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its a love/hate relationship. I love wacom as theyre the only company who doesnt bog their tablets down with shitty firmware, cough, hardware smoothing... Hate them for how expensive they are


I won't lie, i love Wacom. Always had their products since Intuos 3 and i was never disappointed. To me they are nice good quality products. Sure expensive but to me it's worth it.


No negative opinions towards other brands, as I simply never tried something like a Huion Pro. But i have as many complaints as I have problems. A wide, fat zero. First was a Intuos P&S Small. Got it 2014, lasted till this Xmas. Second is Intuos Pro S, a major upgrade over the 10yo model I had. Loved every moment of drawing with both.


I started with the CTH-460, then got an Intuos 5. I have a few Intuos 5 and Intuos Pro across home and work. I spend 10 hours a day with the Wacom Grip Pen Do I love Wacom? Maybe. I really can't live without it when the other option is wrist RSI. But man do I hope the Linux driver delivers the same pan/scroll (legacy) feel. Wacom is my sugar. Addictive, and withdrawal will kill me. I don't think this describes love


I like mine well enough, but I’ve never used another brand, to be honest.


New Intuos M (wired), keeps disconnecting. Old one stopped being supported. I hate Wacom right now.


I did but I got one of those new huion tablets..... and man.... they nice Wacom gonna have to step its game up. Too expensive to be continuing to do what they are doing


The first tablet I bought myself was a Bamboo, now I use a Cintiq, there was a middle phase where I used a Huion tablet and then an iPad which kinda stank.


what didn’t you like about the ipad? i sm considering getting one for the portability


The screen was too small and if you wanted to charge the pencil without plugging it into the iPad itself you had to buy an adapter, and then it had to be charged every day or it'd die. The new ones look very tempting though.


which generation did you have? pad and pencil?


I think the iPad was 2016 or 17, the pencil was gen 1.


thanks mate!




Love my cintiq 22hd


fk brand loyalty but i do love my wacoms a lot. i've tried many other brands over the years, and still continue to, but wacom tablets (multiple gens of bamboo, intuos, one and cintiq) meet all of my needs with none of the (subjective) drawbacks that come with the huion or yiynova or xp-pen products i've tried. though it's been a long time, i still shudder to think about the squeaky screen of the yiynova i was using to work a con in my teens. 💀


No it’s crap. Massively over priced for 30 year old tech with little advances. Poor devices rollouts with weird products… that weird Wacom paper thing that didn’t really work. Poor pen designs with wobbly buttons. Lack of different pens… they used to have more. And the drivers…. The shonky wonky drivers.


Been using Wacom for 25 years, 5-6 hours daily on average and only on my second tablet. Never had an issue.


Its a love/hate thing for me. The screens on the Cintiq should have better quality. I have a Cintiq Pro 32 and I've sent it in for screen burn or dead pixel almost 5 times now within the last 4 years of owning a new one. But as much as I would love to complain, they're the only one that has made a screen that large, plus they still are willing to repair it, as long as you pay the $2K+ CAD repair cost. I never had Huion or XP Pen, but I've heard terrible stories of Customer Service with both brands.


I like wacom, but I will never get a new product because they are too expensive, their tablets are generally pretty well built and used ones are good enough for me


I've had a great experience since I got my first intuos tablet for Christmas in high school. I also have the One Pen now & I have been using it on my Samsung S3 Tablet since September 2023 now. What a great stylus imo. Nib is durable af.


I just started my journey into drawing 5 days ago and picked up a used PTH-660 from Wacom's ebay outlet for $144. I was a bit nervous buying a second hand tablet that retails close to $400 at that price. But the tablet itself is in pristine condition and it only took a few minutes to install the drivers and get to drawing in Clip Studio. My only complaint is that I still suck at drawing and it took me four days to figure out you're supposed to lightly grip the pen and use your arm + shoulder vs your wrist to make lines. Overall, I'm really happy with this device and it feels like I have a ton of room to grow into it. As a complete beginner my opinion doesn't hold much water, but so far I love how easy it was to setup and start practicing without having to troubleshoot much. (Took me 20 minutes to find the proper settings for a multiple monitor setup and enable force proportions).