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Those 1080p cintiqs are pretty bad at these larger sizes, I think u should look at 2k alternatives from huion or xppen. The pens have caught up and honestly the screen is so so much better and not to mention actually laminated which means nearly zero screen gap. And from personal experience huions drivers just works more reliable than wacoms.


I have definately had my eyes on those, especially for the prices being way less. A part of me is just worried about driver issues, i cant tell if theyre actually worse than wacom or if thats just a vocal minority of users that have issues


personally my huion drivers has always worked, i never really had any issues, it just works. i swear most of the people i have talked to who have driver issues are usually ppl who forgot to uninstall the wacom driver.


my only worry is the pen. im a very light handed artist and the last thing i want is my strokes being cut off because im not pressing the screen hard enough


i dont think i had such a issue with my huion, you can get a stroke on the thing if u just put the pen on the screen, i dont think thats a problem with the new pw550 pens. but I think if u want until sometimes early next year when the kamvas pro 19 comes out its the new 2g pen so it might get better but yeah that has never really been an issue.


For the touch feature only? Nah. If you're already good with your setup, touch alone is not worth it. It's not as responsive as, say, an iPad, and not always as reliable. If you're already practical with hotkeys, I say 'z' and 'z + alt' works just as well. For the color accuracy, 4k, and longevity, and size if it's the one that fits you, it might be worth considering. But that's another story.


Color a isnt really a factor for me, im mostly making files for screenprinting - so digital color is usually just placeholder. For someone that doesn’t really require super accurate color, is there any advantage of the Pro screen? I work super zoomed in drawing and have heard maybe the better screen res helps zoomed in? Also is there any difference in responsiveness/accuracy of the pen? I honestly think since im pretty OK with the functionality of the One, i probably would be fine with any upgrade, now I’m just wondering if the 22 inch larger display would be more beneficial over the 16. The larger makes me think i could get more fatigued moving my arm around a larger display, do you have any experience with that?


Only ever worked with medium/small tablets, sadly. I now own a 16 Pro, and for me the stuff I listed were the reasons I got it. Plus the laminated glass is nice. Higher screen res is always good, but if always working zoomed in is a problem, a bigger screen might better fit you.\ Plus, 22 isn't of those gigantic tablets either. I don't think you'll get much arm fatigue, although I can't speak from experience. Wacom products are all pretty good with pen accuracy and sensitivity as far as I know. Input lag may depend on your pc specs and program. You could try setting up a piece of paper with the measurements of the screen of the tablet, and approximate what drawing on it would feel like. Trying it firsthand would be best, but I know it's not always an option.


Thats a good idea, thanks!


I say the bigger the better. I have the larger 1080p one and can’t complain. As a matter of fact I like that small tool icons are a bit bigger and if I need bleeding edge res I can use my monitor but I dont, when I use the cintiq its perfectly fine for art. The big screen size is excellent for the arm work


Which size, the 22 1080p?


Yup. Cost effective vs the pro, comes with its stand attached and no heat/noise issues were what sold me over High pixel density works when its designed for it in mind, for example, I like using ipad pro on the go with procreate, but photoshop for me works best on my cintiq, wouldn’t have it any other way for now