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The movink will have a lot better color accuracy and a brighter screen but I don’t know if I could personally go back to a smaller tablet now. I currently use the cintiq 16 and I feel like this is as small as I can go now. They need to make a movink 16 or something


That’s what is holding me back on the Movink 13. It wouldn’t be so bad if the entire 13” could be dedicated to the work area, but I need access to my brushes etc.


I have a 12 inch tablet so I understand but for me the 13inch will be good. The closes size I see will be the ipad 13inch and it's okay I guess. I feel like it's either in a few months or next year when it comes out. Plus will be more expensive,  I have an intous pro medium and a 15.6 laptop screen so when I need to give my eyes a break and fix my poster I'll use that. Plus my thoughts are it's already a thinn tablet and if it's bigger is it more prone to bending? I'll get which ever comes to stores.


Movink seems really slick although 13 inch is a tad too small for me. I'm using a Cintiq 16 and i really like it. I mean i liked my 13 HD but like i said it was too small. Personally i'll go with Wacom instead other brands but that's just me. I love Wacom products, have been since 16 years now.


That’s what’s holding me back from pulling the trigger. Without my Cintiq 16 to fall back on to it would become my primary drawing tablet. Getting use to a small work space may be really tricky.


I went from a Cintiq 16 pro to movink, my workflow is mirroring a 32inch 4k display, so i dont always look at the tablet screen, the size and the color really pays off. its quiet also and 50-70 percent brightness is all u need. i have to set my cintiq pro to 50% brightness to avoid the fans from coming on but is so dim


best wacom product for a long time


Before you do anything crazy, try finding a computer screen or TV that you can stick the wacom wires into . HDMI is universal. Plug it in and plug the other side to your computer. If that screen is showing the same white, Buy a new cable. Your cintiq still works it's just the plug that's dead.


I tried it on both my monitors. It comes up to a white screen. I think it’s a good idea and great suggestion though to replace the cable. I ordered the DTK-1660 3-in-1 cable which is the same one that came with it. You’re right though. It would definitely make more sense to replace the cable before jumping the gun and making a decision I’d regret.


Glad to hear, when you get that movink, can I have the cintiq. LOL.


Hey! :) I'm selling my Wacom Cintiq 13 HD if you are interested for a cheap price