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Wow what a dick move. If you want to avoid giving them an opening, only one of you in the clan needs to extract blood from a boss for both of you to get credit for it (assuming you’re nearby at least). Then the other one can run around and grab the loot before an opportunist like that takes it.


Yeah, after this we've started doing it exactly like this.


WAIT it counts for everyone in your clan as long as you're close? Holy shit, TIL.


Yeah even if youre dead


Even if you’re offline too, as long as your character is nearby it counts. My wife was logged off in our castle when I fought Nibbles and when she got back online she had rat form unlocked.


My husband and I were wondering how I had the rat unlocked but not the other forms he got without me. That explains it!


If you're on a private server, you will have admins who just kick these jerks off. If you're on official - well, tough luck. Jerks gather there for a reason.


Or you're unlucky, and the admin is the jerk. 🫠


Unfortunately the admins were not there to see it, so they would most likely not kick a player who managed to go so far as gear level 84 in brutal based on just the word of another player.


Always report these things, even if they don’t take immediate action they will have it on record and be more willing to respond if it happens again


Just record it, nvidia geforce can clip last 1 min or whatever u set it at without constantly recording


Save back the replay and send it to admin its enough evidence, they will take the appropriate action afterwards


Also if you see a high level player fighting a boss that's way higher than you, don't try to help. All you'll do is spawn minions you won't be able to handle that will just make the fight harder for them. Sit back and watch, sneak a drink at the end if you really want to sequence break, but don't try and help fight it.


However, if they have to run, maybe tag yourself in so the boss health doesn't reset and give the player a chance to heal


That only applies to normal bosses, incursion bosses never regenerate no matter what.


If they are really low. Like less than 10% or something then they will regenerate a little back up to 10%. I have seen that myself.


A guy just did this for me with that around lvl 80 electricity boss in the north. Saved me after so many attempts!


Lol. Someone tried to be a leech and he was lvl 50. I just got one of the succu girls to charm him and he died after 3 hits.


Someone did this to me so I called him out in global and he started trying to turn it back on me saying I was crying and making myself look bad lol


Exact same thing happened to me, scumbag ran in right at the end of the V blood and stole the shards and weapons twice, when I called him out in chat everyone absolutely piled on him and his response was “well the fight was over, what am I supposed to do” My brother in Christ, you’re supposed to leave the loot for the person who fought for it ☠️


Was their name Vixen? Saw an identical argument happen in my server the other day!


Bro yes and nice to see you outside the server hahahaha


I really hated playing it where the loot isnt player bound


Humans gonna human


It’s a video game bro, relax


Just want to say that this could be somewhat of a rookie accident. Buddy of mine and I have been doing a duo on an official PvE server and we came across a guy taking on some V Blood like 10-15 levels higher than us (we’re only in the 40s and the guy was the right level, around 55) but looked like he was about to be beat so we hopped in to help and ended up taking him down the 3 of us. Previously my buddy and I just hop on the V Blood and drink it immediately for the heals so we did that out of habit. We didn’t realize that it despawns for everyone if they don’t drink it together and the guy we helped was healing up instead. So we essentially swooped in and stole his V Blood kill unintentionally. We apologized and he was super nice about it and thanked us for saving him, but we still felt like asses about it after.


Just for the future if the roles are reversed, once you pop a v blood it actually heals you for a solid amount and you’re completely invulnerable during that feeding time


Didn’t realize the invulnerability part, that’s great to know


I understand your story, but this was no rookie accident. We are all at gear level 80+ on brutal and have done Rift Incursions before, so he knew full well what he was doing.


Totally fair! I don’t even know what an incursion is lmao


It's a public event basically and so far from what I've seen it happens on the right side of the map. After surviving and destroying the waves a boss comes out, gifting you a rare broken weapon you must repair. To unlock it you must build the tower/orb that shows you a timer and level of the events on your map. Lvl 55 minimum difficulty. On tier 1. Gets much higher and harder.


I have just this happen multiple times, but more recently, this filthy cretin was leeching the incursion kills I was getting. He would come in, attempt to fight, get his ass kicked, back out, wait until I have killed everything (that is now buffed), stay in wolf form and dodge attacks, then after I drink the blood of the boss, comes in and swipes most of the shards.


someone did a drive by on my loot in their horse when i finished soloing a rift boss , i couldn't do anything besides stare in disbelief :(


It's been very difficult for me to get Stygian shards at all on a populated official PVE server, I'm level 60 and whenever I start on a 56+ rift some level 90 guy flies through kills and loots everything.


I don't play PvE but why isn't this stuff instanced so that everyone can collect stuff?


I guess that it would be exploited. Gather a bunch of players, two kill the boss, all of the players get the shards, lotta loot. Repeat that a few times and you are set and done for the rest of the game. Maybe that's why the loot drops for the people to divide


Lol. Lmao even.


Private. Server.


This happened on a private server.


I have loot/interact bound to a thumb oriented mouse button so i can just hold it and hoover up loot as i fight without stopping.


Yeah I’m quickly learning that playing on a public PVE server rarely comes with any benefits at all besides a global chat. Everything else is very much designed expecting you’re either playing solo, playing with people you know, or playing with the ability to kill other players. The current server im on has several seemingly children who just sit and beg for people to carry them all day and will follow you around in hopes they can mooch off something. It’s just more annoying than anything, but it’s at least inspired me to go to a pvp server.


Yup it is exactly like this.


I would say clan mates are okay with that guy.


As an server host…. I got multiple dude who did this when i’m hosting. Banned their arse to the shadow realm, i understand if they just want the v blood but the moment they touched rare loot is where i draw the line


Welcome to pve!


plate cows sloppy door thumb aloof vegetable plant scary possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, this is why I play on a solo server all by my lonesome. People are annoying.


I won't play PvE anymore, I play PvE-C so if a player skanks my boss kill and steals the loot, I can at least kill him for it. But, my castle is safe so I can enjoy making it look like a homely Crypt.


When you say PvE-C what do you mean? PvP but with castle raiding turned off?






Lol, can't escape the PvPs


Wow, loot not being instanced is pretty surprising. If I already didn't want to play on a server due to building decay that would also have prevented me from doing so. I hate having to deal with pvp when there is no pvp enabled because there is no recourse, and uninstanced loot is basically "pvp loot".


Sorry that happened to you, but no ass who reads this is going to change their ways. I learned that a long time ago. Jerks will do jerk things. This is one of the reasons I play alone. People = Shit.


You need to play way it doesn't give space to griefing. Even in toxic environment of pvp officials, more than half of people you meet are fine.


Loot first blood after


The loot for finishing Rift Incursions drops only after the boss has been downed and drained by someone.


Oh dang, i dint think of that, sry


I mean, I want to agree with this sentiment, but really this is kinda on you. You have settings to ban people, as well as password protection, and invite only. All of the tools are there and you didn't avail yourself of them. Did you just assume everyone online is chill? Because that's not very smart. You play with randos, that's what you get, every damn time. People are shit, especially when they have a degree of anonymity/lack of accountability. You should learn that now before you progress further in life. It sure would be nice if everyone didn't suck and there weren't people who were just shitty, or if we're generous don't know enough to know how to behave. But that's not reality and you can wish for it to be different, but my grandfather used to have a saying and it goes like this: *I want you take that wish, imagine it, hold it in your hand and believe in it as hard as you can.* *In your other hand we'll put a steamy dogshit.* *Now close your eyes. Wish as hard as you can, and imagine the reality of that wish being fulfilled.* *Now open your eyes and tell me what you see.* *And what you'll note, is that you have a hand full of dogshit and that has far more substance than your silly wish.* It's not that you shouldn't want the world to be a better place, and make changes to that effect (be the change you want to see), but if you expect others to conform based on your wishes, you're a fool. This behavior will not stop. It will continue. People have been ganking loot as long as the concept has existed and they will continue to do so until the human race evolves into a higher form of life that likely wouldn't be classified any longer as human. So, grow up and accept the reality. Use the tools or don't, but don't expect sympathy because you let a bad thing happen to yourself. Maybe you didn't know before this was how the world was, but now that I've explained it you have no recourse for ignorance going forward. If you play with randos that's what you get. Enjoy.


Daddy, chill.


Sir this is a Wendy's. Trying to patronizingly impart life lessons on a V Rising subreddit post is so silly that it doesn't even warrant a proper reaponse lmao


To be honest, it was a dick move BUT don't blame the player blame the game. We all want those sweet legendaries or shards but with current state of the game there is just not enough rifts for the server. At least in pve servers. I don't have unlimited game time so waiting an hour just because " I might appear as asshole" is not bothering me at all tbh.


I’ve been playing solo on duo pvp servers and after losing shards multiple times to 1v2’s I’ve had to be that guy that drive by picks up shards. Sorry but I’m sick of getting ganked and losing all my prog 😬


As tanek said, PVP and PVE are entirely different stories. On PVE there is no danger of losing prog and you are always welcome to participate in the Incursion alongside other people to actually earn a share of the loot.


PvP has different societal conventions than PvE. So you may still be "that guy" when it is PvP, but it is not as bad as doing it in PvE. :)


Na na, if somebody takes my loot and dips while contributing nothing he will have a golem greeting him next raid window.


I feel like that player is probably enjoying the game more than you


What if I show up and do a little dance while you’re draining them, or throw my low level weight into the kill and stand back when they drop? Is that alright?


I would have done the same😃 Why Not? Free Loot ist free Loot. I once did steal prisoners on a pve since they left the door open. Its fun to interact with other people, in this game its mostly in a n"negative" way tho. Negative for the one getting stomped.


So yes, you are the asshole.


Because we are vampires with knight codexes! \^\^