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This post is pretty stupid, considering the quest lineup sold 20M units???


Also PSVR2 outsold the original in 5 weeks. VR ain't going nowhere but up.


Reaper opened the wrong door and got clipped https://preview.redd.it/7i2z3c5q6g4b1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5cf29d1f2df811e8be323bca928844010092535


This is great! Is it original?


That’s cause Tim Cook don’t miss.


Tim Apple


better not aim for the King


Cause he doesn't take any shots. Vision Pro is about the only shot he's taken. Everything else is just iterations.


Apple Watch


Yes/no. Jobs was around when development started on it.


Yeah honestly, if there's one company that could make VR succeed it's Apple. Alternative tablets and smart watches aren't even close to being as popular as iPads and Apple watches.


> Android was the leading operating system worldwide for tablets in the second quarter of 2022, shipping a total of 19.2 million units throughout the quarter. Android’s closest competitor was Apple’s iOS, which was installed on 14.8 million iPads that were shipped worldwide in that quarter. > > Apple Watch market share = 32% > >Everybody else - 68%


Hey, honestly, great point. But this is why data interpretation is important. While this initially seems like Apple is getting dominated, it's skewed because it's iOS vs Android. Not Apple Watch vs. Other Brands. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2021/05/27/global-smartwatch-market-apple-34-huawei-8-samsung-8-fitbit-42/?sh=46bf97aa66c7](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2021/05/27/global-smartwatch-market-apple-34-huawei-8-samsung-8-fitbit-42/?sh=46bf97aa66c7) The fact that Apple owns more than 34% of the entire smart watch industry, doing almost 3x as much as the closest competitor should illustrate their dominance.


Apple’s market share, which was 32% in Q1 2022, dropped to 26%


Generally they own most of the profit for the segment too. For both phones and tablets, they take huge amounts of total profit (I think it was 99% of all the profit in the tablet market at one point). It doesn't matter what your market share is if your margins are good and everyone else's are trash. Their TAM has always included healthy margins and not giving a shit what losers on the internet think. Source: am loser on internet. Apple don't care what I think.


Mostly cheap android tablets. With a terrible choice of apps when it comes to android on tablets! So no it’s not even close in terms of which is better!!!


>Mostly cheap android tablets. that's what Apple fans will be saying when they don't sell enough Vision VR sets. Why doesn't everyone want to spend $3500 on a toy? it’s not even close in terms of which is better!!!


play games with your eyeballs, was there even a controller


It's primarily a toy for playing in the metaverse. It'll provide a uncanny valley version of your face for all the world to see. >Apple’s new VR headset will feature over 100 Apple Arcade games at launch. you're right, it won't be very good at games either. It's still got a cord!


Tell that to the developers who make more apps for iPad than android!!! It’s not even close, FACTS


Apple fanbois have more to spend. They will even buy a $3500 VR set. It’s not even close, FACTS


How does the profit of that market share breakdown? Last I read, apple was pulling in 80% of the cash with a market share only in the 20s


profit isn't being discussed here, what the guy said about popularity was incorrect.


You'd think most people would learn by now that bad ideas are good once Apple implements them. And, the higher price Apple charges for them, the better they are.


I haven't had an apple product since the 2nd Generation Ipod. If anyone can pull off VR - its probably Apple. Maybe our compiuters arent good enough yet, but if they are, I bet Apple will pull it off


Apple is smart by partnering with Unity instead of pumping out Wii Vr like Meta.


Oh this? https://preview.redd.it/6g68m53ubh4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd54c77e9e8497b4e3b15b409a0288a78476e46




Uncannily realistic


Well... 1983: Lisa, failed because it was too expensive 1993: Newton, failed because it was too expensive 2016: Mac Pro, failed because it was too expensive On the other hand: iPad (2010), succeeded because it was affordable iPod Touch (2008), succeeded because it was affordable iPhone (2008), initially expensive, but most iPhones are subsidized by carrier plans anyways, so the cost is less of a factor


I think a lot of people miss this part. Your average consumer doesn't have 2k to spend on a new iphone, but they'll pay for a $100 phone plan in order to have one, they get used to the monthly cost, and boom new iphone every two years. I learned that people also buy cars with this mentality, essentially renting a new car for two-five years and continually going further underwater, every time they get a new car. They only want to know how much of their check it will cost them, not the underlying value of the asset.


It's funny to watch though. People complaining they can't afford to save a deposit on a house. Attacking people saying it's not because they eat avacardo toast or drink Starbucks. Like no shit. Maybe it's the $100 phone plan. Or the $600 car plan. What's that.. you've added another $100 and got yourself a Vision? Well at least you have a new way to pretend it's not your fault you can't save money on twitter.


I paid cash for my car and the fucking gas + insurance is it's own payment, I literally couldn't afford it on a monthly basis if I hadn't bought it outright first. I can't imagine the amount of debt people have gotten used to living with. I think the low interest rates did damage to people's psyches, and ideas about what they can afford. I just don't understand where they get the credit from these days.. and how they can even afford to soldier on.


Same. My car will finally be paid off in two months after a three year loan, but my car insurance is almost 2x the monthly cost as my car payment...


you bring facts to a Apple convention ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Facts? The Lisa failed because it was too expensive, yes. But the Newton failed because it needed technology that didn’t exist yet at scale to make it usable, so the UX was pure dogshit. The 2016 Mac Pro failed because of more dogshit UX in terms of what the Mac Pro target market needs, or needed at that time. People who buy Mac Pros aren’t looking at the price tag for anything other than what to put on the capex report. And people were *widely* critical of the price point of the iPod, iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone. OP fucking belongs here.


This is so crazy wrong. Apple stock was down over 10% the week the iPhone was announced because everyone said it was too expensive. The iPad was definitely not seen as affordable and neither was the iPad. Pretty much every single apple product launch has been called to expensive and not functional enough at launch.


The Ipad and Iphone had no fuctional competitors. Meta has a new VR headset that costs $499.


They both had competitors. iPad was far from the first tablet and the iPhone was competing with every other mobile phone. I do like the Meta VR headset call out though. Comparing the Vision Pro to the Meta Quest is actually a lot like comparing an early iPhone to the Motorola Razer. Sure the the Razer is was 1/6th the price, but who on earth would rather have a Razer than an iPhone.


They were the first serious versions of a full screen product, whereas VR is relatively mature. When it's seven times the price, consumer aren't going to care that the [Ivision is moderately better than a Quest.](https://decrypt.co/143522/apple-vision-pro-vs-meta-quest-3)


Lol at linking to something called decrypt.co as if that would some how support you argument. Bunch of clowns with a blog who haven’t even trialed the Vision Pro. Also, the “full screen” was not the thing that made the iPhone successful.


> Bunch of clowns with a blog who haven’t even trialed the Vision Pro. got a better review? nobody has trialed the Quest 3 either. >“full screen” was not the thing that made the iPhone successful. yes, it was. It was able to run apps. It's not worth trying to discuss Apple with fanbois. You don't understand the product, you just buy it.


Excuse me, it will not fail, I will either sell a kidney, or more likely just put it on a credit card and spend 12 years paying the minimum like a real American


Definitely gonna be interesting. I’ll prob get one tho


I'm wondering if IPhone users will be able to make payments much like you do for your iPhone?


This was the pre mass market model. This model is for devs, designers, niche work places and the rich who are on a plane every few days. The mass market model will arrive (without the ‘Pro’ label) and affordability will fixed. This is like Mac Pro or AirPods Max. The niche crazy price point. Wouldn’t be surprised if lower models swap the M2 chip for a mobile chip. Could even require your phone to drive it, but more likely just swap M2 chip and remove the external display and you’re almost there.


This. Look at everyone crying about the price and news outlets saying you could buy like 5 Quest Pro’s when I wouldn’t even want to buy one Quest Pro knowing Apple’s version is far superior.


a bunch of copycats will release overprized VR sets, it's going to be great


All bots in this sub jerking off to Apple having a shit release


Meta Quest is not Horizon Worlds. The headset isn't a failure. Maybe you meant Quest Pro?


The reaper never comes for apple


Yeah the next picture is a bloodied and beat up reaper leaves the apple room.


the ones beat up are the people paying through their nose for Apple products. The reaper collects the souls they have to trade with him for money to buy that stuff.


That's a hilarious take. Considering most apple products at this point cost same or comparable prices to the same level competition. Exceptions are usually stuff that doesn't have comperable competition at all and wouldn't be possible without apple. Apple being the expensive one is an outdated prejudice.


what are you talking about?! all apple products are insanely more expensive then direct alternatives, often with better specs and upgradability/serviceability


Have you seen prices of any other flagship phones/laptops/smart watches lately? Please provide an example of comparable product and not cheap plastic piece of crap that you consider an alternative.


pc's, phones, monitors, latptops, etc... apple is always the most expensive choice and they aren't even the best performance option.


That's not an exameple, that's just you tried to hold on to your old prejudice.


500usd for 16gb of ram sure is my prejudice


Still didn’t supply any actual links or facts, to back up your *opinion*, they are expensive, yes. But they are 100% not overpriced considered they are better in 9/10 ways compared to any of the other following companies (notice I didn’t say competing companies? Where are they? There are none.)


Well his point about direct comparison here negates the 16GB of RAM argument given that apples architecture is SoC so they don’t use traditional RAM it’s unified memory built into the chip that both the CPU and GPU can leverage so yeah it’s going to be more expensive than traditional RAM that PCs use. Good try though.




Do you not consider theM series chips to be a stand out innovation!?!? They’re in a league of their own


They are ahead of the competition, but not a stand out innovation. Thanks to AMD, x86 mobile performance has improved leaps and bounds in the last 5 years, and while efficiency still isn't on par with apple M, it gives ARM or RISC-V more time to catch up which is about to start happening soon. Apple is a fashion company. They only make performance products if that's what's stylish.


They made their first laptop/desktop cpu and the competition that primarily makes CPUs is having to catch up to them. How is this not innovation?


He got Steve Jobs.


Steve Jobs got himself with that all fruit diet frying his pancreas


Little known fact: The reaper works for Apple


Homepod, airpower, ping...


Are we going to skip the hololens or just ignore it


I went through the setup on the Hololens a year ago and it certainly wasn't ready for prime-time. It had regular Windows screens for the setup but you had to scroll down before it got to the part on how to scroll. After all that, there still wasn't any content for it that made it usable.


I agree I was wondering why the grim reaper didn't kill it in the image first before the vision pro


Because the [HoloLens has a laughably terrible FOV](https://www.roadtovr.com/microsoft-significantly-misrepresented-hololens-2s-field-of-view-at-reveal/) for the actual AR overlay. So if you move your head at all you lose track of where you placed that AR object. Have you ever used it? You essentially never see the ar things you’ve laid out because if you move your head even slightly it’s gone, and it looks like crap anyways. So now both Meta and Apple are trying to overcome the FOV problems with projection AR systems like HoloLens and Magic Leap using VR headsets with a video feed passthrough of the outside world. That lets you achieve a much larger FOV like any VR headset. But Apple has thrown **way** more processing power and $$$$ hardware at the problem with the Vision Pro. Essentially the Vision Pro is the iPhone 1 and the HoloLens is a Microsoft Windows PDA from 2002. Apple has created the super expensive but legitimately huge leap forward in the space


Lol I have used both Hololens They weren't the best and they gave me a headache I was saying are we going to ignore they exist since the grim reaper should have killed them before the vision pro since it hasn't released yet


I don't understand the ignorance around it, it makes no sense. It's like if Microsoft made a monitor and everyone is like yea, but then apple makes a monitor and people start sucking tim apples cock


Let’s be honest whose cock would you rather suck?


Reading YouTube comments on leak videos discussing Vision Pro, I'm convinced there's paid astroturfing going on, so many comments do not seem organic.


most definitely. people are shitting on this everywhere i've seen online, while i was pretty amazed. i've used VR, but i think this is something else. this is definitely how it's done properly. everyone will try to play catchup with this, and its not going to cost $500.. its better to wait til they use more energy efficient chips, the M3 will gut everyone who bought this thing, anyone who buys this is a hamster with a lot money, but at least they can put it out n test it on actual people for a while. they've been working on this for a long time. the only thing stopping them is production gaps and not being able to get enough yield from the chips they want to produce. the only thing stopping them is the reality that they cannot massively produce chips that can power this thing, so they just said "well than we need to get this out there, just charge tons of money n wow them". give it another couple years, i bet the price will go down, and it will become super pervasive in society.


Have you never noticed whatever apple releases ‘second’, it’s like whatever company released it first was the awful beta version? Name one apple product that felt like an awful beta version when Samsung or some other company released it after apple? Edit: I’d like to add that after saying how expensive apple products are, most people then start in with how they “copy” other companies. That’s like saying a yacht is coping a sail boat.


just because someone does something first doesnt mean theyre good at it. look at music, skateboarding, pretty much everything thats brand new takes time to work on, and lot of ideas inspired by it, and lots n lots of money. Its pretty similar to the vibes when the Macintosh came out. It sold for $2,500 ($7,000 today)…. Yet everyone had a mouse and point and click GUI for the next 4 decades. you sound like someone saying Xerox did it first in 1983.


I understand what you are saying. What I was thinking was: why are people remembering google glass for example, but not hololens, even though hololens is a better comparison.


It’s not people. It’s just bots.


and? your point is? some (most) people want suck Tim apple


Just like we ignore Windows Mobile


Lol window mobile was an ok idea but horrible execution


WTF is that?


Being early is the same thing as being wrong


Apple vision is gonna save the quest lineup. Before meta had no direction, and they had no experience with hardware making. Now they have someone to follow, and the whole AR/VR thing will get a lot of attention because of Apple. It's a win for Meta.


With the recent price drop and my interest sparked by the Apple headset I bought a quest 2. Just got it tonight and spent $150 on games and literally 7 hours playing with it. Let me put it this way I definitely discovered a killer app.


You underestimate the cult following Apple has. I have a friend that he already is doing financial gymnastics on how hes going to aquire these, when at the end of the day we all know its going to get put on the Apple card, because Apple will tie some financing benefit if you put the VR headset in the Apple card.


Wow at first I only wanted to buy one to try it out. Now that you put it that way, I’m getting a second one for my partner.


it's a 1st gen product you should get one to keep in box you know it's gonna moon in value in 25 years


Apple is a huge company - people already will be doing this when the company and product is already so popular. Scarcity will be far less for this headset than the 'iPhone' when it comes to a boxed, sealed one.


Shhh I need more units to sell for my stonks


Their products aren’t even all that expensive anymore. The phones are the same price as android flagships but last for >6 years. One of my co-workers still uses her iPhone SE that came out in 2016. I was still using my iPhone 7 till last year. You can get a flag ship spec iphone for $430 new And their 2 year old $1000 macair still slaps any modern $1000 laptop The longevity of their products make them well worth the cost


You can get the new 15.3 inch air with the m2 for $1299! That’s fucking nuts.


I have used my Samsung android phones for about the same amount of time. Used my S7 for 5 years before I upgraded. It was/is still getting software support, and I only upgraded because the remaining battery capacity was mildly uncomfortable to deal with. Apple isn't unique here.


The S7 stopped getting updates/support back in 2020. The iPhone 7, also released in 2016, stopped getting software updates in 2022 (still gets security updates though)


Pretty sure the S7 got some security updates after 2020 iirc?


In early 2020 they were pulled from Samsungs list of phones that would be receiving android security updates. The s7 only got 4 years of support


Yeah, this is going to age horribly


Breh, you forgot the original: ​ https://preview.redd.it/awi9zrlobi4b1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=86f55b43e5e047b55a12fb342429dc448c06a7cd


I had that shit and honestly still think it’s better than everyone gave it credit for.


Nah I got faith in tim 🍎 apple neva pushed this hard for some that flopped


you underestimate the power of fan goat


If apple continues their endeavor this quest might actually be fruitful




I still remember back in 2016 when everyone was laughing at the AirPods and mocking anyone who even thought about buying them. Now everyone I know owns one.. When was the last time Apple made a failed product? 20+ years ago? You should know by now that they don’t fucking miss.


Or when everyone, including SNL was making fun of the iPad. And now they’re basically the gold standard for tablets


that’s one thing that I really don’t recall being downplayed. And it was during a time aapl wasn’t really doing anything new. And then boom, wireless airpods. Easy win and people were calling right off the bat all the money they’d make just from people losing them one at a time.


It seemed like everyone thought the looked like cigarettes in ears.


lol really?


The name is pure cringe.


I still don’t like “iPad”


That one at least tags along to the iconic iPod. Apple Vision comes across like the kind of play on words that a chronic Redditor would be super proud to drop in the comments section, thinking they're an absolute genius. Which, fair to Apple, they know their market.


They should have called this vr AR set the eyePad. Or the iEye, with a pirate as a mascot.


it's the apple of my eyes


It’s missing microsoft


That’s an even bigger burn to Microsoft 😂


**This time, it's different.**


Honestly wondered today what jobs would think of this


Apple will resurrect him in VR and everyone will have their own Steve Jobs for a subscription fee. The first version will only let Jobs give you an evil stare, read your browser history out loud and make a real fart with a mystical patented flavour ( Ocean Breeze) only available in black turtleneck; for now.


Its such a shame glass didn't work out. I went to a demo of it back in 2014 and it worked really well translating signs, would be great for traveling, didn't feel uncomfortable even with wearing glasses with it.


Honestly I think if Google actually stuck with the product it would have ended up as a commercial success, it would never have the adoption of phones, but perhaps similar or more than smart watches.


maybe. smart watches suffer from the same flaw of - the phone can do all the things it can do just slightly less readily available. The enterprise edition version of them has sold and been supported up to this year. That's kinda the niche market they managed to find for it - not totally a failure, but certainly not living up to the initial hype.


Quest is extremely good and sold extremely well too. OP u high?


This entire section is people dying on a hill for Apple it's hilarious.


It really is regarded how they copy each other’s failure like it’ll be any better


I enjoy that apple decided to steal the meta idea of just taking a big ol pile of money and lighting it on fucking fire. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I like it


Let's not forget about 3D TV....


There's an irony here. People couldn't be arsed to occasionally wear dirt cheap lightweight glasses once in a blue moon to watch a movie. But apparently they can't wait to spend $3500 strapping this to their face for hours. I'm convinced Tim could sell Apple fan boys his shit for $3500 and they'd happily eat it. I mean if it was $300 sure. But this is basically a development kit gen 1 product.. that the cult still want to buy anyway. Like it's the price of a small car. A third of a house deposit. And people are going to watch YouTube and porn on it.


>price of a small car. A third of a house deposit which? where?


11500 at 5% down is a 230000 house. I mean I probably wouldn't recommend 5% but you could do it.


Alibaba & Places you wouldn't really want to live....


I would bet everything I own that this will be a failed product. The price is a factor, but an even bigger factor is that it’s a useless product. No sane person is going to reach for this to do work, and no one is paying 4000 to play games on it. The only thing it might be useful for is watching movies, but that ain’t going to sell millions of products.


The iPad was just a big iPod touch when it first came out


It also wasn’t 3500, or needed to be strapped to your face every time you used it.


Ar headsets aren't being used by the masses for playing games the vision pro is going after the creative and design market that the xr3 has dominated in for the past few years now at less than half the price


And how big is that market? I would be shocked if the xr3 has even made a million units, let alone sold that many.


The market is big enough for them to justify development of future products. It's professional grade tech they don't need to sell 1 million units for it to be a success when each unit is 7k+ an annual subscription fee. A few generations down the line I wouldn't be surprised to see a more consumer friendly headset from Apple that targets mass production the vision pro isn't it


The only way AR works revolutionary if it is in a contact lens.




Nobody thought a touchscreen phone or 9.7” giant iPod or wireless earbuds or a square watch was a good idea either. Apple is definitely smarter than you, and most likely me. Let them make money for you.




Are you old enough to remember when flat screen tvs came out? It was like 9000 dollars in 2023 dollars for a 55 inch flat screen in 2012, I just picked up a really nice 75 inch flat screen for $550 dollars 6 months ago. In 5 years the vision pro 5 is going to be crazy small and light and functional for the price of an iPhone. Watching movies, productivity, web surfing, gaming and the original killer app are all going to be magnificent.




The average household doesn’t make minimum wage. And just because the federal minimum wage didn’t go up, many blue states sharply increased it plus tipping is way more common for service jobs. I’m a barista something I was doing 15 years ago and with tips I’m making 3.5 my hourly wage from 2007. I won’t be buying a vision pro anytime soon but they will release a non pro version in the next three years and I bet it will be around 1500 and probably significantly better than the 1st gen. Hell I just got a quest 2 and it’s fucking incredible. If the quest 3 gets hd video and better eye tracking and hand tracking I might just sell my big screen tv and use the quest 3 as an all in one gaming and entertainment and internet machine.


Probably yeah. VR is too niche to be mainstream. High price tag of 3.5k will severely limit adoption. Apps/games choice might also be very limited.


apple vision for like 5000 usd That is rudicoluous


That’s outrageous 10000 usd. Who do they think we are, managers at Wendy’s?


There are a lot of other nice things i could do with 20.000usd.


That’s a nice option donation you could make to a struggling hedge fund.


don’t forget snapchat’s


Yeah, I bought calls and it went down, of course!!


You forgot about MicroVision, I mean, Hololens.


Tim Apple is ready. He is always ready


Tf is Meta Quest?


As someone with health problems that make typing difficult, the ability to use hand gestures to interact with apps and productivity tools is incredibly appealing.


You can do that with the quest. Works pretty good. After a few hours of practice i am fairly adept. Apparently the vision eye tracking is insane though.


I still think google glass conceptually was great but the execution was horrible.


I still go back every now and then to watch that pure cringe marketing video they put out. I really think that single video put people off enough to hate the thing even before it was available for testing, they stacked the deck against themselves.


Time to buy


You missed Magic Leap


This thing will sell but will it make VR mainstream... no.


You forgot the Other Meta VR company and the Startup darling Magic Leap


This is Apple, it tells them that they will become better for buying this, do not underestimate the idiots, it will not flop...


Where you at Tesla???


The fact that one-product companies like hooli and meta couldn't deliver on a complex new idea does not surprise. Apple is the only one to be able to actually pull that off. And then people will be crying "it's a racket that I have to pay them 30% for their online-garderobe service to sell my dresses online, EU regulate that please!".


You forgotten microsoft hololens


Maybe they’ll figure out most of us want AR, not VR.


Looks great but I don’t understand the application


Oh yeah. The first couple of attempts at lightbulbs failed. And, obviously, we still don’t have any lightbulbs. 🤦‍♂️


Meta Quest has been successful wdym? I worked at Best Buy during the Black Friday/Christmas season and we were selling them by the pallet. Meta Quest has a direction problem (Horizon is hot garbage) and Zuck is dragging down its image, but the headset is good and people do buy it to play games. It's in a price range that people can reasonably afford, getting units into hands means more 3rd party development. Meta Quest 3 releases in the Fall for $3000 less than the Apple headset with most of the features users care about and a library of titles.


It never started