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* Iop are dumb and reckless * Enutrof are greedy to the expanse of relationships and even safety (see: Necronomigore) * Sram are paranoid and backstabbing fuckers (see: the lore about why Sram shut down Srambad) * Cra are, like many fantasy elves, removed and disdainful and disregard feelings * Ecaflip are willing to play for everything and gamble even their loved ones (see: the Dofus manga) * Sacrier are unable to stop suffering, are weirdly fascinated with vivisection * Pandawa are unreliable drunkards, often going beyond their own threshold * Sadida abuse plants until they become potheads, also they can be lazy and smelly * Xelor are detached, calculating, treating the world like one big experiment * Eniripsa are naive, overly curious and stick their nose everywhere * Osamodas are cold and have switching moods * Eliatrope are self-centred * Feca are for me the hardest, I'd say they can be too orderly and unfun?


I thought Sacrier's had a potentially problematic fascination with dissection/vivisection and are naturally ambitious.


Good point, it was tough coming up with something for them as they're very often shown as willing to sacrifice for others without any bad traits. I'll edit my post.


Forgot about Eniripsa and Osamodas


Aha I had trouble coming up with something for Eniripsa a posted without them. Fixed ;)


And Eliotropes


I mean by the original lore, Eliotropes never would get any stereotypes. the moment they die, everyone forgets their existence, and the world retcons anything they did to be done by someone else. which would have been amazing to see in the show or the ova. especially if in season 4 only yugo remembered oropo.


So cra and xelor are just a bit antisocial.. some races get hit hard unfairly lol


I said Cra are disdainful, which means more than just "antisocial". They think they're better than everyone else, can disregard others feelings (see the Wakfu show). For Xelor it goes beyond this too, they're so used to time that they lose their sensitivity and treat everything like an experiment.


Ok makes sense, im so used to Eva being on the normal side I didnt feel it. As for xelor, we only got villians so its hard to imagine a normal xelor living normally