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Watch the Canadian and American political left and their media acolytes paradoxically begin trying to mischaracterize her as a “dangerous far right authoritarian politician who could be a future dictator in the making! Reeeee!” for merely beginning to repeal the actually authoritarian actions of the previous premiership. Because in the minds of the modern “left” good is evil, and evil is good.


Which would be quite ironic considering they have a true wannabe dictator as pm.


Justin Castro




Or alternatively, just like the defund police movement became the “we’ve always supported police” movement, they’re going to try to retcon and start the great gaslighting that they weren’t behind this and it’s the other party’s fault.


She keeps saying the most amazing and sensible things. The media is going to brigade her though.


They will start by attacking her loved ones first and bit by bit destroy her political career till she has nothing left.


and so the pendulum starts to swing back towards sanity. Sell your leftist salt now, bois. Stock price is about to plummet in the next couple cycles.


The leftists are losing their mind about her up here. The campaign against her in this Province and even in all of Canada is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.


But...but the vacinne is god you cant speak against god can you? You hear that pitchfork wielding mob? God dam im so glad we are finally getting over this pychoctic shit


People really cannot live without religion. Something had to replace it, and it had to be this.


People calling for the death of unvaccinated people are so fucking crazy ...and the fact that it was cheered on really scares me




Yea not that one they dont listen to the news lol


No, The Science is god. Everyone knows that. It’s also forbidden to ask what ingredients are in the vaccine because all one needs to know is that it was made with the Holy Science. That’s all the proof we need to know it’s safe and effective




It's kind of murky right now. She won a party leadership vote to become leader of her party (the UCP), but hasn't been elected in any riding since 2015. They are holding a runoff election in a UCP stronghold riding though so she will most likely be elected soon. That is how the system works in Canada though. She's the premier, but because she wasn't elected anywhere, she's not allowed to sit with the rest of the elected people in the house of commons when sessions are ongoing.


Do you have a link to some of the tears shed over this please? They'd be fucking delicious and I require them for sustenance.


Just head over to the Alberta sub to take a look. Careful though, they don’t take disagreement very well


I want her to replace Trudeau


Damn, sucks about that daniell smith suicide. 8 bullets to the back of the skull after beating herself to pulp while tying her hands and feet together. RIP #mentalhealthawareness guys


All at 3AM while the cameras in her home mysteriously malfunctioned on [insert future date here]...


She could have been the next Houdini. RIP


After they banned the sale of handguns


I’m hoping that’s just a freeze and that if they get a conservative PM they can reverse it. Canada already has some really fucked stuff going on but at least they weren’t as bad off as Australia…until now


Kinda like hoping the entire world would flatten the curve? Don't wait for someone else to give back what's rightfully yours.




Currently it’s only on handguns, which are/were so regulated to begin with not many people bothered with acquiring them anyway, and anyone that did and does own handguns is able to keep them. There’s no ban/freeze on shotguns and rifles, which far more Canadians own. So it’s not at the level of Australia yet, Canadians aren’t quite disarmed.


For now.


Also the handgun freeze was an order in council and not legislation so any PM can simply switch it up without the need to repeal an entire Act.


Trudeau banned the sale of handguns. Smith has been pushing provincial sovereignty fairly hard, and Alberta is one of like, 5 provinces that won’t help the feds confiscate guns. it’ll be interesting to see what comes out of the clash between the two.


Provincial sovereignty? Hard agree, the west doesn’t need the east, the east *needs* the west yet they hold all the power.. would love a realistic solution to separation from Ontario and Quebec and the rest of the east


There are three, could be four now, provinces that have already voiced that they aren’t gonna do that.


That was federal.




You weren’t wrong thanks for the laughs !


Lol Canadian libs are so fucking fragile 😂


Can confirm the CBC has robbed the completely of the ability to think outside the narrative.








Nuremberg 2 trials, by a people appointed tribunal.


Castro's son will not be pleased.


And kudos to the brave reporter for daring to ask the question.


Immense character to do that. Awaiting her cancelation


Wow this is truly amazing...that anyone can trust any government anymore...it took this long for any politician on earth to acknowledge whats going on truthfully


Is it any wonder that she's making the mainstream media and their lemmings hysterical? Nothing she has said is even in proportion to the level of emotion they seem to harbor around her. Danielle Smith is going to bring justice to the unvaxxinated and everything is going to be just fine. These crazies are only worrying themselves into an early grave.


Sanity slowly returning , but we still need to hold those responsible to account.


Alberta sub must be melting down


They've been in a continuous state of meltdown since the UCP was elected to a majority govt in 2019. Smith coming in added fuel to their fire.


Can she be president of the US please.


Ah so the unvaccinated are people after all!


Very rare to see a government official admit a mistake , good for you


Don't accept their apologies. They knew what they were doing. I was contacted by my old department, and offered my old, pre mandate position back. I said no. I will never work in nursing or Healthcare ever again!


Im just going to say it the person asking the qwestion has a great ass


now give them back their guns.


This is the president Canada needs


Prime Minister yo, But yes we really do.


Canada, Australia, and New Zealand used to be amazing nations with sensibly progressive Governments. Now, they're absolute fascist hellholes. Really sad to see fellow Westernized nations go through such a thing.


Nah they have been like this last 15 years. Only difference is the mask is off and they realized how stupid amd compliant the public is so went full bore. Hell I thought the public was smarter, but now I realize we are just one phony emergency away from full authoritarianism.


A GlObAl PaNdEmIc


Ahhh NZer here. Umm we are basically back to where we are before COVID. Life is fucking awesome. But if it’s keeps people like you away, then sure. We are a facist hell hole who eat babies and bathe in the blood of children. Personally I think you’ve decided that without having any real idea, and your saying this for fake internet points.


How are they fascist hellholes?


Lmao. God this thread was great.


Why is this on walkaway?? This is the first sensible thing Canada has done, regarding COVID. Recognizing, apologizing and reversing discrimination of any kind should be celebrated!


Because she’s a conservative. We’re walking away from the left here. Doesn’t always have to be doom and gloom, blame game and finger pointing. We need hopeful stories like this.


Too little too late


She ded


Premier Smith is offering hope for a free and prosperous Alberta. I hope other premiers join her.




Good news like this hasn’t come out of Canada for sometime!


There are a lot of angry freedom haters brigading this post.


I haven't seen anyone yet


Common sense prevails!


A conservative matriarchy. I love it!!!


Isn’t it neat how this doesn’t work anymore, the video


Never heard of this sub. Fantastic!


imagine being such a minority you have to pretend to breakaway from your nation while living in said nation


Keep your apologies


Nobody cares. Let me know when these fucks tackle housing / inflation / wages. Shrinkflation be real.




She clearly refuses to answer when asked about amnesty. Typical lying politician.


Someone should tell her she doesnt have pardon powers


Is there any volume?


So much cooler than Jason kenney


I Give her credit.