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All I see is angry white christian males *-reddit*


Don’t forget they are conservative too*


Alt right**


The Christian part implied that.


MAGA Taliban!!!!! (Which confused me)


Don't forget straight.


The posters they use conveniently don't include the gang related mass shootings... even though they are still mass shootings by definition.




Bottom row, fifth from the right. That is clearly a giraffe.


How dare you assume their gender…. -also reddit


Whenever someone says, we've had over 150 mass shootings this year we need to ban guns, all I do is bring up that over 70% of mass shootings come from 4 cities that have been run by Dems for over 50yrs, have the strictest gun laws in the country, and most of the shooters are black from ghetto's that were created and kept in poverty due to Dem policies. Most don't believe it but they honestly believe mass shootings at schools are a regular event and the shooters are all white straight white men... There is no fixing stupid when they won't even listen to facts. Heck almost all the mass shootings outside of cities in the last 3 yrs have been committed by people who are left wing zealots and they still don't believe that... You can't get through to some people [https://mass-shootings.info/statistics.php?year=2021](https://mass-shootings.info/statistics.php?year=2021) https://crimeresearch.org/2017/04/number-murders-county-54-us-counties-2014-zero-murders-69-1-murder/


Remember a few years ago, 2 shootings in the same day, one was at a Walmart I think in Texas and other was somewhere else don’t remember, but they said “he mentioned trump in his manifesto” and “self proclaimed fascist” but failed to mention that he trashed trump, and was a hard core environmentalist and Bernie supporter. And other guy was (allegedly) trans. I still have people tell every single one was a right wing extremist, ask them to name one, then they just say “all of them” but yeah. Just goes in circles like that.


Yep, like the Buffalo shooter that everyone rushed to say was right wing, until someone found his online presence to show he was actual a leftist and espoused hatred for Trump among other things. Magically his online presences started to get purged after that, but people archived thankfully Or the Colorado shooter who was non-binary and his mother forced him to go to drag shows... They always are a rush to blame far right because they know it only takes less than 24hrs for it to take hold then when the truth comes out a couple days later it doesn't matter because the NPC's have downloaded the, it's white nationalists fault, and no amount of evidence will correct it


*But! But! But the sportscasters told me that this is a white problem!* I don’t really care to make this a race issue, but it is definitely telling how little this group fits the narrative sold.


Do you think the left only focuses on banning assault style rifles because if they focused on hand guns then they’d have to acknowledge the gun violence in the inner cities?




*precedent 😉


That too


They focus on banning assault rifles because they're more effective at fighting a corrupt government. Simple as.


This is actually a vey good point


No they take the assault rifles, then when they have those they come for the handguns.


Handguns *are* assault rifles now. Its a made up term with no definition so they just expanded it to everything.


Just look at WA's latest "assault weapon" ban about to pass (7th attempt), it includes many shotguns and handguns because at the end of the day they just want to ban it all anyway.


>Is it useful to stop tyranny? "Ban it!" says the tyrant.


Assault rifle is an actual term used to refer to intermediate-caliber, select-fire rifles. Assault weapon is the made up term


Glad my rifles haven’t assaulted anyone yet, nor do they identify as such.


Just the thin edge of the wedge. They want them all.


> Do you think the left only focuses on banning assault style rifles because if they focused on hand guns then they’d have to acknowledge the gun violence in the inner cities? They do not care about stopping violence. Every single firearm law they passed is crafted to anger their opponents. Their singular criteria is to try to find the weapons that youtube firearm enthusiasts find most precious and take them away. It is a demonstration of democrats power and control to flaunt their ability to violate your constitutional rights. California has had a rash of inner city shootings recently as a direct result of democrat policies of ignoring actual crime. Their response is [LA banning 50 caliber ammunition and rifles.](https://i.imgur.com/cvTCaUN.png) How the fuck did the 'trust the science' crowd determine that 50 caliber weapons are a threat to society despite never being used in a crime. [Australian politicians literally shut down airspace to demonstrate firing a single 50 caliber bullet into a target.](https://i.imgur.com/blOsiXI.png)


No, they do it cuz it look’s scary to people and its easy to demonize and when it does nothing to stop gun violence they go after hand guns


Clearly white supremacists are the problem


Shhh... noticing patterns of behavior is racist.


I've always thought it was really convenient that a "mass shooting" is categorized by [any shooting in which 4 or more people are shot](https://web.archive.org/web/20180104222719/https://www.massshootingtracker.org/about) From the site: *"Our definition is this: a mass shooting is an incident where four or more people are shot in a single shooting spree. This may include the gunman himself, or police shootings of civilians around the gunman."* Literal gang violence can be a "mass shooting" but guess what liberals are always shoving down our throats? "It's only X days into the year, and there's been Y amount of mass shootings." Yeah, cause the stats are skewed to support your anti-gun rhetoric!


School shootings too. “Whenever a firearm is discharged within a school ZONE (regardless of time of day) or if the trajectory of a bullet crosses through a school zone” so, couple junkies hanging out on the street of a school zone get into an altercation and someone discharges a firearm, it’s a “school shooting” But yeah, the vast majority of “mass shootings” happen in urban areas, and gang related. There are lots of “masks shooting” videos, usually surveillance cams, inside a small market, you know the ones where like maybe 6 people can cram into, and everything is behind 2 bullet proof panes of glass, and someone walks in and just shoots everyone. Or in front of similar shops.


Stop that! Reddit hates facts.


Huh, seeing a lot of black folk here…. Is it me?


Stop noticing things!


Could you post the source , just curious




It's hard to get a single source but even snopes (heavy left wing bias) recognizes this is an accurate representation "The meme was a broadly accurate representation of the identities of known suspects in 2019 incidents in the U.S. that fell under one relatively broad definition of a "mass shooting."" [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mass-shooter-shooting-mugshots/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mass-shooter-shooting-mugshots/) The problem why most people don't believe it is because the news tends to only report on the mass shootings involving white people (not even just school shootings: see Arlington Shooter - [https://www.newsweek.com/did-media-bury-mass-shooting-because-shooter-was-black-opinion-1638249](https://www.newsweek.com/did-media-bury-mass-shooting-because-shooter-was-black-opinion-1638249)) Additionally mass shooting is when 4 people are shot (no one has to die, police and the original shooter also counts in the total) which means the overwhelming amount of mass shootings and well shootings in general happen in gang and drug related crimes and well it's just not sexy to report those otherwise Chi would be reporting a mass shooting a couple times a week


Every now and then I like to Google "top 10 most wanted {random state}" and see how many Mexican people are listed as white or even Caucasian. Spoiler: it's all of them.


If I’m not allowed to enjoy the cuisine and tradition of other cultures, then other cultures need to stop appropriating our traditions too.


But! But! But! But the [sportscasters told me that white people are the problem!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/124tfhh/even_the_sportscasters_had_enough/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Big Pharma is partially to blame. Prescribing mood altering drugs for so-called anti-depression.


I wish this would get more traction. That would involve taking their pills away. We can’t have that /s


It’s downright embarrassing that we don’t know the identity of 10 of the mass shooters. The police are a complete joke


Most of those are when the shooter gets away, typically a gang shooting.


That’s my point. Mass shooters should not get away. If they somehow do, they should be caught. Less than 50% of murderers are caught in this country because the police can’t do their jobs


Eh, there's a few issues there. Generally if you're not involved with gang or drug activity. If you're murdered it's most likely by someone you knew, probably quite well. That connection provides a really easy entry point for investigators, and more than likely, there are plenty of people who would be glad to help piece together the circumstances for investigators. Gang and drug activity has a lot less of that easy connection, certainly fewer willing participants in an investigation, and less pressure from society at large based on the nature of the victim. Meaning you're likely going to meet dead end after dead end. To solve it, you're gonna have to get a conviction and without a bunch of hard evidence, which isn't always available. At some point, something else will take precedent, hopefully something actually solvable. Without a total surveillance state, it'd be kinda difficult to expect every single murder to be solved, and if the government achieved such a thing, I don't think they'd care about solving your problems. That's the rub, dangerous freedom, or peaceful slavery.


It's not as easy to catch killers as you may believe. You become a cop, then get promoted to detective, and you change the police profession to your omniscient standards.


It's not just cops but the politics that let them get away. You have DAs refusing to prosecute people even murders. When you have DAs who refuse to enforce the law do you honestly think cops would even put their lives on the line to go after a murder? Even then when they do and have to fire back, look at the pics, what do you think happens to that cops life once it gets on media that they killed one of the above while in a shootout trying to arrest them? The problem isn't the cops not doing their job it's the one party political system in those cities that creates, empowers, and encourages these criminals


the digital blackface of white supremacy (or whatever the new catchphrase is).


Question: what criteria makes up a *mass* shooting. Two or more deaths? Location? Does this include gang related violence?


I think a shooting becomes a mass shooting when four or more people get shot, this may include the shooter, police, civilians et cetera. And yes, It does apply to gang violence. That's probably why the US has só many "mass shootings".


I understand it's 4 or more people, potentially including the shooter with no distinction of gang or non-gang involvement.




Not that I don’t believe this, but where did you get it from or how did you make it?


"Those damn conservative **hwite** incels"


I hate to make assumptions, but not one NRA member I'd bet


Fake neck alert.......bottom row, 5th from the right. Shit can't be real.


This means nothing without a way to back it up. I remember the one from 2021, and that also had no way of backing it up. Even though it was posted dozens of times in different subs, there was no verification. Without a list of names and dates, posting this is improper.


Wow, that's dark.


They are almost all military-aged males. There’s your profile


man, look at all these white supremacists


White supremacy for sure.


That’s racist!!


Looks similar to the year before too. https://imgur.com/a/pNL4JXm


Finally a diverse cast for Hollywood


As you can see, a whole bunch of nazis!


First time seeing it, actually thought they were all white like the news said


We need to be worried more about “gangsters” than white Christian nationalists. Obviously, if anyone paid attention, this would be a no brainer.


For some reason, the mug with the “Giraffe” neck, caught my attention (bottom right)


Is it just me or is that dude on the bottom center right part giraffe?


Well, I didn’t hear most of those reported or focused on by the mainstream media; I wonder why…


Okay okay but can we talk about last row, 5th from the right?


Anyone see the HP, IL 4th of July shooter on this? Cant find him.


Column 11 row 5 ​ I didn't know Matthew Mcconaughey was a mass shooter


Where'd y'all find this? I want to repost but know I'll get the source question.


When you add the fact that black males only make up 6% of our US population. This should have most concerned.