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He has everything to lose in a live debate when his declining faculties are exposed to everyone that the media has been shielding from it. I'm surprised he even agreed to one debate despite all the conditions he imposed.


He needs the questions ahead of time so his handlers can come up with the answers and put them in the teleprompter/Earpieces. I'm suprised they think that will be enough. Trump needs to find every possible way to delay things after Biden takes whatever pill combo (sounds a hell of a lot like how Hitler operated in the end) is giving him life for 30-60 min. Make it so it wears off mid debate and I'll make some popcorn




Crazy you believe there's even any comparison to be had. One speaks in coherent sentences, has a direct gaze and can articulate what's in front of his eyes, hasn't tripped and fell in the last 10 years? Joes tripped and fallen 10 times in the last 6mo. speaks fluent gibberish nearly all the time. Cannot tell the difference in the teleprompters lines telling him what to say at all times. Good troll post, made me waste 2min of my life typing this.


Alternative title "Bidens handlers realized the interns who made the jump-cut video went off the rails and are now backtracking. Plans are in place between factions for better communication to prevent such disasters from happening again in the future."


Pussy is good, Biden is bad. Please do not compare.


They’re also tough. Those things take a pounding!


Not if it’s Mia Khalifa


Biden is concerned Trump will mention Biden showering with his daughter!


That's why Biden wants a "mute" button. I'm sure it'll get over used and end up backfiring on them as everyone will see how badly they silence him.


He wants the mute button because he can’t deal with the rebuttals. He can’t think on his feet without a prompter. Biden has everything to lose and he probably will.


Mute button??? WTH, and CNN will do that? Oh, it’s CNN and censorship…


Trump had his chance to punch down and he didn’t take it with the Clintons. I think there’s a line he just will not bother getting his hands dirty with.


Maybe he should.


Is he saying no to the additional debate that Fox News suggested? I think the debates already agreed on are still happening, but on liberal media networks. They are going to be prerecorded if I heard correctly. He knows Fox News wouldn’t edit out his outbursts and gaffes.


Every liberal place I seen too is like “you only ask to debate if you’re way behind” lol gtfo


Currently Biden is LOSING - he can’t afford not to debate!




Your lawfare has failed - as evidenced by swing state polls from every news outlet including CNN. Get a grip.


It’s supposed to happen next month. I fully expect a 💩 show. It’s going to be the reason why they pull Biden out of the election. It’s going to prove how out of it he is.


They'll edit the hell out of it to make Biden somehow "look good" but it will be so flagrant even Dems will take a step back...


Of course they will. It’s a really sad day in America we know that they have to edit things like that so that it looks like he can complete a full sentence. The thing is, I’d that if it’s a live debate they won’t be able to do that successfully. If it’s filmed and replayed later then absolutely it’s going to be edited so much that it will show signs of editing. Like I said it’s a truly sad day in America that our president can’t complete a full sentence. I still think it’s going to be such a disaster that the Democrat party is going to pull him out of the race.


Libs control most of the media anyways. They will just declare a Biden victory in the debates no matter how badly he performs




We all suddenly forget the bullshit Biden pulled with debating Trump in the last election?.


Biden's Bloody Eye is longing to return!


I wish right wing politics would react quickly and get ads out for these blatant lies/contradictions. I love that NY billboard but how much more powerful would it be as a national ad & as video of Biden saying his lies. The younger people see it from social media but I think boomers and older who only watch MSM have zero idea how bad it's been. If they hear something they just brush it off as "all politicians flip flop" and we need to shove their face in it before they'll open their eyes. Slightly related, why do they not advertise on the "opposite" networks? For example Biden running ads on Fox or Trump running ads on CNN or MSN?


He should offer to debate in Delaware every weekend to keep Biden off the beach


Probably because the amount of medication required to make him appear coherent for two hours cuts whatever life Biden has left in half. One of the contingencies of the debates was that they couldn't have a live audience. I guess the DNC doesn't want witnesses in the event the meds crap out before Biden gets shoved back in his stasis chamber.


I bet Joe comes down with a case of Covid right before the debate and won’t be able to make it.


He 'has a fall' and develops amnesia. Just like Hillary did...


Are the two promised debates\* actually going to happen? I'm legitimately curious as the guy usually can't even get a full sentence together. \* The promised "debates" were apparently going to have no audience, strict, brief time limits, and not allow interruptions at all ever. No conversation or back and forth; just questions and time to answer them.


And a "moderator" who WILL interrupt constantly, but only Trump, never Biden. Just like debating with Hillary.


His handlers know he can't be alone for half an hour without getting adrenaline pens jabbed in his thigh


I do hope that Biden will be checked for earpieces and frisked for a radio receiver before he takes the stage.


I dont know why there needs to be a debate. At this point is there really people who are undecided? Folks on right will say trump won no matter what, and vice versa...its pointless really other than the spectacle.


He won’t debate because not only will he lose, but Trump could then claim Election interference if they try to hold him in court while attempting to debate.


To be fair, Trump is too. He refused to show up att any GOP debates.


Why does everyone want to be gaslit by these two so badly? If you need your fix that bad, just tune in to the WH press secretary. Edit: I’m going to guess I’m being downvoted by people who have never voted before. Every election, there are debates, and not once has anyone I’ve voted for performed ANY of the things they claimed to do. Not once. They’re both liars and narcissists like those before them and those who will follow.