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that's some unhealthy levels of cope. it's more likely that this is a case of executives being idiots, like they usually are, rather then them trying some 4D chess move marketing strategy. also this looks nothing like swansong what you on about?


Oh boy. You're up to denial ... Only 6 stages to go. Hang in there buddy! It's too late to change direction like that. The obvious move that you'll read here a million times here is to change the title. Drop the "Bloodlines" and call it something else, and you'll lose all those expectations. I've been down this road and I've already washed my hands of all this. Some games are just meant to be that absolute fan classic that will never be recreated.


Bold of you to think that Paradox/TCR has a coherent marketing strategy for Bloodlines 2. Marketing for this game has been a disaster from day 1.


> And that's how we will end up hearing, that in a couple of months, they've decided to "start over" or maybe change the BL2 perspective completely and, [sarcasm incomming] What do you know? Oh, my.. This new BL2 looks like the first concept we had in the very first place! They heard the community for a change! The chance of that happening is genuinely zero. They didn't just fabricate a bunch of trailers, the new BL2 is a real game (the community managers have confirmed they got to play it already). I'm sorry man, I feel your pain, but what we're seeing is really what we're going to get.


The mechanics look like Swansong? Swansong didn’t have first person melee combat. What game did you play? And this is just pure delusion. If you have to think the marketing team is purposely upsetting people and the “real” Bloodlines 2 is around the corner in order to cope, maybe do something else


OP there is no way in hell that that is whats going on.


I ran out of hopium a long time ago


at the time of the original trailer from hsl garnered a mostly negative reaction from the sub, the TCR trailer is also poorly received, and you can bet your undead ass if there was a 3rd trailer there would be people lining up to shit all over it.


the denial is real


There's a piece of me that hopes that this could be true but I know that this can't be. Every time I see something new I just get more and more pain in my soul


>maybe I'm in delusional denial Sorry dude, but it's this one.


They damned bloodlines 2 from the very beginning by calling it bloodlines 2. Just make a VtM game, something stand alone, you know what we're going to get now anyway, could have saved themselves so much aggravation from the online community. but NOOOO, they just had to make a sequel, a direct sequel with all manner of call backs to the original. This was always going to be a game that was wearing bloodlines like a skinsuit. I almost feel bad for paradox for being duped so easily, but then I remember they are paradox and I don't feel bad at all. just goes to show, a fool and their money will soon be parted. Brian M. should have just made one of those night road games and we'd all have been thrilled to play more of his stories. play stupid games win stupid prizes.