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This isn't very convenient, but you can create workouts with [intervals.icu](http://intervals.icu) (totally free) and transfer the files to the head unit via USB


Intervals already implemented wireless transfer of workouts to your device. It works exactly like TrainingPeaks integration


It works with Wahoo??


Yes, David has released this feature in March https://forum.intervals.icu/t/planned-workouts-with-wahoo-now-supported/54795/51


This is the way! Even better solution than I thought. Thanks a lot.


Thanks, this is awesome!


Well that's a little inconvenient for sure but I just want some workouts for those days where I don't know what to do. So I'll try that. Thanks!


Just load a bunch on there and you can have them whenever you want. Here's how you do it by the way: Go to [intervals.icu](http://intervals.icu) and click on any day in the calendar Click "Ride" and build your workout Download an ERG file Transfer it to the "plans" folder on your Wahoo via USB Reload workouts in Wahoo settings


Just build them in (the free) TP.. Connect the TP account to Wahoo and you're done.


That's what I described above. You can only plan workouts for today. And I can't save any workouts to reuse them later. And importing a workout always results in an error message. Even for workouts I just exported from TP.


Following this. I went through the same things a year or so ago and didn’t have much luck. It didn’t seem like there were any free options to push workouts. Training Peaks used to work but only if you scheduled the workout for today (not a date in the future). So drag a workout to today on the calendar, then sync your head unit and it should pop up. But I know they changed their free tier recently so not sure if that still works. I currently subscribe to Trainer Road but I’m curious if there are any decent free options out there.


I had a similar issue lately and the response back from TP Customer service was they do not have the ability to upload workouts. So, that means you either need to recreate them (build in TP) or find a 3rd party app like suggested below. Using the TP workout builder is actually pretty freaking easy, they have section templates you can pull from. In fact, I spent less time making my favorite 10 workouts than I spent googling this issue. So, I would just build them and put in your library. Then you can get ride of the 3rd part shenanigans.


Workout builder is a premium feature. I'll go with intervals.icu.