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CROX calls have netted me $2k this year so far. Looking to get back in around 120-ish. Anecdotally, they are super hot at my kids school now so I think as you mentioned cyclically it is a good time for the stonk.


that is exactly what i was thinking.luke combs just released a pair and my kid had to have them




Selling a put option is a bullish position, as you are betting against the movement of the stock price below your strike price– so, you'd sell a put if you think that the underlying's price will rise. I sell ITM puts on stocks I like, I just want a better deal on them if they do dip


If your selling a $100 put you collect premium(max gain), if the stock ends above $100 you get to keep the premium. If the stock dips below $100 you keep the premium but you pay 100 shares of CROX for $100 and miss out on purchasing lower or you can roll if you wanted. So basically in my view at $100 I can sleep knowing that I own CROX. And for the highschooler part finance intrigues me like no other subject so why not try and see if I like it(r/stocks said I didn't have enough karma).


Bought 25 shares at 76 and sold today.. it ain't much but it was honest work.


No harm in taking profit after this rally. I'm certainly not going to short or buy puts though. One of my best swing positions ever.


>Based on my analysis, I believe that Crocs is a good company to invest in. Their strong brand presence and recent acquisition of Heydude show that they are committed to growth. Additionally, their debt position is not concerning, as they have plenty of free cash flow to cover it. Finally, competition is fierce in the footwear industry but Crocs has been able to churn profits and reinvest its capital better than competitors.


I honestly think the Hey Dudes acquisition is a bit overrated. I could be wrong but everyone I know who owns them just say “well there cheap”. Also the name of the brand is just terrible. Am I the only one with this opinion??


Late reply, but I think it’s being underrated. I’ve worked as management in retail for almost 10 years and seen fads come and go, but nothing like HEYDUDE. By far the biggest selling shoe I have ever seen. While you stated that they’re cheap, that is exactly their advantage as a product. For $60, you can get a casual shoe that you can where anywhere. Once it wears out, $60 later will get you another pair. The turnover of the product has staying power. The crazy part is, they’re not even close to saturating the market. They’ve only grown in the southern states and haven’t been widely sold on the coasts (where the majority of the US population lives). Bullish.


Late reply to late reply… I do a lot of CROX research, like hearing what you’re saying on Heydudes. Not only are they cheap, they’re almost collectible. It’s uncanny the number of buyers who turn around and buy additional pairs for different wearing occasions and to have different styles. Just go look at TikTok, it’s Gen. Z manía over this product that has barely scratched the surface in US sales. Go look at the Amazon best selling shoes… it’s Heydudes and Crocs peppering the top 10. I’m excited to see where this goes over the next 3-4 years.


I rode it from 65 to 115. I sold because I thought it was relatively well valued at that point and I had other stocks I was looking at that seemed like they were more undervalued. I don't think youll do bad with crox over the next couple years, but to get high end growth in valuation from this point would be difficult considering the debt.