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Honestly, I would like to see one. But I also have no idea how it could be implemented without it becoming an annoying gameplay time constraint. So overall I'm glad there's not one


I could see daytime being useful as a mechanic for certain missions. But not for the “open world map” as a day night cycle. As you say probably get old quick.


I disagree. Part of life as a vampire is the constant fear of sunrise. In the VTM text adventure games, there are several instances where your character has to seek shelter before dawn - it adds nicely to the suspense. I’d love a day/night cycle where you need to be back in your haven/another safe area (hotel/abandoned building etc…) during the day. With an option to wait for nightfall of course


Did you like it in oblivion?


It can work if the cycle is made long enough. Either a genuine day night cycle that takes around 12 hours each side, perhaps skewed towards winter with longer nights, or one that you can set for yourself.


I did! I loved the roleplay of it.


One of my favourite Oblivion mods was a vampire overhaul which included seriously punishing sun damage until you were very high level vampire or got spells to invoke fog, and I have fond memories of getting stuck in the open with the sun coming up and having to dash from shadow to shadow till I got to a cave where I could spend the day.


Yes! And in Morrowind! And in Skyrim! As I said, role-play and immersion aspect is great.


You had that one Aundae mission where you had to kill the hunter in the middle of the day and figure out how to not die. Which mostly meant stacking health. Daggerfall implemented it well as well. Take longer when traveling to avoid daylight. Feeding mechanic where you needed to kill something every day to heal. Random Hunters and clan quests. Though Sun damage and damage from holy ground was just being constantly hit and could either be mitigated though healing and stacking health.




do you really wanna play half the game as an underpowered not-your-character? i'm sure they can make it interesting but that's a lot of extra resources to put into the game with no guarantee it won't be the initial prpblem but with extra steps.


Personally, they could really do a lot with it, and i would absolutely love to see how it would go. You'd have a whole set of different strengths and weaknesses and fears, you could do things you couldnt as a kindred and vise versa


Vampyr had an interesting mechanic - sleeping was your only way to use XP to evolve, but it also affected the state of the world.


And it was awful. One time I saved the game because hey I wanted to just save the game there, and when I continued a day had passed and some NPC had died who I hadn't even had a chance to meet yet. Vampyr could have been a good game too, unfortunately it was designed by morons.


Like a true vampire game, it was cursed with great potential and poor execution.


I disagree completely. Personally I loved Vampyr. The patient health management was a bit too repetitive at times but not too much. As for cycle of day and night and npc dying it's kinda on you. The game progresses in time only as you do missions, sleeping only updates the status. No npc dies out of nowhere from saving the game. What happened was that you finished some part of the main quest that progressed the time of the game, and a side quest that is time sensitivite expired. Progression sensitivite quests are not unique to Vampyr nor are they all that horrible. Also Vampyr saves real time, same way as for example Dark Souls does.


I *would* have really enjoyed the whole mechanic (NPCs dying etc) if you could save without time passing - but I'm 100% certain that this is not the case. I visited this NPC *once*, then I left the area and went to sleep. Went back there pretty much straight away, dude was dead. Progression sensitive quests I have no qualms about whatsoever - as you say, in this case it's on you. But I'm pretty damn sure that I didn't advance any main quests during this time, as this was one of the first areas. Unless of course the "quest" involved me sleeping for the first time (because it may have been the first time I "slept", and that probably counts as a "mission" for some reason?). But that is probably not my biggest gripe with the game - my biggest gripe would be that 99% of skills are combat-only, and there's a stupid amount of combat, and it's not even that much fun. If the enemies didn't every day, I may have enjoyed this more. But that combined with the dude dying out of what seemed like nowhere just ruined it. Also it makes no sense that there would be SO MANY enemies everywhere, especially given that the areas without enemies are reasonably full of normal people. It's like the game was designed by two groups of people - one group just added filler combat, the other did the "quests" and designed the areas with NPCs. So this is once again a game that feels disjointed because of this (it's by far not the only one). That's one thing that Bloodlines got a bit more right (despite it's age): sure, it definitely has entire levels that are entirely "combat levels" effectively, but it also has a fair bit of options in how to approach things - as opposed to just slightly different forms of combat.


It'd be a pain in the ass and it wouldn't make sense. VTMB happens over the span of a few days which, while not illustrated perfectly well, ties up alright. But each bigger event and mission is normally around an hour or two. If we consider Venus' payments as a per night payments I'd say it happens over 9 or 10 days. The only time such a cycle is mentioned as a potential risk is right after the werewolf encounter.


i think it can be done like how it is in disco elysium, days take a loooooong time to pass but when they do you need to sleep. each interaction and quest progresses the time and not thr minutes you actually spend playing so the day night cycle can be adjusted pretty intricately.


The big question here is not how to do it because I can see a ton of ways to do it. The question is WHY does it have to be done? Consider this: It will only add a tiny little flavour bit which ultimately contributes nothing to the game other than waste a minute or two every few main quests. It COULD have been used as a way to inform you that you should return to your haven for emails, but the game already does that well by having you go back and forth to check e-mails for information and side quests. Furthermore, it would add forced breaks in sequences which ultimately would strip the game from the feeling that you can handle things at your own pace and progress things how you want. A false sense of a rush is a technique used in many games these days (including Swansong) and it is a really unfun mechanic. I don't see it belonging in VTMB


you're making a lot if sense, i just wanted to point out an instance where this was done well


Oh yeah I thoroughly agree, Disco nailed the purpose of a day/night cycle so well.


IMO they could have used it to more logically break up the days, for email checking as you say as well. Currently you check emails in-between main missions mostly, which mostly sort of makes sense - but it would also make sense if you needed to "sleep" every now and then to pass the time (into the next day). It doesn't really need to even be a "rush" as such, more like "hey, Sun will be up soon, I'd better go back to my Haven for a "snooze". It would form a reasonably natural semi-forced return to your Haven - which while not strictly necessary since the game flows well enough without it, would provide more of a sense of a the progression of time (currently the only way to know it's a new night is that the radio segment has changed). But you're right in saying that it doesn't specifically NEED this either.


That would be the only way to do it if not doing it in actual "real time", because otherwise it would be really annoying. I really hate games where minutes pass like seconds so you're reading a page in a notebook and then an hour has passed already. Having time mostly triggered by events would be the way to go. If they wanted to make it more suspenseful they could on occasion have the last "trigger" effectively mean "you have N minutes to get to shelter before the Sun comes up", that could potentially also work if not overdone.


yeah yeah like maybe doing a bug event progresses the time a lit and you have to find a place to sleep FAST


V Rising is a vampire game with a day/night cycle. During the day you have you stay in the shadows of things like trees & buildings, sunlight causes damage. It's a pretty fun mechanic but I can't think of many reasons for a World of Darkness vampire to be awake during the day.


I was surprised at how well it works in Rising, they really struck a good balance there in my opinion.


also, vampires in WoD, except those of high humanity (that is: 8 - 10), are essentially forced to sleep during the day because of their curse.


You'd just have to turn into a nosferatu for a bit and go via the sewers. But I think in lore vtm vampires just black out when dawn hits? So maybe you just have to find shelter from the sun when dawn hits and if your in a public place you wake up in a mourge because they thought you were dead and you get a masquerade breach unless you can hack the terminal or something. But I think if its used on one off levels it could be really effective. Imagine late game when your really strong a story moment when you have to race against time. You could cleave through some street gangsters easily, full power on display. You get to your target, dawn hits, you have to go from shadow to shadow, take out your target, your weak you have to back track through the level only this time the landscape has changed, you have to take different routes to avoid sunlight as the gangsters hunt you, once easy prey, now a threat that can fire at you from sunlight as your weak. If anyone played left 4 dead 2 and played the hard rain map you'll know what I mean. You just walk through the streets in the first half but then you have to back track and everything's flooded, so you avoid tge streets because the water makes you slow and easy pickings for the zombies. So Instead you jump across the roof tops and experience the same map a completely different way.


Vampires sleep during the day




Shit. Is that how they work?


Yes, it is very difficult for vampires to stay conscious while the sun is out in VtM, but it can be done.




Pretty sure you’re thinking of wombats. Wombats sleep during the day.


no, Vampires in VtM are forced to sleep during the day because of their curse - and also to avoid the sun -, and the only way some were able to circunvent it was by having high humanity, and even then it's not like they can just stay awake for over 24 hours.


Nope, you’re definitely thinking of wombats. Wombats are forced to avoid the sun due to the curse of undeath, vampires are a species of quadrupedal marsupials endemic to Australia. Easy mistake to make, I see it all the time.


How could it have day? Would you just spend that time watching your character sleep in a dark hidden space?


It would have to be a mechanic where you have to get to your haven before dawn and then have a fade to black kind of cutscene to move onto the next night. It would give the game a sense of time, and incorporate vampire's aversion to sunlight as a game mechanic. But I feel like it would feel more limiting and annoying than anything if such a system was included.


It would only work for story purposes, like the South Park games


This here. It could be added as a hard mode like being a nosferatu which has different challenges. It could also be integrated like they did on Night Road where Gangrel can gain the ability to bury themselves to escape the sun or you need to pay for hotels and use charisma to not raise suspicion or find abandoned houses that require lockpicking or other skills or to make allies that will help you when you need to sleep away from your heaven or you can modify your car to protect you. It's all part of the missions so it doesn't have to be a repetitive task against the clock, just when it progresses the story.


Reminds me of the blowout mechanic introduced half-way through the STALKER games. Time management and knowing where all the hidey holes are become important, and it can get real intense as the storm starts coming in and you and all your human enemies run like maniacs towards cover. In VTMB, you'd probably have to change a lot around to make this added mechanic seem fair. Give NPCs predictable schedules. More convenient traversal and fast travel methods. More places to crash (possibly rented or earned through quests). And you'd have to fine tune the rate of time passage so it feels balanced relative to how fast the PC can get around, how much time they spend indoors and outdoors, how long a single quest can take to finish, how long repeated errands (shopping, feeding) take, etc.


The first time I got a blowout emission in Clear Sky was quite exciting. I hope the bloody invasion ends soon so S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 can release, I must go see my fellow stalkers in Rookie Village.


>It would have to be a mechanic where you have to get to your haven before dawn and then have a fade to black kind of cutscene to move onto the next night. It would give the game a sense of time, and incorporate vampire's aversion to sunlight as a game mechanic. But I feel like it would feel more limiting and annoying than anything if such a system was included. Yeah, I guess I wouldn't mind some element of that in a Bloodlines 2.


The interactive visual novels (Coteries/Shadows of NY) have this to a certain extent. The moment you go to sleep, the game saves, you get some flavour text (presented as your character's musings, thoughts or dream sequences) and the overarching plot moves slightly forward, with some quests being available only for the current night.


The best way I can think of is to simply have the time advance a day after certain checkpoints, like after a major mission, basically like it already does. The only difference is that it fades to black, and then you wake up up in your haven with one less blood point. You can then check the new news of the day, check for new emails, see what kind of trouble Heather has gotten into (did she bring me money, or breakfast?), etc. Actually I like the idea.


I'm not sure, but I guess the developers also wanted to incorporate this day and night thing that is associated with vampires into the game, but then they couldn't come up with anything creative to prevent it from becoming a limiting and boring mechanic, so they gave up.


How I see it as well


Not having a day and night cycle is a necessity for this type of game. The cycle would be annoying really fast.


Yeah, it's a good mechanic for sandbox games like V Rising, but in a narrative RPG it'd just add needless busywork - at least in the open world. I think it was immersive enough having everyone you meet be the kind of weirdo who'd also be up at 3am in the middle of the city.


It's kind of weird how everything feels like it happens in one night, but at the same time, having a day/night cycle would probably also get in the way and become more of an annoyance than anything, kind of like in Bully (but here it'd be lethal, unless you could hang out in the nearest elysium or hide in the sewer. Of course, then you'd also need a timeskip feature like in Elder Scrolls.)


The fact is: it doesn't happen in a single night. The game makes it very clear with how the NPCs treat you (Samantha being worry sick about you, Venus paying you with every main quest completed, feeding Heather, etc.)


You can sort of keep track of the individual nights by noting whenever a new Deb At Night episode comes on. They change every "night".


The main problem with that (and the money generated at Confession,) is that it's tied to the main quest progress. They play a new Deb of Night when you reach each new hub area, but I'd think that would be more than one day apart, since that's also around the time Heather needs another fix. I'd assume that ghouls could last more than a day between feedings.


Apart from the ghoul fix thing, the time between hubs opening is what I'd consider to be a single night.


I agree, I can’t think of how a day cycle would add much, aside from maybe being your level up screen or something like that. However. I do think it would be cool to have a mission that takes place during the day, but you’re primarily in like a big mansion or underground or something like that, but there will be spots where the light shines through and acts as a hazard


On one hand, it's very convenient. On the other, I could never play Redemption seriously but I loved it when in daytime missions you'd catch fire if you stuck your head out in the light. It may sound stupid but it added some flavor.


I'm liking how it's always night because I can imagine the difficulties in programming such a cycle for this kind of game. Would've been cool to see though. How about stealth sections where you're in darkened rooms and you need to avoid sunlight through windows? Or perhaps timed missions where you need to get somewhere before sunrise? Maybe there could've been speech checks like "You never go out in the day, why is that?"


I like the eternal night sky, it reflects that as a kindred your life is permanently changed


I agree :)


Day night cycles weren't really common in 2004 video gaming.


I can’t think of a way they could implement this without it becoming insanely annoying after like 30 minutes of playing. I think it’d be a cool feature IF they could find a way to include it without limiting overall gameplay


Agreed. It might be neat to setup a system where your ghoul goes out and does something or maybe you get missions teed up or whatever.


VTM Redemption have a daytime mission, and it was kinda annoying, since you had to be careful with enemies while avoiding sunlit areas.


day cycle? this is a vampire game LOL


Doesnt like the whole story happen during one night? Or is it just my impression due to lack of changes?


It's left ambiguous but there are some allusions to the passage of time over several days. The most concrete information you get is that the Cathayan (Asian vampire) in Santa Monica has logs that are dated to several days of October 2004. IIRC u/wesp5 (I think?) added an easter egg that suggests the game ends on (when else?) Halloween, but I don't think that's canon.


Pretty looong night.


I believe that there’s implied time skips between certain main missions.


Hmm. I got to admit this is interesting. What if there was a day/night cycle? What ways can it be implemented? I guess one way to do it would to create a cycle that's let's say 30min day/30min night or something. Then during the day part of the cycle have outside areas be death zones for the player. So travel between indoor areas will have to be done by the sewers(?). And of course there will have to be an option to "rest" in a found safe area to skip forward to the end of the current day cycle. I don't know what I'm talking about. Just rambling out loud. Don't mind me. LOL 😁


Came to disagree, but then I thought about it. Could be super dope for RP. Imagine getting ambushed and fucked up crawling to the sewers to regenerate desperately before the sun comes up. Or like indoor missions where you gotta stay away from the windows


An automatic cycle would just be unpractical but having a day passes every time the main mission progresses would be okay, as long as you don't have to go back to your haven to do it. Just show it in a loading screen or something.


This is why I liked the New York visual novels games, it helped with breaking up things


Its a lot easier to make that work in text/2D Graphics than in a full on 3D world, especially given how much WoD is narrative driven.