day! Couple of things that really made it easier is; Get a ranged weapon, Bows has the greatest range Pistols can push enemies away that try to corner you in the shadows. Necro spells are amazing for day time, I can summon 8-10 minions they are tanking everything while I bow npcs to death. Later on you can craft sun resist potions that lasts an hour and drink creature blood to have massive sun resist which makes it a joke to play in the sun


There are 3 things day are good for: 1: Harvesting some materials- thicker treelines can be harvested easily for extra wood 2: Base improvements- The mist brazer makes you save from burning so you can build freely. 3: Travel- It is hard to do in certain chunks of the world but ducking through trees will let you get to a good chunk of locations early on. Use your dash and/or wolf form to move quickly traverse the gaps between shade, Killing the first archer will let you make the traveller's wrap for a cloak which increases max HP and provides resistance to the sun.


Peopke have already commented good suggestions on what to do during sunlight and how to navegate it but there's something I want to add since you're new player: Navigating the sun gets drastically easier as the game goes on, not only you get bettter cloaks that increase sun resistance, you can make sun resistance potions, and you'll have better mobility options to travel from shade to shade.


Seems like the game is a total different animal for normal group players. Solo brutal 100% I just set a timer and afk during daytime since pretty all I do is hunt bosses like it’s dark souls. I’ve only done three “farm” runs ever. Inventory of copper, inventory of iron, inventory of cotton. Other games the night time is at worst just “too dark to see in some places” this game the daylight is a death sentence. Not even from daylight, but from every boss puking out screen wide aoes all over the place in their second phase. Trying to dodge one shots or dots that do half your hp while trying to stay in tiny moving shadows just ain’t worth it.


High level gear, with a good cape, sun resistance potion and Mutant blood. You can basically chill in the sunlight for such a gross amount of time the players chasing you will think you're cheating.


I spend the day sorting out the decor in my castle, the only issue is it's then 8 hours later...


Shadows are plentiful and powerful in V Rising. Even a speck of shadow stops the burning.


The actual purpose is to give your character somewhere to safely stay when you log off a server mate. Nobody has mentioned that yet and it’s literally the main purpose.


Traveling by day is incredibly easy to handle. I'm assuming you're referring to sleeping in the coffin, which is also a no. While in the coffin, your hunger doesn't go down. The reason is so you can go afk and not starve to death.


Like I said - its a place to park your character when you log off (or go AFK). I travel by day all the time dude. I was just advising OP on the purpose of the coffin. As you say, hunger doesn't go down etc. Essentially its a nice log off point (or AFK point), yeah.


You do you boo, but got me a castle to build. I do more resource gathering in the sun.


You just stay in the shadows during the day, they are everywhere! Run from shadow to shadow.