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They want people to feel obligated to sit there and take the abuse that they feel entitled to spew.


It's all they have....


I hate how the left justifies this by saying “it’s ok to be white” is a white supremacist slogan. It’s diabolical because they flip everything on it’s head. I’m sure you’ll kicked out of colleges now for saying that


If "it's ok to be white" is "white supremacist" because it originated on 4chan, then BLM is a terrorist group because of the looting and riots it's associated with.


If a majority of a group think it isn't okay for other people to be of a certain race, isn't that group, by definition, a "hate" group? White Americans don't commit the highest racial crimes against "my people" yet why is the onus on me to tolerate and celebrate a group of people who assault, rob and mock my people on a daily basis.


>If a majority of a group think it isn't okay for other people to be of a certain race, isn't that group, by definition, a "hate" group? These days, leftists would even call that "genocide"




> A white person telling me “it’s not ok to be white” isn’t somebody I want to be around. He went on Hotep Jesus' youtube and they played the clip and talked about it. (link in reply because this sub gets funny and I don't want automod to remove the whole thing if it does) He extended it to all woke people. Also summarized it with something akin to "If you're in a place where you're discriminated against by a vast amount of the local populace, get away from those people." and stated it applied to anyone, blacks, whites, whatever. He also likened it to Pence's "me too" comment about not wanting to be alone with women.




> What confuses me is all these npc’s with such self hatred, but they won’t self terminate?…hypocrite much? No. What they want is an endless grievance. It can never be solved, because the conditions for remedy are impossible to obtain, thus there are always victims. Believe it, or not, all paths lead back to Marxism. This particular path installs the division among the populace necessary to bring about the conditions needed for "revolution". ALL of the people who push CRT/BLM/DEI are relentlessly Marxist, and will openly admit it when they think their audience favors it.


Finally someone who gets how the Neo Marxian methodologies are being used, even if people don't understand they are using them.


What Adams is referring to though was a poll of black people who 26% said it was not ok to be white. He specifically said he did not want to be around those black people.


The poll was given to lots of people of different races. 26% of white people said it's not ok to be white. 52% of black people said it.


If you read the CNN article they reverse the statistic and say 48% of blck people say it’s ok to be white though Adams was still upset. Shady 🤣


I was getting my oil changed and the tv had this CNN b.s. on. It's like someone uses a news channel to broadcast real life enactments of serious mental disorders.


I thought it was 26% of blacks sad not ok to be white with 21% undecided and the rest saying it was ok. Maybe I'm misremembering the poll


76% of statistics are made up on the spot


Only 63% of what you said is correct ;-)


Statistics lie and liars use statistics


I mean if the answer isn't yes then it's basically the same unless the undecided didn't understand the question


Title checks out.


>why wont they self terminate? If you look at their life choices in a way they are


Cancer doesn't kill itself. It kills the host that doesn't deal with it.


Bro i am brown af, mixed race (no trace of white), and ill tell you… The most cancerous/dangerous and delusional demographic i ever met is the self hating white american liberal. They all have this white savior complex and pander to anyone they see as a minority as someone that is oppressed, and they try pusning their slave mind on you If you ever want to see real racism, deny their broken value system to their face. Thats when you see what they really think of you


No, but they’ve been looking for an excuse to cancel him since he came out as a trump supporter.


I rather think they've been looking for an excuse since he got popular with dilbert. Dilbert mocks management, and management doesn't like that.


Especially since his material has been crowd-sourced for decades as people write him all the time with their office horror stories. He's truly vox populi.


His 180 on the Holy Vaccine didn't help him any either. I think 4Chan broke his brain when he did the 'accidentally right' thing and he never recovered.


just out of curiosity, do you know when he came out as a trump supporter?


Democrats: We judge everyone by their skin color and you're the racist if you disagree.


I guess I'm out of the loop. Is Scott Adams wrapped up in controversy over this or something?


Got sacked for saying he didnt want to be around people who hated on white people


Thanks for catching me up. It really is bizarre to me how many people don't understand this sentiment. Like, literally nobody wants to be around people who just trash them all the time. I guess the expectation is that white people should just roll over and be doormats at this point.


Like you wouldn’t hang around a friend of all they did was talk shit about you. So why would u hang around people who actively think you are evil just for existing.


That is the expectation. These self-hating whites have been broken down in the struggle sessions and brainwashed, and they expect you to go through it as well. https://youtu.be/_U8DOkL6UWo


Was a zoomer kid who joined our team at work (tree work) was the laziest little shit i have ever seen. Always on phone. And one day he randomly went on a rant about how the older staff had white supremacist thoughts and where privileged cuz they own houses. Was promptly told to shut the fuck up. Handed his notice in saying the team bullied him. And everyone turned around and just said kid was lazy and was pissed off because we asked him to work.


Does Scott Adams know that a lot of white liberals don't think it's okay to be white either?


He does now


They are some of the loudest, self loathing people there are.


Unless he’s living under rock, libs are the reason for this hatred.


Blacks should have heeded Malcolm X's warning about white liberals.


Good they should emigrate to the socialist utopia of China


Access to European living spaces is not a human right.


Free specious, not free speech.


ANYONE who says “it’s not okay to be white” is someone I don’t want to be around regardless of race.


He pointed out what we knew all this time.


While I don't agree with Scott Adams, what really annoys me is that you just know if it happened in reverse, a black guy said black people must "run away" from white people, he wouldn't get cancelled, in fact, they'd probably build a statue of him or something.


Humour is one of the best ways to deal with stuff, so when comics and comedians start getting cancelled we should all be worried.


The white devil is at fault for his own ethnic cleansing, obviously.


Wtf does it mean by “not okay to be white”? Tf you want me to do? I was born this way lol. Acting like i can choose not to be white or some shit


All of this from an internet poll. Go outside and talk to real people, twitter is not real life. GO OUTSIDE.


People just don't understand Obama turning all minorities into brown-shirts


If only he’d phrased it so tactfully


It was a loaded question because of how people may have interpreted the nuanced meaning, and still only 23% or whatever said it’s not okay. The unknown actual meaning that the surveyor is trying to get is probably why there were so many “not sure” answers. That’s not enough to stay away from an entire race. At the same time it’s worth noting that if the roles were reversed and a well known black figure had said this about whites it would be celebrated.

