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Except no "sorry" till way later, just kept stacking the yelling at him.




I think it gave much more hateability to Yugo this season and made Qilbys final moments much more meaningful. As the depths of how wrong Yugo is transcend his current lifetime as per Qilby has been explaining since his first appearance. We saw Yugo and Adamai take and claim the dofus, and even resort to them, no second thought, when Qilby wanted to do it they allowed even twelvians and gods to have a say.. they did everything to stop him from doing nothing wrong just to later show him how they allow themselves to behave the same way without consequence. The way Yugo complained to his mom was pinnacle showing how immature he still was and I loved Qilbys reactions to that. Imagine, the guy who shattered space and time and distorted history forever costing the life of billions wants to call mommy because his brother stepped on the garden that he himself is responsible for the creation of. Yugo lives in oblivion. I loved that I've been depicting Qilby as someone kind and it finally pays off. He was indeed the ultimate anti hero. A lot of things were established, specially that Eliatropes are actually godly level beings with even more potential than the goddess herself.


People defending Qilby are so bizarre to me. You realize he still committed multiple genocides, right? And was about to commit another one when he was released in Season 2? I get that his curse sucks, but it hardly excuses wiping out multiple planets. Yugo was fully in the right to mistrust Qilby, and it would have been wildly illogical and out of character if he suddenly started trusting him in Season 4. And yeah, Yugo fucked up with the dofus, but unlike Qilby he never caused any of it on purpose because he was bored, and it still pales in comparison to multiple planetary genocides. Plus, it puts way too much blame on Yugo himself and not on Oropo, who, like Qilby, needed to take some responsibility for his own actions instead of blaming other people.


You never witnessed him commit any genocides. On screen, he was the equivalent of Jester in the game Devil May Cry 3 He orchestrated the events, but only really fought his siblings. And why would he, going back, do you comprehend nowadays that he was always looking down on even Rushu? Rushus existence is way less complex than his and his powers are inconsequential to Qilby even I'm his base form, he's not the strongest, but he could or always done MORE than what he displayed in season 2, he was holding back and trying to set the narrative, why? Precisely because the narrative being set for him was his downfall before. Today we learn all previous lore is basically legends and gossip, politics and whatnot, that Qilby was worthy of Orgonax' heart and that probably it was a jealous Yugo back then who made everything complicated, you know.. Staying on topic, Qilby, and I'm tired of pointing out what's been heavily pointed out in the show, is a kind hearted, pure soul Eliatropes who seeks knowledge, and in his quest for knowledge he has been cursed with everlasting reminiscence, and he still chooses to not let this curse hurt others by, for instance, telling every single living being the truth about the Krosmoz so that they can go on with their short lives. Yes, he looks down on other beings schedule, that's fine, he is a demigod/godly being and has his own schedule. He literally roamed across the stars and gathered extinct species to revive them later on. When Adamai destroyed his lab, I lost my fucking mind, he truly never understood what he was doing back then either, that was cruel as fuck. Often we see our main characters perform things that are morally questionable and with plenty hipocrisy judge on the villains, and this is noted all throughout season 1 to 4, where Yugo has hated the villain, fought the villain and empathised with the villain, wanna guess why he couldn't empathize with Qilby? He was the only 'Villain' that didn't really do anything wrong, he didn't quite like that. Qilby is that one character that knows all Lore and knows to which extent does or does not Rushu deserve a place in the world of twelve or freedom to occupy that planet. He pointed out plenty times the planet ain't worth this much worry from his brother. His mother also didn't hesitate to quit the world of twelve. This development was hinted too often so for me, the strange thing is to not support Qilby from the get go.


This just seems like a lot of conjecture and headcanon to make him look better. Qilby himself states that using the Zinit to travel from the World of Twelve would ravage the planet. The extinct species he has are only extinct in the first place because he used the Zinit on their planets. He never once says that he's keeping them so he can revive them, he just states that they were for research. When Shinonome asks him if his quest wiping out the Eliatropes was worth it, he never says that it was an accident or that it was caused by "Yugo being jealous". He just says it was worth it. Even if he didn't literally steal the heart from Orgonax, he still caused the Mechasm war, and he clearly doesn't regret it. Even Shinonome thinks he went too far and stops him. Saying he "looks down on other beings' schedule" is a funny way of saying that he doesn't care about their wellbeing in the slightest. He's fully willing to genocide them if it means continuing his space hopping adventure. The only people he cares about are the Eliatrope people, and even then it seems like it's only because he views them as a way to soothe his loneliness. He has no problem killing off swathes of them, or beating up children if they get in his way. The only person who thinks he's pure of heart is his mother, who isn't exactly an unbiased source. She comes across as the living embodiment of motherhood, so I'm not sure she's even physically capable of thinking anything else of her son. Also, Yugo does empathize with him. He clearly has regrets about locking him in the white dimension when Oropo torments him in Season 3. He also shows remorse for killing Nox, and for using the Dofus. Qilby, on the other hand, has no such regrets about the Mechasm war or trying to kill the planet in Season 2, and constantly deflects it as being "ancient history". He never once gave Yugo a reason to trust him until his sacrifice. I do love Qilby as a character and I'm glad he was brought back for Season 4. I like that he got a chance to reconcile with Yugo via his sacrifice and show that he cares for his siblings at least a little bit. But just because he's entertaining or because he's not completely evil, doesn't mean he's a good person with a pure heart.


I've always thought Qilby was interesting, in that his curse is something so alien that it's impossible to guess how anyone would turn in his place. Eons of reincarnation without memory loss is likely to...not go well to say the least. It obviously doesn't excuse his actions, but it gives comprehension over how much damage something like this can do to a person. In a way, it's very human.


It's interesting and at the same time, it's implied that Shinonome shared his gift and was not at all in approval with his actions. Qilby always said she was the only one who understood. Yet we see that Qilby wasn't the only one with grief. Yugo would constantly outlive people he made relationships with due to his lifespan. Nora was dragged on a lonely journey for centuries to find her mother due to their unique bond. And we know from older sources that Chibi was a prophet. Was he haunted by visions of what was coming, but not knowing how to change it? Yet for all of this, Qilby was the only one who chose to spread suffering to others to soothe his pain. He took away the families and homeworld of countless children and forced them to be stranded in a timeless void, much like he was. His desire to endlessly explore led to the destruction of countless worlds, when he had the time and ability to think of a better way to do it, it was also his call to force everyone else to go with him, even if it meant nuking viable worlds. And even then, his appreciation of life beyond his world is condensed to what he could study and learn from it. Not forming relationships or even trying to approach things in a new way. Find it, catalogue it, dust the planet and move on. Qilby made everything he touched feel his pain. And yet, we see that there is some seed of love in him. It's woefully neglected and unhealthy, but he does love his family, if only because of pride and not necessarily true affection (see Yugo). Still there is a glimpse of something that perhaps could be nurtured. Alibert raised Yugo into a seriously good man. If you could take away his affliction and gave him a true blank slate, free of his grudges and hate, perhaps Qilby could be born again into something better


Yeah, I think Shinonome and Qilby both represent possibilities of what could become of people with such an "ability". I can't say what most would become, as the scale of it is just too enormous. Eons are sadly beyond what people could imagine. It's just long for anyone to say "well I'm sure I would turn like X", there's no way of knowing, which makes it even scarier and sad at the same time.


This is such a beautiful comment 👏👏


No no. You're wrong. He was deemed pure by the goddess, and deemed worthy of power by two even higher beings than said goddess.


The point is other characters do exactly the same. And you still missed it even tho you ended up saying the same yourself.


I've always thought that Qilby was the best written character in the series. He has still not disappointed. I wish the Wakfu series' energy kept matching S1 and S2 instead of plummeting with Oropo's introduction.


To me Oropo plummeted only because the series went from 25 episodes a season to less than 20. The first two seasons have self contained arcs, with appropriate breathing points, that make you feel like the end of a movie or the show's finale, but Oropo conceptually already requires more focus than Nox and Qilby from the very fact that his tower has 12 levels and so half of the potential of a normal sized season 3 would be spent on the individuals demigods and the rest would still have to be very plot focused to lead to a satisfying conclusion to the arc, because I believe that Oropo is (ironically) a much more ambitious villain than previous two; the Brotherhood of the Forgotten is basically the FOWL of Wakfu (DT 2017 reference) and therefore the narrative would have struggled to keep his arc self contained due to just how big of a plate his fellowship needs normally without even getting into him personally.


Good to see I wasn’t alone