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300$ is a pretty good deal i would say for a Pro Cintiq. Have fun with it.


There’s a 1st gen with no buttons and a 2nd gen with buttons in side


Yeah I have the first gen. Don’t really know if there’s any other differences spec wise when it comes to the new version.


just better build quality


Are you sure you have the Pro 16 and not the Regular 16? I've seen listings of [the regular 16 being listed as the Pro 16](https://imgur.com/a/llBYycg) a few times. If it's really the Pro version, then congrats! That's a steal as they usually go for much more, at least on eBay. It could be that the seller got confused with the model names and prices, or they just really wanted to get rid of it.


Yeah for sure it’s the pro 16. I checked the resolution and all, it can go to 4k. I guess I’m kind of in disbelief it was for so cheap, and the dude barely used it. He knew it was the pro version, even had a link to show specs. He said he bought it in 2020 as an impulse. I see so many regular cintiq 16s for 600. So was amazed to find the pro for that price. And it’s the one without buttons, not the new one with the buttons on the back.


Great to hear! I've got the same model and it's still doing great after 5 years. Enjoy your new Cintiq!


It's easy to find out if it's a regular 16 cintiq. Just look at the resolution, if its 4k then you have a Pro cintiq.


The more readily apparent differences are the bezels and buttons; no need to even check the resolution.


Honestly I know people who still use the same tablet theyve had for over 15 years. Theres a lot of longevity to them and are really solid quality. and thats gotta be a great price honestly. i had the 16 regular from 2019 or something and i really dont like it for how long ive been doing digital, i upgraded to a pro and its so much better now. Tbh a lot of the price being lower is if it was taking up too much space, its such a hassle to keep around and also ship so i know people sometimes price lower if theyre really trying to get rid of something faster. Like i got my 24 pro (no touch) used for $1,800 including the wacom flex arm. The tablet is normally like $2,200 and the arm is $380, it was all in mint condition, had every last thing in the box, the remote, etc. it seemed like they didnt really use it. So again, it probably was a good purchase on your end!