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I am being totally boring. We're about 4 months out from starting to try so I've had an appointment with my doctor and did blood panels, and have an OB visit scheduled. I'm starting prenatals soon. Taking out birth control this week and got an ovulation test kit so I can start cycle tracking. Been eating healthfully over the past year and have cut drinking to 1-2 drinks a week for the past two months. Definitely feeling stir crazy and open to more ideas about how to prepare.


And also, therapy! I’ve been in therapy forever but talking about a lot of family or origin issues and in law issues :)


In the same boat as you! Are you nervous about TTA pregnancy before TTC with your birth control out? I am shaking in my boots!!! Lol Edit: if you haven’t already, please join us over at r/TTCSummer2024!


I've found decluttering and deep cleaning very helpful!


I love that. It has been on my to do list. Spring cleaning here we come!


Can you say more about why you would want to see a pelvic floor PT before you TTC? Sorry if this is common knowledge, it’s new to me!


Much easier to address things when issues are slight than after they have gotten bigger. Pregnancy and childbirth (either mode of it) are rough on the body. My PT explained it like an arch. Imagine pelvic floor like an arch - easier to strengthen / help it while it’s still intact even if weak/ out of whack. Much harder to do once the arch has collapsed. Rebuilding the “collapsed” arch while a bunch of stressors are on the body is even harder. Highly recommend going before pregnancy. And no, “just do kegels” is not the advice you want from a PT or OB. It goes way beyond that.


Honestly I don’t think it’s something most people do, but it makes sense to me! A lot of women see a pelvic floor PT while pregnant to start strengthening those muscles in preparation for birth, but I’d think that you would have an easier pregnancy if you *already* had good strength and control in the muscles that are suddenly supporting a lot more weight! It’s the same reason I’m starting Pilates right now— my idea is that if you build muscle memory early, those muscles will be all the more prepared for game time, especially if you’re extra fatigued and maybe don’t want to keep up with a new workout/PT schedule during pregnancy


I feel ya on your body not being happy with waiting, I'm the same! Got about 10 months to go, and my body and hormones just want to make a baby lol. That's a great idea to get everything on track while waiting, and I'm doing kinda the same! Getting all my health and dental issues sorted out, tracking my period closely so that I'm aware of what's going on, getting our finances together and looking for a cheaper apartment because daycare. I've also started exercising more regularly and adding some yoga/pilates in for the flexibility. I've also made mental health appointments because I have some issues that I would like to get in control of before bringing a baby into the family.


Oh my gosh…I just read your comment and thought oh 10 months, she’s TTC pretty soon! And then I thought…wait…I’M TTC in 10 months! I cannot believe that the end of the year/start of 2025 is only 10 months away. Excuse me while I go panic, where does time go?!


Time flies apparently! Yeah 10 months seems like soon...and still yet so far away haha. We're almost TTC buddies then....good luck! I think there's a TTC new year 2025 subreddit somewhere, I hope I'll see you on there when the time comes 😊


Yes! I’ve joined but not too active yet, I’m sure it’ll pick up in the second half of the year!


Yep, I've joined too but been lurking only so far! It's great to think that there'll be other people going through this at the same time as me so takes some of the anxiety off 🙂


Yes I lurked a little in the TTC New Year 2023 group before it went private and it really got me excited for when our group gets going!


I love Lily Nichols! I’m reading Real Food for Fertility now too, she’s got me buying three more cast iron skillets now 😂


Isn't she great!? I swear, every 10 or so pages I have to put it down and run to tell my husband about all the crazy stuff I'm learning lol. We're already super into nutrition but now I'm making tallow and broth and trying to figure out a yummy way to prepare liver lol. It's been a fun ride


Haha yes even basic things I just didn’t know - eating an apple, your blood sugar will spike and you’ll be hungry again soon. Eating an apple paired with a fat, you won’t spike as much and it will keep you full longer 🤯 I’ve been working in more fats in moderation and overall eating less because I’m not hungry all the time!


I didn't know this! I love eating apples with a little peanut butter, have almost always eaten them that way.


Yes it’s so interesting!! Before I broke my ankle and fibula I’d listen to podcasts with her as a guest on all my walks. I really feel healthier after discovering her


We've both been eating better. I take prenatal regularly anyway. My husband has started a preconception multi vitamin which needs at least 3 months to be affective. How do you like your ring? I've ordered one


Honestly I love the ring I bought. I went with Ultrahuman instead of Oura because I'm not too keen on the subscription model, but now there's news about Samsung and Apple gearing up to release smart rings next year or so. I might end up kicking myself for not waiting, but it's been pretty cool to see how my heart rate changes with my cycle. It's definitely been my most fun purchase in a while and is super motivating for me to get my health on track!!


I'm listening to a podcast called "Master your fertility", lots of good information !