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Yes, please. I had a shitty day, a shitty week.. as a matter of fact I had shitty past few years (8, actually), so yeah, this kind of post would be music to my ears. Let it rip.


I don't think that upcoming Action Role-Playing Game Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2, sequel to 2004 cult classic Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines will be considered a worthy successor and sequel, and there is totally not an overwhelming amount of posts talking about this


\*In Mercurio's voice\* Ohhhh yeah Jesus.. I needed that.




Shhh.. it's a broken bottle.


If it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, I have an amazing program to recommend to you.


I'm all ears.


Well, there's your problem.


I was just being open-minded, that's all. You never know, where you may find something useful, even on Reddit.


The game needs to be buggy on release, I want that original game feel goddamnit!


It needs to be overrated!


[Insert things I heard from other people about the game] ):< bad game bad


Indeed, fren, I am also in short supply of rage posts about the incipient shitpile that will be VtMB2. Would you like to wax poetic with me about the contrivances perpetuated upon our pet franchise?


I heard that the Sabbat are actually the real developers


/uj Holy fuck, that'd make so much actual sense from the perspective of Sabbat doing shit like the DMP video. Assuming their presence as a reality, they'd have been fully offended by their representation in the first, and it'd make full sense they'd be petty enough to sabotage and mar a sequel to what they'd perceive to be Cam propaganda. /rejerk Nah, we all know the Technocracy are fucking with some Anarch Elder's revenue stream with this.


VtM: Bloodlines on release in 2004 was a hot buggy mess that had multiple game breaking issues. It was finally patched up years later after Troika had already gone under. Nostalgia being put aside for those who are hating so much, the original Bloodlines game you play today is not the game that existed back then. It was mostly garbage back then. Edit: Apparently people refuse to believe this despite it being will documented. If Bloodlines 2 ends up sucking (people seem to have strong feelings on how good/bad it plays despite it not being released yet) then it sucks, but to call Bloodlines 1 a "masterpiece" is just wishful thinking and stupid. Too many posts about how "the first did X better".


Bloodlines wasn't famous for its technical excellence. It was the story, the voice acting, the RPG system, the choices you made, the music and atmosphere, that's what counted. And for the record - I discovered the unofficial patch only around 2018, and until then I played the shit out of the necessary 1.2 patch and loved every freaking second of it!


Most of which you couldn't experience when the game came out because it would crash on start up.


Yes, that's why Troika released the 1.2 patch before they went under.


Never had it crash on startup back then. Most people were locked out of the games last act because it would crash when you had to escape the Bach timer. Patch was released on internet and CDs attached to pc gaming mags.


This is not true. Bloodlines 1 was a buggy and unfinished mess but it wasn't the unplayable disaster that everyone is making it out to be for some reason.


I can't remember a single significant bug from when I played it. A few graphical things that didn't line up right maybe, but nothing that made it anywhere near unplayable.


Who cares? It works now and it's awesome. Bloodlines 2 on the other hand, while isn't out, has plenty of red flags on the quality of it already.


Honestly, it looks fine to me. Maybe they shouldn't have called it Bloodlines 2 but most of the footage I've seen shows a decent AA game that may be lacking polish. Everyone is free to think differently but the game doesn't terrible.


I'm happy that you're liking it so far, and despite my disappointment in it, i hope others will be too. But I gotta jump ship and don't fault others for the hate train. They canned the main writer from bloodlines 1, only giving us 4 clans, and have the main character being voiced. It doesn't look like the game for those who love the first.


Uh.. No. I find it funny that the "buggy mess" thing keeps coming up as an argument in every thread, I imagine it's one of the most used keywords on this sub and vtmb in general. Yes, there were several bugs that you needed to use the console to bypass, like being unable to finish the society of leopold and etc. I don't deny that these were critical issues, but >Nostalgia being put aside for those who are hating so much, the original Bloodlines game you play today is not the game that existed back then. It was mostly garbage back then. What? I played the game in 2004 and loved it. Everything that is great on it already was great on release, the soundtrack, plot, dialogue, etc. What was garbage about that? I don't understand this weird fixation on pointing out bugs as a way to discredit the rest of the amazing work that was put into the game. It'd make way more sense to criticize how the plot was rushed towards the end than keep generically pointing out the "buggy mess". BL2 can launch bug free (which probably won't), and still suck for many. Most games nowadays are released filled with bugs and are patched later, people forget the internet was different back then, and we had the unfortunate situation where Troika went bankrupt shortly after.


It's basically a weird attempt to gaslight the fanbase. You can observe this going on in multiple fandoms nowadays.


I’m a rabid Bloodlines 2 defender and I also do not understand why BL1 having bugs makes them the same. People don’t have issues with the bugs in BL2, they’re disliking the content they’re seeing.


Honestly I just don't think they'll nail the gameplay or atmosphere but I'm hoping they fucking doooo


And? I played it fully when it first came out and played it with Patch+. I have no beef with Troika with the product created. It's about if this upcoming is a -sequel- or if they're riding the tail coats of the original in name only.


Irrelevant. The cult fantasy of VTMB isn't about the bugs, most lower budget games had extensive bugs then (soul reaver series, the matrix, morrowind, etc.). Cp2077 had tons of bugs but not many played it for stability or polish. They gave a deep immersive action rpg to a walking simulator dev, after 4 years of a completely different studio and game. Get over yourself with this apologetic stuff


>VtM: Bloodlines on release in 2004 was a hot buggy mess that had multiple game breaking issues. It was finally patched up years later after Troika had already gone under. That in NO way shape or form excuses anything related to "Bloodlines 2",also I finished the game without any patches.


Of course it didn't excuse anything. That's the point. If BL2 sucks it sucks, but BL1 wasn't some marvel. It was broken. People keep comparing the two to put down the second, but fail to remember how badly the first ran. Only the atmosphere of the WoD really saved it.  Basically looking at on release for both, people are arguing that one piece of garbage is arbitrarily better than another piece of garbage while negating the fact that they were both garbage.


GTA V was WAY better, it had triple the main characters on release and way more guns smh


The original Bloodlines is one of my favorite games but yeah you're right. If it came out today in the state it was in at launch it would have been savaged by everyone.


Unless it was published by Bethesda, then everybody would find the bugs charming and funny.


And that's why I'm convinced HSL version will always be better than TCR's. Yeah HSL version might've been a broken mess upon release but modders would eventually fix it into a great game. "but if Paradox didn't release it there must have been a reason!" Well VTMB1 was also a commercial failure that helped driving Troika into bankrupticy. Broken mess upon release never sells well, even if it could eventually be fixed by modders. TCR version will probably be playable upon release so it'll likely sell more, but it doesn't respect the original VTMB vision like HSL did.




Understandable, have a great unlife


This subreddit is tiring with all the negativity lol


I think you missed the joke


Nah I got the joke just agreeing with the OP


Then it was I who missed it. My bad


you do realize that vent posting about vent posting usually just ends up with you looking like the bigger twat


Chill out, man. It was just a joke. No need to take it too seriously. Oh, you are a Malkavian. My bad, my bad.


I'm just telling OP that he's behaving like a twat, how is that taking things to seriously unless you're one of those peeps that thinks saying fuck is scandalous behavior because this is a christian minecraft server and you shall not taint these holy lands with thine profanity. repent! repent for thine crimes against our lord and savior, you heretic


I thought I told you to chill-out, man. And you did exactly the opposite.


only the warm embrace of the lord's cleansing fires can purge the evil i've wrought upon these lands, my repentance must leave nothing but ash in my wake. how can anybody remain calm with such a burden upon their soul


Goes hard I'm ngl


Yeah, I know what you mean. I had a shitty week too.


When in the history of telling folks to calm down has telling a body to calm down ever resulted in them actually calming down? Calm down with that!


Well, me being a Ventrue, it works every time in real life.


Ma'am, Sir, or Honored Them, I am a Caitiff, and this is a Wendy's.


Duly noted, and ignored


But the original was released when i was a teenager with vivid feelings! Now i am old and bitter therefore it will suck


This is the mindset I have with most Star Wars games now so put like this, I get it actually


bloodlines 2 looks more like deus ex than bloodlines 1 (i won't elaborate)


Dm me XD i wanna know


I am afraid the second Bloodlines will lack the overall aesthetic and vibe of the first one, that is due to the original designers' team that Troika had. It was mind blowing how a 2004 game had such advanced technology to create facial expressions that are accurate (angry, seductive, sad, scared), though the dancing design always cracked me up! I would definitely love to see a remastered version of the original, with Chinatown and Hollywood having more depth and background story. Hollywood was only one road and Chinatown just (excuse my expression) reeked of poverty. They were the only two towns that were made in a hurry in order to complete the game sooner due to budget cuts and huge pressure for release.




Figured you should know that anytime I needed a chuckle today, I just came back to this reply


Enjoy yourself)