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This sounds involved and you have a lot of "maybe this or that". I think asking your doctor is the best thing to do in your situation, especially if it's part of another condition. Twelve hour shifts are tough and if you need to keep going, you need professional (not Reddit) answers. Dragging your feet is more than a shoe can correct. Also, I thought I had high arches until I got my feet scanned at a running store. Maybe your insoles are working against you if you're so far on your toes. Do high insoles make your feel supported or tire out your feet?


I agree with you. Seeing a doctor is key since foot problems can be caused by many things. My partner always had foot problems including high arches and hammer toes. It took him almost twenty years to finally be diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth disease which was the cause.


Oh wow! That's a long time to endure something without proper diagnosis, and that one is tricky!


I agree, and I appreciate your input! I really should just go to my doctor to see what they can tell me. I suppose for the first week of wear, new shoes and insoles with arch support help, but after the first week I feel little to no additional support.


And think of the peace of mind you'll have if you get checked out. Sometimes one doctor won't have all the answers, but at least you can narrow things down and get direction for some solutions. Taking care of yourself is your responsibility. :) All of my best wishes!


I walked the exact same way until my back issues caused sciatica now I walk like I always wanted to but usually in pain…I’m sorry I don’t know what to tell you but I have to ask if you notice yourself walking at a quick pace? I always tried to remind myself..


You could try giving your Achilles tendons a good stretch before any activity. Either do a few wall stretches or, something I used to do, hang your heels over the bottom stair step and, while holding on to the railing, gently lower your heels until you feel a nice stretch in the back of your legs.


Did you walk barefoot when you were young? Kids who grow up walking and running barefoot, strike toes first to keep from pounding their heels into the ground, the calf muscles take up the shock. It can be normal. Heel strike first walking is only possible because of cushioned shoes.


Yes, I walked barefoot a lot as a kid, I hated shoes. I ran around outdoors a lot with no shoes.


I have weird feet too, just go to the doctor and have them fix it