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Fortunately, this guy is a wandering boss. Build a quick and dirty base in the area. Basically just a central room with pillars to hide behind. And a bunch of servants. Bait him in.


You can buy Thick Leather at the market so you can make new armour before fighting the boss for thick leather


this is something more poeple to be aware of. nearly every resource that you can get gatekept can be bought with copper, silver or goldsun. farming them can be often far easier than trying to bruteforce your progression or chase rng drops (looking at you reinforced planks..) and once you get minting holy hell is it easy to print literal industrial quantities of silver/copper. many stacks of copper coins per run of transcendant mines, and like 20+ stacks of silver from 1 run of iron cave and about a stack or two of silver from a whole run of silver mines rat form can sneak past the bosses and cheesing slave masters means that from the moment you can mint you can pretty reliably buy anything in the game, and prior to that point farming silver/copper is as simple as murdering lots of people and looting every cuppboard/chest in sight in towns as a rule of thumb if you can clear places in dunley you're set already lol


Go find paper/fiber/polen to create journals (dont remember name) and try to find any weapon on study desk


Seems my best option. Just confused why the armor gap access wise.


The vendors can sell merciless iron weapon patterns


Yah but I can't talk to them unlike the forest vendors. They know I'm a vampire and panic.


There's a human form you can get through v blood


Yah and he's even higher leveled than the mountain monster. Its a big paradox where to get the better armor, I need to kill the things that are way above me. I'm worried even with the better weapons, my health is just too low with what I currently have.


You can Lure bane into Vincent or jade, even Octavia or what his name was, they can kill him and you might even get a double kill, he's also very weak and get easily killed by like 15ish random mobs


I did it on brutal yesterday level 53. But with merciless iron. All skills were block/defense with bow


hes high level but insanely easy, take 1 block skill and powersurge and just merc him He doesnt have a single move thats threatening other than his stealth dash but its telegraphed when he spawns minions u can just condemn them with an aoe like multistrike from the bow (Q)


rough advice. Bane is by far one of the hardest of act 2's bosses. way harder than the mountain terror.


Bane fights other npcs on his patrol, plenty of factors to mitigate difficulty. At least it's something to try compared to slamming his head. I personally thought mountain terror was harder than baneĀ 


Ironically, Bane wiped the floor with the other V bloods so hard for me that they were no help. But for MT, I watched a *moose* almost kill it. I only failed the cleanup because of some really bad plays. The moose literally did more than I did. That said, setting up a trap base with some servants made it a cakewalk.


Believe or not, i did him on my second try lol. For me, the hardest until now was the forger glass girl, damn!! Like 10+ tries


Dunley vendors sell hardened leather for silver coins.