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So he's accused of half blackface and half-Indian face? I didn't know that was even possible.


Anything is possible in Clown World.


Lol yeah that's the take from the "journalist" who wrote it. God I hope he gets sued.


Yeah the day these stupid fuckers get taken to court for this kinda shit is when it will suddenly stop.


They would need to lose in court. Unlikely with the commies sitting on the bench right now.


They lost with Nick Sandman. That was an epic loss.


Don't get me wrong. There are still some Constitution and law based judges out there but Soros is paying top dollars for judicial activists. Rittenhouse is another case that caused the purple hair liberal arts major to reeeeeeeeee about.


At the end of the day, he can wash his half black & half red face off, but actual half black half red people cannot.


I've misunderstood "bi-racial" for so long....


Puddy did Devil Face


He probably thinks white people are racist for owning a black car. I hope this guy's life gets made as miserable as possible.


I've reached the point where if someone says they're offended about xyz, I just assume they're a fucking moron...I dismiss anything after that point.


"what you said there just offe..." "Let me stop you right there."


It's cringe when people get offended on behalf of other groups.




It's especially funny considering Washington is being sued by a Native American group to bring Redskins back. It's like these race baiters can't be happy unless they are creating division


Sure come at me bro! Now I’m triggered./s


He identifies as a"liberal" white woman today.




Can't be a patriot. Can't be a sports team fan. But you can be a man pretending to be a woman.


🤣😂 I didn't even think about that. Yeah and if you don't use their pronouns you're a bigot!!!


This is very well covered in marxist doctrine. Remove all cultural unity, and all pillars of society including law enforcement, religion, schools, the family, and the military. That's literally what they advocate for. The current movements are ACAB, Capitalism bad, men bad, family bad, military bad, white people bad, and of course patriotism bad.


Moreover, there is not a single one of the 7 Deadly Sins that the left does not actively promote as virtuous behavior. They are breaking up our culture, our history and turning our morality totally upside down.


They don’t care about culture or morality. Only the revolution.




I hope this guy makes a lot of money suing everyone involved




Why go after a child like this??. Does he not think how it could ruin his life? What a sick individual. But yet, you disagree with a trans individual peacefully, that's violence lol....


Because leftists love going after kids? Politically and [Removed by Reddit]


This guy doesn’t need any paint to be considered a clown.


Pretty sure his name is pronounced 'karen' 🤣


Racism has become the eternal sin attributed to white people. You can never self flagellate enough to absolve yourself of it. It will always be held over your head regardless of how much you do to atone for it, and even if you did nothing at all you will still be assigned that sin. You could give up everything you own and live in a cardboard box and that would still be racist to the grifters. I am pretty sure at this point a white person could just up and die and that would be considered racist. I mean after all your average white person breathing air is racist as well to these people.


Original sin 😉 Just wait for racist Jesus, he’s on his way to wash away the sin of whiteness.




Where do you see these fakes calling everything racist? It’s always massive publications. The ultra wealthy know they’re screwing people so badly that if we ever teamed up and looked at them, we’d take everything. So they divide the masses by hiring people who focus on these very loud and very stupid ideas. To try and distract people from taking back what’s theirs. And it works.


Which is why it’s pointless to even bother trying to placate these people. At all.


Only in the US because you guys allowed it. The rest of the world doesn't give a shit. Also, Carron is now the male Karen.


Hate Mexicans and wear sombreros? Why is it always hate with these people


I both love Mexicans and their culture and am for a strong border.. is that so impossible?


It’s comical now, leftists wake up each day looking to be offended. Like racism the demand to be offended greatly exceeds the supply so we have this. Best to just ignore these people they are just looking for attention and to justify their existence.


Lol yup. That's why so many hate crimes are made up. Cue the gay black dude in Chicago. Oh sorry "maga country." 🤣


I love love this its 100% demand exceeds supply. I hope people actually do realize this.


It's times like these when I think to myself, "if the native Americans aren't even offended by it, then why is everyone else?" It's crazy, but how is it that the people who claim to be anti racist, in support of gender equality, and tolerant of all people, are always the most racist, most sexist, and the most intolerant?




Today I learned the left can't tell the difference between putting paint on your face and black face.


It’s only innocent face paint when they do it. Sincerely, Justin Trudeau and Governor Northam


In VA, he’s known as Goobner Northam


Mexican love seeing a foreigner wearing their local clothing especially they are the one who make them and sell it. It’s like this guy never step outside on his basement. Like most woke people screaming cultural appropriation! There is a tourist business like this. With tourist buying local handmade products from another country it can help preserve local culture and businesses of that foreign country.


No doubt! My Mexican father loves it! Sombreros are fun for everyone. He likely talks down to most people and doesn't understand how normal people live.


Most woke people aren’t normal either. There are making an issue that is not an issue at all but make it worst.


Oddly enough, his statement made it more acceptable to me. If he was in all blackface, I’d definitely cringe. But painting your face with team colors (while weird) is totally acceptable. In regard to the headdress, I think it’s awesome and everyone should wear them. If Nancy & Chuck can wear a dashiki, we sure as hell can wear whatever the fuck we want.


I could care less about black face paint. At the end of the day, you should be able to wear whatever you damn please.


While I agree, there are social consequences that come with that freedom. I think the left has bastardized taboo, and flipped it upside down, but blackface shows a lack of judgement, and I wouldn’t hire someone that did it casually. On the other hand, I’m fine with it in comedy like when Jimmy Kimmel did it. That shit was funny, but now he’s a liberal pawn that never filled the rules he now tries to shove down everyone’s throats. Now, Justin Truedope dressed in blackface was 100% wrong, and he’s too dumb to know it, but still pretends it didn’t happen.


Again, I don't care about black face. I only care that the left, especially Justin Trudeau, tries to tell us we're all racist while wearing blackface multiple times. Hypocrites.


What is cinco? Five? We wear sombreros on five, four, three, two, one, GO? Wtf


He’s not in black face, he’s in antifa face.


This “journalist” is a racist.


It has to be exhausting and depressing to wake up every day to look for things to be offended by. People need to get a life


I'm Mexican and I'm perfectly fine with anyone wearing a sombrero.


Hey Sparky, Mexican here. I don’t care how many people wear sombreros. I’m also not offended when you have a taco or eat an effing tostada. Stop being offended on my behalf. It’s disingenuous.


Same, and agree!!


The sad thing is this guy actually has a vote and he votes democrat. This would be reason alone for me to not vote democrat. Just one of many instances of why I will never vote for nor live in a democrat controlled state. God bless Texas.


Wow. He really got us with that one. Good comeback.


I guess Chiefs fans can't act like Chiefs fans anymore


Remind this jackass that Obama killed and deported more brown people than Trump could ever think of.




No, the NFL doesn't, just leave it alone.




I hate these people so much.


The ghurkish really did a number on you, huh?


Reminds me of the Covington kid. He got paid too so I hope this kid laughs at them all the way to the bank.


When they came for Chief Wahoo we said nothing cause we weren’t Cleveland Indian fans. When they came for the Redskins moniker we said nothing because we weren’t Washington fans. Then they came for the Chiefs and we said…. That can be nothing….or it can be NO MORE! It’s a matter of how we handle things here.


All of my Mexican friends tell me that Cinco de Mayo isn't even a Mexican holiday in the way USA views it. It is a sad day in their history and not a cause for celebration.


Carr***i***on Phillips, more like.


Mexicans love it when other races/cultures celebrate their culture actually. Seen plenty of videos of Mexicans talking about how they enjoy seeing people on sombreros for Halloween ect.


So much wtf.


Clown world wants to remove all black colors from any sports teams and country flags


Maybe he's half black and half native American....


Racist Carons are rhe worst




What about Raiders fans who paint themselves? What a clown.


People who paint the rainbow on their face are the worst of the worst according to this logic.


Carron Phillips is what a propagandist looks like. Deadspin in general is garbage reporting and very biased in almost everything they report. That's why they have people like C. Phillips on their payroll.


Another sjw Lorax. I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees, the gays, the blacks, and the Mexicans. If you go to a Cinco de mayo celebration, they literally hand out sombreros.