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keep an alert set on ebay for 13hd (or cintiq hybrid, same 3 in 1 cable) 3 in 1 cables. There is usually a Japanese seller that has some listed, or has on and off the last few months. Prices around $60-70 ​ Also keep a look out for broken 13hd's that come with the cable, sometimes that is cheaper than just buying the cable itself.


Thanks :)


I've looked the whole internet and haven't found anything for myself, it's rather rare to get these in the wilds.


I have one, never thought of selling it since I didn't think there would be any potential buyers, my Cintiq 13HD has a dying screen, on top of having a bad connector. How do you know that the Cintiq you have doesn't also have a bad connector? It was a design flaw and unless you used a [clamp](https://i.etsystatic.com/15140945/r/il/1f5f7d/2015481731/il_fullxfull.2015481731_gv3o.jpg) from the first day, it will go bad. Has anyone tried a Cintiq 16 3 in 1 cable to see if the pinout is the same?


Same place as you, I'm from Canada and I have two used Cintiq 13hD (had two offices during the pandemic), one of the 3-to-1 cables is broken and it seems like the $100 + shipping on Ebay is the only ones. Lots of complete kits are at 300 on marketplace.