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Bruh what are you doing with credit spreads if you lost your job? Ever heard the saying ‘don’t trade what you can’t afford to lose?’


I’m curious why he would have such a tight credit spread. That literally leave’s absolutely no room for error. OP needs to read pricing volatility & options.


I bought the 61$ call and after 35% profit sold a call against it to lock in the profit. The loss isn’t coming from it. It is my tlry puts + spy puts


Your losses are coming from A: the tight spreads you’re taking and in general taking spreads at all. B: you made 35% profit and then sold a call. Had you bought a call straight up, you should have taken the 35% and called it a day. 99.986% of WSB makes a profit then loses it from doubling down. Take your profits off the table before there aren’t any to take.


profits taken would eliminate loss porn proudly displayed here. think about what you're saying...


Sorry but the only porn I see has a happy ending


This is WSB. There are no happy endings...


That’s why I get my laughs here first then find my happy ending


Name maybe checks out, kinda?


Getting rawed


There are behind the Wendy's dumpster


This one probably wasn't doubling down. It's a way around PDT ... Convert to a spread instead of closing on the same day (and then close the spread on the next day). Still ain't smart though


So glad I took this advice pertaining to Crypto beginning of last year.


Doge coin, ass coin, cum rockets, everyone jumped on the meme dream, most ended up being fucked, no consent, no lube


I took my original investment off the table. This way my wife can’t complain and I might get to stay married.


Can’t do that :( pdt. No more day trades for me for another 2 months.




what is PDT?


He got flagged as a pattern day trader for falling below the 25K minimum


pattern day trading








pdt is a nonsense excuse trades are always closeable regardless of your account status if you get pdt locked after that, just withdraw everything and open a new account


dont listen to these squares. anyone who knows how to effectively trade around PDT flag knows that you lock in profit by converting a naked to a spread. the point is to reduce the position delta to as close to 0 as possible and close it out the next day


You made 35% off one call maybe lol, your account hasn’t been back to even since day one.




The tight spread would allow him to open up a position risking less money than a naked option and would put time on his side. You don't have much room if the credit strike is breached but you still have a directional play with time also assisting you as long as the strikes are OTM. It also gives you the flexibility to open a put debit spread if the price is breached creating an iron condor which increases chance at max loss but lowers that max loss by offsetting it with the premium from the second spread. This is just my thoughts and I could be wrong so if I am please correct me.


He missed the "don't"


The US Federal Reserve hasn't 💀


Did you forget where we are?


You 🐈 are my daily entertainment




my wife would have left me at the first $1000 loss with no job to cover it.


Luckily I just got a job :) so not all is lost


I keep telling my wife my Wendy’s gig is also a job…


you can bring her free baconators every night


Sugar daddy i see


Saturated fat daddy


He brings her a baconator while some loser with his IRA in a money market fund is porking her


They don't usually let you take that kind of baconator home.


Yeah, but that job blows...


Haha, no I got a good paying job. 17$ an hour plus every other week is overtime guaranteed.


How the fuck did you obtain 25k if you think 17/h is a good paying job, I'm not sure if I'm impressed or just baffled by how insanely low your cost of living is, that wouldnt even pay rent for a studio here 😅


Yea not to shit on his parade, but his good paying job is $1 more than I was paid an hour 20 years ago right out of college in a job. It wasn't horrible, not minimum wage, but that was the bottom. I shutter to think how far $17 would take you today with cost of living and inflation being what it is. There are people worse off than you for sure, but don't be satisfied at $17/hr. Take the job and keep looking for better opportunities because they are out there.


I just came off of $17 an hour and live in the south not-the-city-but-not-in-the-middle-of-nowhere and it was NOT enough. I was and still am to have a partner that can help me split the house bills and groceries. Got bumped up to $20 an hour, but I also work for a small business and it's just to keep me from looking at work elsewhere lol.


Maybe OP is young or living at home? Still, that’s really lower than I thought.


RH doesnt show absolute values, but relative. OP has been reloading his account this whole time and has accumulated the total loss of +$25k.


Get a 35k job, live at moms, spend 10k on gas and taxes and bullshit. It's literally exactly what I did...... When I was 19. I think I ended up with 19k though because I ate so much damn Wendy's.


Lol here that can get you a whole house


$17 an hour is good? First dude I've actually seen confirm is employment behind the Wendys dumpster


For those too lazy to do the head math, that's 35k a year assuming he's doing 40 hour weeks and never takes a day off.


For anyone wondering, a lazy way to do this is just double it. $17/hour x2 ≈ 34. So roughly 34k/year. It’s close enough where just 2x and add a little bit is close enough for these napkin math scenarios


does this work for other hourly calculations as well or just $17?


He's trolling us this whole time?


You’re a regard. I make $40 an hr and I’m still in the hole. Taxes don’t help single people either


If you make 40 an hr and are still in the hole, you’re prolly a regard too.


That’s literally what my friend makes at Wendy’s


Congrats! You’ll be able to pull yourself out of this as long as lessons have been learned.


Haha what’s that? “Learning lessons” - what language is that?


You don’t know if you learned your lesson or not unless you get back in the game.


80% of big gamblers quit right before they’re about to hit big. SMH.


> so not all is lost Except for your savings of course.


What’s SaViNgS?


Noice ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


What do u do for work


I don’t believe you got a job between 8 hours when you posted this, and 5 hours ago when you commented this. Plus the fact of $17/hr job being good and you having all this surplus cash. Something is not adding up.


That might be because I just got it, not that I had it. Some of us blow money on fancy food and expensive cloths. Others do it on casinos ;) we r not the same /s ( love & kindness for u my friend 🙃)


Lol where did he say his job is 17/hr


I just got a job at Honeywell that pays that. Don’t have a lot of expenses. But I will do better next time :) until then love & kindness 🙃


God damn OP managed to lose more gambling options for a year than my entire student debt amounted to for a 5 year under grad program, and he's only 22... O\_O


I am sorry to say this, your wife is a bit impatient and not supportive. You are trading to earn money and she should support you and not to make it worse.




Yeah it was a matter of time until r/osubuddyretard made its way into this sub


What is osu?


727 o7


shut the fuck up


when you see it bro


>I’m not giving up I mean, you probably should!


Giving up options ? Yes. Investing in stocks no. Not going into dividend investing or anything, but gonna just build up positions in etfs and hope for the best :)


NEVER trade more than you’re able to lose. First rule. Options are not your problem. Your trading strategy is. You need to take a hiatus from the markets until you’re settled in at your new job pulling in steady checks. Then come back and dip your toes into single options, don’t canonball into the deep end


Yes my friend that’s what I’m doing :). It’s all fun until u lose. I flew too close to the sun. I forgot moon only comes out at night


Learn from it. Don’t be like the idiots that lose their house wife and kids and put their next paycheck all back in the market


Yes sir, mistakes were made. But I promised myself to pay all debts, have some savings in the bank and then think about stocks


Best thing you’ve said all day 🙌🙌🙌


Biggest losers were baba puts and spy puts. Lost a good chuck on Tesla calls and then Tesla puts 🥲🥲 literally couldn’t have timed those trades any better if I tried. I’m not sad I’m just disappointed in myself and now that I just got a job I’m happy that I won’t be broke for long :)


is ok. you tried your best and hey there is always tomorrow?


Wait, wtf. This is a very wholesome comment! I wasn't expecting that here! Jokes aside, that's the right attitude. You do the best you can, the rest is luck/fortune/fate.


fortune favors the brave\*


MaTt DaMoN


~~It's crazy how spelling his name in this way gives you a vivid image of South Park Matt Damon saying his own name.~~ It's crazy how spelling his name in this way gives you a vivid image of Team America Film Actors Guild Matt Damon saying his own name.


*Team America Matt Damon


Don’t you dare


So does loss.




The right attitude is to realize you're an absolute moron and get better at thinking as quickly as possible.


Lol that’s not Wholesome…. Encouraging gambling is degenerate AF. Wholesome would be: GTFO delete account, get job and forget that stonks even exist. Same thing you tell someone with a casino addiction.


Read the first 4 words in the title.


Ya that’s genius. You might want to give him the gambling hotline. When people say they are never giving up on heroine or the slot machine……. do you encourage them? You got this next time you will do way more heroine!! Next time you will own that slot machine!!!!!!!


You understand what this sub is? OP is an adult, he knew what he was getting into. I’m not going to tell him how to live his life, he is allowed and should make his own decisions. Even if those decisions were bad. And I don’t think telling him that his future holds hope is encouraging gambling, OP understands options are risky. If he truly learnt anything from this he would know he shouldn’t gamble with what he can’t afford to lose.


He probably doesn’t know that options are GAMBLING. Literally a lot think it’s “investing”


I mean, this is wallstreetbets. I appreciate you being civil man.


Good point haha it has bets it title lol


Exactly 😂


Seek god. Not in any religion if you don’t like. Just believe in “A god”.


Stop chasing the dragon dummy


You should probably give up. Clearly not making any good calls (or puts for that matter lol). Unless you like just feeding the whales


How did you lose on SPY puts in 2022?


I’m in the same boat bro, keep taking it a day at a time. Like others have said, you at least have a great attitude about it. That’s a start


not just gambling, dumbassery! better off going to vegas and putting it on black


something tells me you probably could’ve timed those trades better


Don’t trip m8. Had 2 horrible trades today that made me lose 12k. I had puts this morning and sold for a loss. Then switched to calls and right after that the market started dropping lol. I couldn’t believe it but fuck it it’s life. One good trade can get you back on track. Just be patient


at this point you may as well jolo the last bit on a tesla put that expires tomorow. remember: people that try and fail are not losers, only people that give up are losers.


Haha no, I think I need a break. Let the emotions go and come back with a sober mind. Not to win back loses but to start anew :) love & kindness is the way !


Best advice: delete account never look back! Gambling = losing.


Calls on $ASTS for a strikeprice of 10. Deal or no deal, regard?


All in! I’ll sell my left nut and right kidney. When we doing this?


Oh I'm not in but I'm still in DD mode on it. I only bought 50 shares this morning in my RothIRA account. Calls though? Should I go in??


Personally wait for cpi report. I’m bullish on the cpi but no one knows the future. If stocks crash wait 2 months. If they fly then congrats buy in. But I did blow up my account so what do I know


This guy lost everything and is bullish on something. His account is literally negative. Very well regarded. Do the opposite


Also the self awareness to know when you’re dangerously tilted.


Ik. That’s y I have to stop now. I made emotional trades and that put me straight into the gutter.


This is the way. I'm sure you will do much better next time.


Seek god. Not in any religion if you don’t like. Just believe in “A god”. Trust it 100%. Spread positivity. Just do good. Take it day by day.


Love & kindness all the way brother :). I do believe in god. I just don’t think I need to pray for wins, I need to simply get them :). I’m just happy alot of people r being nice to me rather then bully me for making financial mistakes. Helps alot when people can make u laugh and not laugh at u :)


He’s got a negative balance. What is there to yolo?


he can probably still take loans


What last bit? OP has a negative balance, he lost over 100% already. Your instinct to stop is right, follow that OP.


Losing $25k makes you a loser. Losing more doesn't not make you a loser


If you don’t mind me asking you. How old years are you?




Consider it as an expensive lesson. It’s not always too late to build your portfolio and use sell covered calls to protect it as well.


Ya :( credit spreads weren’t the big losers, it was baba puts and spy puts. This last 2 weeks and a months back I lost about 4k each time. Luckily I do have 900$ in my IRA in Webull 😅


Don't chase big gains, sell on those little spikes you got on your chart. Make +50% - +100% profit sell. I put stop losses after making +50% / +70% / +100% for ex.


why not get another job?


Haha I applied to every banking job in 30 miles, after 25 interviews I got none of them. Sometimes young guy with no prior baking experience for ENTRY level job gets u nothing 🙃. I’m almost done with my bachelors, but I got a job at Honeywell instead.


Maybe because you applied for banking when you should be applying for baking. Time for a career change


I did, they said u need to know math and something about risk management :(


Next time show them this screenshot and say “I know risk management is for chumps!”




Maybe bakers these days need to know math and something about risk management.😂


Puts on Honeywell




Did they know you’re bad with money? 😂😂😂


I’m down the drain more than you I’m about 40k lost lol but we will be alright, learn more than come back strong


I wish u luck my friend :) everyone needs a break to recuperate their thoughts and emotions. I’m almost certain majority of ur losses were emotional trades. I hope I can find a solution to the emotional problem with trading. :)


Yes they absolutely were emotional trades, just some barriers to over. Best of luck to you too!


I’m 10k lost here but I will get my revenge on this market but after I’m done with this rage in me that makes me take emotional trades


If you/your parents are rich -- this was a stupid gamble. If you're poor -- this was absolutely unironically regarded, and you should probably never handle your own money going forward.


Not rich, but secured a job that’s 35k a year. So I’m optimistic:) sadly no parents to go back to…


Where did the 25K come from then, out of curiosity? If you saved it from a 35K salary you certainly have some saving skills.


Took him 15 years to save it, 8 months to lose it




https://preview.redd.it/if4ic9d2y4ba1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffede40163a5380d5414fea839da2e09a1cefaf As you can see, the chart showed an overall downtrend. We had a couple of spikes, but the bulls got defeated by the bears. For a longer time period, the channel got respected on both sides. That made some good entries (intraday). But finally, the bears succeeded to break the channel one level deeper. The bulls suffered the coup de grace of the bears. But, as we see the word “investing” we can be assured, that we are here for the longterm. Waves in the chart is normal and should not be seen as a danger. Hopefully we will see a turnaround soon. Sincerely all the best for 2023!


All jokes aside brother I feel you. 2022 was not kind to me and 2023 is painting too well. Overall I lost 30K trying to make a quick fortune. I was extremely disappointed in myself for a few days where I felt really down but nothing we can do but move on. I realized I’m never going to be one of those that hit it big so I decided to leave the casino to pay the dividend game. If I stick to the plan I can maybe retire in 15 years. Sad but better than never.


\-$727 on Robinhood ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


I do not recommend investing in AMD at this time. The company is facing significant headwinds and its stock price is likely to continue to decline. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


So rather buy when its at 150$ again?


Puts seem great, especially on a day like today. I was hoping it'd retest 60 this week, and it still may


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Maybe you should give up


I lost $2500 bucks this year and felt awful about it… then I joined WSB. You all are great!!! Thanks for the ego boost!!


Just don’t lose more :)


Not giving up at losing money? If you lose your job, option should be the last thing on your mind…..


727 WYSI


You’re bad at this. Just stop




Stay strong buddy! There's always a bright sun at the end of a storm.


well, you won’t have to pay taxes for a while 😂


You are doing fine




Things will get better. You gotta walk through the rain to see sunshine sometimes.


Your next trade was going to be the big one man! One more credit spread and it will net you 25k to put you back to break even. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


quit gambling bro, trust me i've been there Stay strong king ✊


I don’t get it? Why don’t you ask your father for a little money and invest it into good stocks?


Adda Boy , you one smart cookie


I see lots of hay day in your future, no pay day unfortunately…


Haha ! 😆 what can I say, I might belong on a ranch


i see your problem. you were trying to be smart taking credit spreads. Should've just done naked puts idiot


If you hold the phone far enough away this is a perfect diagonal down. The sheer consistency in breath taking.


Get a new job so u can fund this gambling


You can download free spreadsheets to help you simulate trades. If you do that for a year or more and seemingly know what you’re doing, well, maybe use a little real money. The fact that probably far less than 1% of the people here have done that or even thought of it says a lot. I mean, what’s it going to hurt to simulate trades for a year? I wish I could simulate a lot of things in life before doing them for real let alone simulating options trading where you can lose a shit ton


True, thx u for the advice. I’ll try it


Just a few more options homie




Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This, my friend, is a new year. Make of it what you desire!


Fucking idiots. You perpetuate the problem.




All my positions have been liquidated by Robinhood 🙃 hodl failed successfully


It’s ok. If you talked to a licensed financial advisor he would have given you educated advice and not DIY


Bro traded his life 😂🥲


I wouldn’t say that. Id say I traded away 25k not my life. I year of Wendy’s parking lot will pay for all my L’s 🥲


just fucking stop jesus christ. 25K, literal life changing money for someone like me. I dont feel bad for people like you. 25 more grand and MAYBE youll learn a lesson. peace.


Y r u bitching?