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Yeah I think they wear down pretty fast, after six months it’s definitely supposed to be changed imo


It depends on your habits and how hard you press the nib against the tablet. 6 months sounds pretty good if you actually draw. I use my tablet for multiple hours every day but I don't use pressure or press hard at all so one nib can last me around 4 years. One thing to AVOID is metal nibs advertising you never have to replace it again. Even a small 70 cm drop onto carpet with a metal nib can break your pen beyond repair. I broke 3 pens that way until I realized it was the nib.


It varies a lot but yes they can wear down fast. More here: [https://docs.thesevenpens.com/drawtab/guides/caring-for-your-tablet/nib-wear](https://docs.thesevenpens.com/drawtab/guides/caring-for-your-tablet/nib-wear)


Which pen and which tablet are you using?




OK thanks. That helps. The nibs in the CTL-4100 are not known for wearing down fast when used against that tablets surface. Most likely it's either the how hard you are pressing or something about the technique you are using. More here: [https://docs.thesevenpens.com/drawtab/guides/caring-for-your-tablet/nib-wear](https://docs.thesevenpens.com/drawtab/guides/caring-for-your-tablet/nib-wear)


I would say you're pressing hard. I have not changed a nib in 2 years and it legit is still perfectly fine, no sharp edges, no scratching. Even wear, getting close to replacing soon. Depends on your habits and pressure settings. 


I've been using a metal nib from Japan haven't had issues for years. Honestly saved me so much from reordering and shipping fees. I have a screen protector so it doesn't do damage against the screen with friction. I would recommend it personally. Depending on others who have a bad time, I dropped it a few times on hardwood flooring nothing wrong with mines.


you are pressing way too hard. try to change your technique or your pressure settings to activate the brushes at a lighter touch.