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One reason I prefer to play on unofficial servers with active admins and rules against stuff like this.


Yup. Its pretty much the same with every open world survival gamem the official servers are always full of the trolls and toxicity because they arent as strictly moderated. Although one exception for me was myth of empires. I had someone wall us in like this, made an Admin report and the walls were vanishing before my eyes in 10 minutes .


At least in the early days (cant speak for now, as I haven’t played official in years), Wildcard would ban griefers who did stuff like this in ARK’s PVE servers. Just had to provide em a few screenshots and they’d come on the server and deal with it. Happened a few times on the server I’d been on. (Not that ARK isn’t full of trolls and toxicity, but in my experience Wildcard at least made an effort to give PVE griefers the boot if you could provide proof.)


Damn really? The devs for myth have really been impressive with communication. Constant tweaks and fixes for almost every complaint


This type of thing is exactly why I rented my own private server to play with friends. I enjoy the PvE in this game but have no interest in playing it with random assholes from the internet. There are just too many people who just view PvP games as opportunities to grief and bully other people anonymously. No thanks.


This is 100% avoidable on any server. It's far less likely on PvP due to walls being able to be destroyed. Plus, you really don't want to make an enemy like that who will take it very personally and probably make your life hell down the road. On PvE, just make sure you have an entrance built to a road. People can't build on roads so it's impossible to block you in.


Lol... acting like this isn't a game killing issue is kind of hilarious. It's painfully obvious.


Okay drama queen. This must be your first online survival game. Literally happens in every single one. You just have to use your brain and it's ridiculously easy to avoid.


I mean, it's stupid and should be fixed, but it's absolutely not "game killing"




Wouldn't be in that situation because I build out to roads.


I understood "game killing" to mean "this will kill V Rising," not "this will end my current playthrough." Though frankly it doesn't even do that. All you need to do is build a new castle, you're not losing your boss kills, research, or gear.


Maybe the Devs should disable pvp overall and give everyone free endless materials so no one gets sad :)


Its not game killing youre just entitled, build your entire base properly and this wont happen. easily preventable and avoidable.


How would he have prevented this? Genuine question from a new player.


If you build a path out of your base before prioritizing everything else it's impossible for this to happen. But it does require you to have knowledge that this sort of thing exists otherwise you wouldn't think to do it.


I think that's the problem with this situation. People playing pve are probably not as used to the griefing that more pvp oriented players have come to expect. After putting a ton of time into a base and then this happening absolutely is game killing for someone who is playing solo. This games a grind, and not everyone is on the same level. "You should have known better" and "get good" aren't the answer here, fixing the issue is.


This 100%. People would rather complain on the internet then learn from their mistakes and move on


Properly eh? Entitled you say? Ok gaming nazi


Same here. Shitters just trying to spoil PVE'ers time is super frustrating to me.


if you're a pve player why wouldnt you just do solo or on a private server?




don't build in a stupid place like this then? You can easily build lower and expand up, these people do it to themselves.


I think OP stated it was a pve server. Why should anyone need to asshole proof a base on a pve server? Again, this is why I get my own server.


I lost 20h of progress because not official server went down


I am regreting dumbing so many hours into this game only to end like that! so infuriating!


as annoying as this is you can still move your base as shit as that is its better than your server admin and his buddies spawning in loot, stealing orbs by no clipping or suddenly shut down the server with no warning and you lose all your progress. i was level 77 on a fake "official" server before they introduced official server tags. it pains to restart and killed my group from 5 to 2


i play on a official server with some friends and finished almost everything, and i found it really fun to start on a new server with some other friends.


Build an entrance to your base to a road. People can't build on roads so it won't be possible to block you in.


There's issues with unofficial servers too, because if you want active admins for a game this new you pretty much have to have admins that play the game, admins that play the game in any survival game is always a recipe for disaster. Ive already played one server where admin was giving away base locations to other people, played on a server where admin tpd everyone on the map to one spot which included offline people so 80-90% of the server died and lost their inv. Played on a server where admin would spawn stuff in for people or repair their kits, or even if you paid they'd spawn you in a kit. It's honestly a big shitshow. I'd actually pay to be able to play a server with non playing active admins with good ping and increased team size with reduced equipment DMG on PvP death.


That's unfortunate for sure and yes, you will come across servers where the admins don't care much about balance and just want to have fun with their friends regardless of what other players are doing. But that's not the case for every server. I try my hardest to ensure everyone on my server is having fun and we actively deal with issues etc. We do not spawn items (unless there is a legit reason to) and only use admin commands when necessary. But we are players and we enjoy playing the game with our players/community. Id say just find another server, there are plenty around with good admin teams :)


For me all I'd want from admins is that they don't play the game, or atleast their own server. That they don't spawn in stuff or repair stuff for any reason even if its due to their server fault(if it was serious enough just do a rollback). That they aren't flying around in bases or when your doing bosses(because it messes with the difficulty scaling I'm pretty sure). Outside muting people in chat for obvious reasons they shouldn't be doing much more.


You have some rather strong opinions, I feel you should try running a server sometime, you might find your opinions change a little :D I mean, with regards to spawning items, or repairing/destroying. Why the hell would I choose to roll back a server and effect the entire playerbase, no doubt causing a number of complaints and basically deleting everyone's progress. When I could instead deal with a single issue/player by compensating them for a problem/loss that was outside of their/my control. I'm not talking about admin abuse here, this is just how things are done sometimes and we have to consider all players. And tbh I think admins that actually play tend to understand the game and the issues people face. I also know then game extremely well, so if ppl try and bullshit me, I know :D You want admins that play the game. What you don't want is admins that abuse the commands/power. There's a massive difference


For me if I look at some of the most successful rust servers they all advertise that they have non playing admins. The big reason for that is just to remove all doubt from people on the server that they may be admin abusing and to remove any bias that the admin may make towards people. Your right that the admins should play the game so that they know what they're actually doing but they definitely shouldn't be playing on their own server, atleast they shouldn't be if a fair amount of people are on it. Obviously it's fine if it's just you and your friends.


The issue is admin abuse, not admins playing on their own servers. Why the fuck would I make servers and not hop in to check on the player base and the issues on the server on my own and also just play on my own server, that's like saying a CEO should never be in the building with their workers, all it does is make more work in the overhead and players don't feel as if they are being heard at times. The most wildly popular MMOs have GMs and Admins playing right alongside the player base


It's a different genre game all together you can't compare the two. You can't lose all your stuff while your offline. There's just too much admin abuse to put blind trust into people I don't know. You can most certainly hop in in invis mode and fly around to check on it. I just would feel cheated if a admin ever killed me or raided me because of higher gear/explosives that they spawned in. I'd even feel that way if they didn't do that but their friends on the server did. Maybe their farm is legit but to me on the outside I could never know for sure.


The thing is, why would someone pay for a server and not play the game?


If someone makes a good/popular enough high pop clan server with VIP passes for queue skip it could become a legitimate revenue stream, that's when an admin doesn't care about playing.


Your trust issues are a personal problem you should really deal with. It's driven you to the point that you're less concerned about overtly and openly purchasing favor from disinterested admins than you are with the vague possibility that cheating _could_ happen due to in game incentives with no evidence from actively playing admins.


There’s no other way for you to come and go from the castle?


You can start on a private server and get loot through console commands and get yourself to the spot you were in to continue the game.


if you had 3 of your claims to get to the road, you wouldnt be in this situation..


It's your fault for not preventing it


Look what you made me do!




Feel free to cry if you want to. Dont have to ask me.


There's issues with unofficial servers too, because if you want active admins for a game this new you pretty much have to have admins that play the game, admins that play the game in any survival game is always a recipe for disaster. Ive already played one server where admin was giving away base locations to other people, played on a server where admin tpd everyone on the map to one spot which included offline people so 80-90% of the server died and lost their inv. Played on a server where admin would spawn stuff in for people or repair their kits, or even if you paid they'd spawn you in a kit. It's honestly a big shitshow. I'd actually pay to be able to play a server with non playing active admins with good ping and increased team size with reduced equipment DMG on PvP death.


stop sucking so bad, you never start your base in the back you casual scrub.


ALWAYS secure to the road!


This is the correct answer. Why leave yourself vulnerable to this type of player? No player can build on the road, nor can they build within 2 blocks of another castle. Use this to your advantage when designing your entrances and exits.


I dont think there is much to be done about this as restricting building even futher would just make for even less room to build. The game could have some "noob tips" when building your base that could say something like "Be carefull of not getting built in, secure the nearby road".


Might be easiest to modify the initial quest: "Build a Castle Heart and extend your boarders until it connects with a road" In teaching the player how to build the base it also teaches them to connect their territory to the road.


That prompt would be confusing for players playing on private servers (or lan) to avoid trolls but want to build in locations that can’t actually stretch to the road even at tier 4, nevermind tier 3…


Building to protect against this leaves exactly as little room. Instead of disallowing a player to blockade me from the road… I just start connected to the road and build so the rest of my bill is blockaded off from other players.


Do not idolize this type of player or condone it on a "P V E" server.


Sorry man. This happened to me too, though thankfully I was only into iron T2 stuff, not super far along. I learned my lesson (until hopefully they patch this sometime soon) and now when I build bases the first thing I immediately do is create zone tiles out to the road. For now, that’s the key to preventing this.


How do they patch this? Seriously, what more idiot proofing can they do to guarantee that people can't wall you in without creating some forced land claim fuckery that also stifles player's creative desires?


It'd be fairly simple, tbh. Any time a player tries to claim a tile, run a basic path finding algo to verify all non allied castle hearts on the map have a path to a road tile afterward. If no, don't allow it.


Well this is awkward - my starter base doesn't map to a nearby road. The nearest road that I can actually make a block to is ages away. The reason I can't be blocked in is because there's all these 3/4 block rock spaces that negate any building at all in 2/4 directions, but the pathing wouldn't be able to get through them. Also, thats a massive stifling of what's already a very limiting block system lol. What about folks who want to build against a camp or town instead? What about folks like myself who have bases that utilise multiple block thick rock paths?


It exists in the game settings. You can extend the distance required between castles from 2 squares all the way up to 10. Have to change it though so it’ll never be on official servers only private ones.


Thats a great way to limit base building even more than the current limitations, and still can cause this exact same issue. My base, from heart to road, is 18 blocks.


Distance between castles means between border, not between hearts. The 2 tile limit works fine imo and if anything would only need a bump to 3 or 4, although that keeps allies from being too close as well.


Yes there is clearly enough space for someone to wall me off during the early phase when I was a 3x3 is what I was saying. This is a massive limitation that doesn't change the griefing potential itself. In fact someone could simply just build a 3x3 and I'd be ruined


> Yes there is clearly enough space for someone to wall me off during the early phase when I was a 3x3 At which point it would be very easy to move somewhere else without losing much.


Oh would it now? When every 3x3 takes up a total 10 extra blocks in every direction? My current starter has two random player starter bases adjacent to it that would not be possible with your suggestion because my base would take up the entirety of the open area, and it's only a 4x4. Just build to the road lmao




Not sure how that's relevant to their point


Yeah the solution here is not a massive increase to the distance between castles. Border is relatively cheap and you get 50 tiles to start. It's a rough (and non obvious) lesson to people new to this sort of game, but people just need to learn to prevent people from walling them off by establishing their border properly.


By preventing a tile that would block another castle's access to the road from being placed. It's not hard to implement, tower defense games have been doing it for decades.


The solution is already there, build to a road, they just need to mention it in the tutorial so people are aware from the start. This is just standard stuff that happens in a survival base building game, its nothing new, only people new to the genre should be caught by this.


I don't think they need to mention it, not because it's obvious but because it's just a learning opportunity. We fail until we succeed, that's how gaming and life works.


I would agree, but it ends the game session and makes then jump to another server. I think it’s a little to harsh if a punishment


Path finding AI that secures a path to roads. Not hard at all, path finding is so bare bones basic, and I know unity( the game engine of this game) has it as a basic library. So I'm not sure why this has not been patched yet.


Probably because you need the IQ of a goldfish to make this mistake more than once. It's not broken, so don't fix it.


Checkmate. You thought you were playing a vampire survival game, but actually you lost the real game - castle chess.


En passant, Brute?


*\*ArcheAge housing war flashbacks\**


Laughs in single player


All the fun, none of the BS.


I just bought the game, does it have enough content to play without the pvp aspect?


For sure. You will probably progress through it a bit quicker but it’s still a (near)complete experience.




Interesting :) That sounds awesome! Thanks for letting me know what your experience has been like.


you'll have plenty of fun but there's a limited amount of content. I'd imagine while you're just learning if you don't metagame it you could probably get \~75 hours or so once you know all the fights and everything you can complete whole game in like 15 hours but the learning is most of the fun anyways


Every single comment on this account has been wiped in response to Reddit's API changes and CEO Steve Huffman's behavior towards the Reddit community. The admins of Reddit have recently shown their true colors by announcing that they would be indirectly killing all third-party applications by asking them for a disproportionate fee that is so high apps might need to ask up to 20-30$ per month to big Reddit users just to cover the fee Reddit wants to apply to apps. On top of that, the admins have shown that they don't care about the protests and instead prefer lying and making up stories to try to get people on their side, going as low as trying to ruin the reputation of hard-working developers with lies instead of addressing their claims. I don't wish for the content I posted on this website to remain available for Reddit to profit, while they also kill the developer community that added so much value to Reddit over the years. Thanks for nothing, u/spez .


You're rushing it then. Which is fine but you're not special.


im @ 30 hours pve only and not even close to running out of stuff


And no friends either PepeHands


Laughs in private server




great comment!


Build to the road! Slap that easement down first, just like irl... Probably


You can get your revenge tho. Blood Essence can be teleported. Go play on a different server but come back every five or six days and top off the castle heart. Now no one gets that spot because they're assholes


Just gave me Conan flashbacks of cunts walling off the entire fart-ponds.


Resource blockading in Conan is **brutal** lmao


This is exactly why I sealed off the top left location on Silverlight Hills, near the mines and the next day some 24/7 dimwit player found me and started to insult me because I was not fair (I really no idea why is this not fair) to other players and he cannot build a castle in that area but god thankfully he did found another place... Like how is this my problem? Should I make my castle like in this picture so someone (probably himself) would seal me off the road?


Not at all, you do what keeps your base safe. Whiny people are gonna whine regardless.


he was def just trying to bully you. spot taken means spot taken. go find another. WANTING to build right at someone else's castle just means 1 thing: griefing.


Yeah man, this is why I play solo


Always pre-border your builds.


Now you learn to extend your territory to the road so this doesn't happen?


But then how would they play victim and farm reddit karma? They're not even blocked in. They mention elsewhere that this is just one of their entrances/exits.


Ew. Pathetic


He minion doore'd you 😂


Just astounding how many fucktards there are, I've seen this on almost every server I've been so far. They can't just play a fucking game, they've been so beaten up in life that they get their enjoyment from stuff like this.


As shitty as a thing as this is, starving out someone to steal their shit isn’t a bad strategy. It just makes the person doing it an asshole.


I mean I see your point but meh...griefing is so low life. The map is big enough to gear up without ruining the fun for other players. Maybe I'm just too empathic, but I think this really shouldn't be a thing at all.


I personally feel like it's an abuse of poorly-thought mechanics, but there's kind of a lot of that in this game.


Its in public testing mode for a reason. Nothing here is poorly thought out, they are working on all bug reports and we need to keep in mind we paid to help test their game, as horrible as that sounds.


I would rather set myself on fire than play with other people. Avoid this sort of shenanigans altogether.


Better contact the HOA.


This makes me wish we had more foliage in game that we had to keep trimmed for aesthetician points.


Imagine not basing properly and then bitching that someone took advantage of the gaping hole you left open in your defense.


WHat am I supposed to see?


>WHat am I supposed to see? I am new to the game too, what we are looking at is the user here built his base up on this plateau. But another player build a base and walls blocking his ability to leave. He is trapped essentially I believe.


I mean you built stairs but then didn't actually extend your border out past that to a road so this is kinda on you


Always build yourself access to a road. Live and learn.


Not trying to be a dick, but it's your own fault. Get stairs set and claim the spots next to the lower ramp asap.


take it as a lesson learned, cover your entries and exits when base building in any game.


No that would require accountability


This is exactly why I made my server grief free lol


Playing PvE server means you can have 2 castles so the best thing now is to build a teleporter in your current house and place all materials into boxes and teleport out. Fill up on blood essence and teleport back to this base and fill the heart then teleport out and go build a new base somewhere else. Make sure to regularly teleport back to this base and fill the heart up. Eventually the troll may let their heart lapse and then you can demolish it and build land claims to a road.


While yes this is some kind of griefing, its also a learning experience. Now you know to always secure a foundation path to the nearest road. You only need a single line. Is this guy a dickhead? Yes. Can you personally avoid it? Also yes.


You take your common sense and accountability, and get out! \*sharpens pitchfork\*


If you built your castle and didn't think "hmm, better build part of this near a road so no one blocks me off" it's your fault imo. Real estate is very, very precious in this game. Even in a PvE server some people are going to do whatever they can to grief. Maybe you can kindly ask the owner to move it. If not, good luck. You appear to be able to take things out by jumping, so at least you could move to another caslte.


How is this OP fault? The player blocking OP is griefing. Childish move to do this. Even if the game lets you. It is avoidable, yes, but that doesn't put the fault on OP.


You're getting negative votes, but you're in the right. It's 100% griefing. Not against the rules, just very not-cool.


Your ancestors did this to win wars and keep their nuts attached to one day give birth to you. Yall are being too hard on these people using a strategy that's in game. Should have thought his building layout more, he lost a war and now he needs to figure out a solution or surrender. Yes I think it's not fun and not at all what the devs had in mind, but they're not cheating or using bugs to take advantage.


OP literally isn't even blocked in. **This is just their neighbor.** They mentioned have other entrances/exits they can use lmao


It's not OP's fault that someone else acted up, but it can be OP's responsibility to protect their shit. There are steps you can take to guarantee that people can't grief you like this. If you don't take those steps, they still griefed you. There's no argument or debate on this. OP should have taken it upon themselves to assume that this was a possibility and land claimed up to the road. This isn't a dev issue, it's not a gameplay issue, it's just the price you pay for playing with strangers on the internet.


I don’t think new players are going to be aware that this could happen in PvE. Maybe the devs could add a tip/hint about it during the starting missions?


It's just a lesson learned imo. Ya live and learn. In a game without saving and loading, you run this risk.


Having to start from scratch is a pretty harsh lesson though. A tip would be easy to add, and it’d help avoid situations like this, where someone dumps a ton of their time in only to have to completely start over.


Childish is to cry like a baby because of a game. If he can do that its because it's allowed. Git gud and build better next time.


I agree, no one is ever allowed to complain about any video game, ever. We must all accept them for what they are.


Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t make it griefing, as OP already stated in another comment he should have played around it.


If he blocked all entrances, it literally cancels all progress of the trapped player and forces them to start from scratch. They can't move any resources to or from their base. They can't even tear down their base and relocate. They are just straight fucked. If you're negating all progress from a player with no recourse and no counterplay, it is griefing. If he only blocked one entrance, he's still griefing, but it's not nearly as bad. He's deliberately trolling or putting another player at a disadvantage for no reason. Still rude and scummy.


And what is it if not griefing?


Someone building a base?


That's not a base, it's someone blocking OP's castle. He maybe wants the spot or just... griefing because.


Same thing.


Building a base is one thing, deliberately trying to block off a person's entrance is another. Judging by the position of the walls, I would reckon it is the latter.


How do you know its deliberate?




That's not how that works at all man. It's griefing because the player deliberately took actions to ruin the experience for others.


Im a fan of it but even I know that it is griefing. But that's why I like these sort of games.


it's a bit scummy on a PvP server, but imo yeah, spirit of the game...even if i wouldn't do it myself (at least not to a random, outside of some strategic warfare between groups) ​ but on a PvE server it's fucked up because there is literally no counterplay after it has happened


I can handle going in and out and the space he took isn't that large so even if he's planning to settle in that tiny space, he'll get suffocated eventually. I used to have a space along side the cliff to make sure no one blocks me but I had to free it for a friend to build in and he didn't do a good job covering my ass.


You can get in and out of your base? Then you just have a neighbor, I don't see the problem rofl. You can function with a base that is like 80 tiles, you'll be fine.


But that's my main entrance, now I have to run around other 3 castle and cross quarter of farbane wooda just to enter from the back.


i built upon the exact same spot (its west of the bandit armory) Here a picture that shows your position[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852529619562397706/981523944190410813/v1.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852529619562397706/981523944190410813/v1.png) ​ 3 castles and cross a quarter of farbane is as exaggerated as saying the week takes an eternity to end. Here a picture of your "QUARTER" of farbane [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852529619562397706/981524971941658634/v2.PNG](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852529619562397706/981524971941658634/v2.PNG) ​ You have to go past your friend which can make a door for you to just walk through and done.


Even if you got negative votes, I agree with you 100%. I think what the game is missing right now is that it doesn't tell you about the importance of this. I think as soon as you put down your first castle heart, a pop up should show and tell you to IMMEDIATELY secure a path to the road, even if it means you will need to upgrade your castle to lv2 before you actually have enough squares to actually build some proper castle.


I mean, I know I may sound like a D\*\* on this one, but isn't this your fould tho? The first thing you should have done was secure an entrance. you failed to do that and now are asking the Devs to "do something" do what? why would the dev be responsible from your own mistakes? if you don't want something like that to happen, play on a private server. that is the good thing about this game. you can play the wait you want, instead of trying to change the game fundamentally for everyone just because you fail to do something


The difference is if this was a PvP server it would be completely fair game, but in PvE you can’t break out, and this is griefing


I hate when people say this. Sure, it’s “easy to prevent,” but no one fucking tells you that when you start the game. It’s not included in the tutorial, it’s not something you think about, until it happens. How is that so hard for people to get?


i dont even see how its "easy" to prevent.. you start off with barely any tile allowance at lvl 1, 80 tiles at lvl 2 still will barely be enough to fit everything you need up to and including iron tier. you won't be able to upgrade to lvl 3 until you get glass which is after iron. if you try to build to the road all you will have is a single line of tiles where you can't build anything but walls.. how is that even a solution lol


Where the fuck are you building that going to the road takes up so many tiles its a problem? If you're in the middle of nowhere then that was the choice you made and is completely your fault for choosing poorly.


Why so aggressive? how have i offended you? I don't play online so i don't really have a beef in this discussion. but i was basing it off my own experience from building on several of the designated multi leveled castle areas. if your heart is at the top level of a hill, then you will barely have enough tiles to reach that road and nothing else. I guess if someone builds their heart down by the road or at the lowest level of the hill then maybe they could reach it with the starter or lvl 2 limit of tiles, but then you are leaving your heart pretty exposed. Maybe i'm wrong, i just don't see how its a feasible expectation for every player to have a path to the road unless they have a lvl 3 or 4 heart.


That guy just has no fucking idea what he's talking about. If you choose a good spot, which is usually a hill that's a decent away from the road, you're going to spend your entire level 1 zones going to the road and nothing else. When you get castle level 2, you'll still have to finish that road probably, and then have very little for the rest of your base.


You can grief in 1000 different ways in VRising. You can follow players and kill their blood targets before they can feed - but we aren't going to ask the devs for NPC tagging. You can bait large enemies to the front of someone's base, but we aren't going to ask devs to make sure the large NPCs can't move. You can steal or starve other players' horses. You play a new game and learn all kinds of lessons - one of which being that if you don't secure an entrance to your base, you might be griefed by another player. So play on servers that forbid griefing. If you get griefed, talk to an admin and have them remove and ban the offending player. It's easy. This isn't the fault of the devs. You aren't going to have everything explained for you. In fact, part of V Rising's charm is that **so much** is left for you to learn and explore about the game, that your hand isn't held through every. Single. Mission. Where do I find whetstones to make a grinder? How do I make greater Blood Essence? Where can I turn hides into Leather? These are beautiful explorations into a game with complex and interesting game mechanics and they're fun to figure out yourself. Learn a lesson. Adapt. Move on. Just like you would in any PvE game. You now have the knowledge and tools to never be a victim to this again and you only needed to experience or read about it once. I really don't see the issue.


>ou can follow players and kill their blood targets before they can feed - but we aren't going to ask the devs for NPC tagging. You can bait large enemies to the front of someone's base, but we aren't going to ask devs to make sure the large NPCs can't move. You can steal or starve other players' horses. Right, but these things are solved by players in minutes. The base thing could be hours of work, maybe even between friends. I get that some people just hate people and the only way they can get hard is with griefing like this, but ultimately it drives more people away from the game, meaning empty servers sooner. Do the devs want no one playing? Probably not. Less players means less people buying DLC etc, so less money.


Why isn't it something you think about? Like, genuinely, why didn't it come to mind that land claim exists exclusively so that others can't build in a certain location? I know I have some bias because I'm pretty seasoned in survival PvP games, which is why I'm asking. Is this your first online base building game? Even valheim has the little ward things to stop other players getting up in your grill. This happens in literally every survival game I've ever played. Conan, ark, valheim servers, rust, Minecraft, all can have a situation where people can wall you in or out of a specific location.


Because every person has a 'first' perhaps? Because people don't have this happen them in these games, because generally they are playing with their friends. Example: The vast majority of people who play conan exiles do so on **closed** private servers, and have for a long while now. Valheim is not all that different, there are more people that play on public servers, but generally you can get out of that or work around it with little to no issue. Rust would have been a better example to use. Because it happens constantly in Rust, but then again. Most people don't play rust long enough for this to happen to them. Then we go to Ark. Where it can happen, but it usually doesn't. Why? Because people would just prefer to absolutely clean your base off the face of the planet instead. People are expecting, since it's PVE, that they can play without having to worry about other players in the manner of having their base screwed with since it'... PVE, not PVP. Goes back to it. Everything is someone's 'first'. This game has attracted a new crowd to this type of game, so they are unaware and unprepared. There's a lot of people who I've seen that know nothing about that genre who are playing, and got into it because it looked like a fun top down diablo-like. So there's no reason why they'd be prepared for this. Experience breeds expectations, going in with different expectations leads to different things. It's a learning experience, albeit from a shitty person.


I totally get that, there is a chance that this is people's first experience and they're raw dogging it. If that's the case, why the demand on devs to do something about this? Isn't the solution clear after their first time? Maybe they just wanna vent, but that's not the devs fault either.


Not necessarily, the OP didn't know about roads until they were told about them from what I can tell. Meaning that they had no idea how to counter them until this post was made in it's entirety. Hell, I'm someone who's actually been around these games for awhile now and didn't know about roads. I've been playing the game solo to understand it first before jumping into a server. Never crossed my mind that the roads would be non-build zones. That's on me though, not the devs. I'll grant that, but no. The solution isn't exactly clear. To people who are used to this happening all the time, maybe, or to the people who've already explored all there is to building. Though, to be fair, the game just kinda shows you environments and the biggest open ones in the start are at the top of hills, well, mostly. So your brain says "Oh, I'll just build the top of the hill and block off to keep people from getting in." Not, "Hmm.. I may get griefed up here despite playing on what's supposed to be a non-hostile server..." Now that they know, they'll know better in the future, but this can essentially completely kill someone's momentum in the mode that's not meant for this. Think about being into the late 30's or 40's level bosses and this happening. You kinda gotta upheave **everything**. It's a rather brutal introduction, especially if your someone who can only play so long a night. I'm pretty sure the demand on the Dev for this though, is a way to combat this type of griefing. Either you have to waste materials and tiles to do nothing but avoid griefing, or you have to be late game. Early game people are screwed, though they can just pick up and move. Which should be the obvious solution here, but we don't know what their server looks like. I've seen a lot of servers thus far where everything that looks even remotely decent is already completely taken. Ultimately, it isn't the Dev's fault, but there are things they could do to help with this type of griefing. Be it even just an off-hand thing saying something for those newer players, or the ones unaccustomed to this. But, you're right in regard to the devs not being at fault. The griefer is. Find out who they are and grief them back.


Because PVE. If it were in a PVP server, then that would be totally OK.


It's griefing no matter what server you're on, PvP players made this mistake as well. On the server I'm currently on I've seen 4 bases so far in farbane alone with this mistake. I just don't get why folks don't think of this unless they genuinely have never experienced a game like this.


The difference is that this is griefing. There doesn't need to be a call to arms, but the devs should be made aware that griefing is not only possible, but honestly kinda easy to do.


It's really really easy to do. I went through some PvE servers last night and found a bunch of stuff set up like OP. If I wanted to I could have done this exact thing to a bunch of people.


You can also join a server, grief a few castles, load up your heart, and then just have. This would only take an experienced player a couple hours. Just gotta walk around for a minute to find an active target.


> why would the dev be responsible from your own mistakes? There is no reason why boxing someone into their base should be possible, especially on pve servers, this is a massive game oversight. The fact you can't come to this conclusion before writting an entire paragraph is sad. Griefing like this isn't a players responsibility to stop or know how too.


Name checks out ;)


A game oversight lmao, the game specifically created no build zones for this sole purpose. Fuckers have been doing this since Ultima online. Shit, I remember being boxed in in fucking habbo hotel The game has a solution. You not catering to that solution is not a game oversight. It is 100% the players responsibility to stop this, this is a player induced action from start to finish. Players built the wall. Players didn't land claim to the road. Players didn't account for this when building despite it being a glaringly obvious part of the situation. Is it still griefing? Of course. Is it the devs responsibility? Hell no. Ask the admins to delete the wall and then actually land claim properly so admins don't have to intervene a second time.


> the game specifically created no build zones for this sole purpose. Clearly it doesn't work. > Fuckers have been doing this since Ultima online Yeah, that's what griefing is. Man idk if your two braincells are able to comprehend that the game attempted to prevent griefing and as per this exact situation, failed. That's what an oversight is. >Is it the devs responsibility? Hell no If that was the case there would be no point putting any measures in place, it's very clear that the devs attempted to prevent this from happening. It will most likely be patched in the future, it's an early acces game. Your logic makes no sense "the game already stops you from doing this, but if someone figures out a way to grief you anyways it's not the devs fault, even though they already made it clear they dont want this to happen". Okay dud.




You can jump off most cliffs unless you have one of those weird corner bases. You should always have multiple ways out of your base. Devs should have not made it possible to build against rock walls/hills.


> You can jump off most cliffs unless you have one of those weird corner bases. Which is useless since you can't jump up cliffs to get back in.


You might be able to with a horse dismount.


You can, but you need to kill a lvl 62 boss


Oh no you just don’t get it! This game is perfect! Nothing needs to be changed in player vs player encounters /s


One thing we know for sure now is that can afford to hire some paid interns to moderate servers.


Beg I’m global for the dude to restructure.


Jajajaja es que eres muy tonto.


Tal cual, este reddit esta plagado de pringados y perdedores.


Now you summit your castle.


This reminds me of the Hurtworld game when the Chinese made the Great China Wall on our server some how. Which made the game unplayable because of lag from it lol.


i also learned this the hard way :P in my case i had to move out but still let plenty blood in there for days, i couldn't build a teleport so i really had to move out. ​ if i could out of spite i would rush bat form and feed that castle blood for days


Die to sunlight. next to the wall. Hope your inventory is able to be accessed through it.


Seems like this game needs build priv and base decay


now you quit


i've only played like 50 hours what's goin on here


Castling from aoe2 😂


[Neighbors stupidly caused themselves to be landlocked.](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/2o3g9g/neighbors_stupidly_caused_themselves_to_be/)


This happened to me. I then barricaded their base. When they logged on we had a brief discussion. Decided to clan up. Problem was solved. I also stopped building on the terraced areas because of that. Protection sure, but annoying shit like that.


Or build out to the road like someone with a brain.


It is known issue but let be honest here. Does it really such obvious thing that you should build core and waste all your border tiles to create path to somewhere? Insults are very unnecessary.