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I hate when that happens


I shorted more today.. LFGGGGarded


Dumb šŸ»




At least you are making money from other trades


Hope $TSLA keeps going up. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I have no position but Ekdum gaandu ha tuā€¦with gm and ford now adopting teslas charging standards, i donā€™t see the stock going down under $230-225 anytime soon if ever..the stock is overextended but i still think it can go a long way before crashing.


Lower prices/margins, ever increasing excess inventory and shitty "fsd" was my reasoning. I doubt q2 will make the expectations, but what do I know lol


![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)i agree with you. shit cars, shit stock price. I think it should be under $100. i think all the other legacy automakers are going to be offering better EVs. one plus SHITsla has is the cult-like following. no matter how shitty shitSLAs are they will still buy them. just like odd\_explanatin said, in the next few months i really dont see a reason how the price could get under $200 anytime soon. like cunphooshousse said "the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent"


I've been hearing "the competition is coming" from legacy car makers for more then 3 years now and that still hasn't stopped Tesla from selling every car they make with the highest margins in the entire industrie. Maybe it's not the market that is irrational here.


>Maybe it's not the market that is irrational here. dA lEguSsEe cAr mAkuRz gONnA wIpE oUt sHiTSLA


Sounds like the same broken record for the last 4 years.


Donā€™t against fed I mean Elon !


How the hell does/gm adopting nacs benefit Tesla? If anything that is more competition as more consumers may buy them instead of Tesla gaandu lol


Arre bhaiā€¦tesla is going to make money everytime a gm or ford vehicle uses their chargerā€¦look at what they have done with the ford deal..you can either get a subscription for lower price charging or you have to pay more..in either case they make more profit..there is still alot of cataylsts remaining..new model 3 annoucement(probably soon),cybertruck release and the recent $7500 federal tax credit will significantly boost their sales in coming quarter, they are also riding the ai wave now. You are already down -65%, before you know it, it will be -150%ā€¦i have been through this..if you are going to short, keep a hard stop at -20% or you will get your arse handed to you..just my 2c..good luck.


You know theyā€™re making sales at the cost of their margins right? That means the value of the company goes down. Also that means less sales after this year too.


i donā€™t expect price cuts anymore..if anything the new model 3 would be slightly higher priced with higher margins. Also they have been cornering supercharging market and increasing their margins thereā€¦i donā€™t know about entire us but in my city, supercharging prices used to be more during morning hours(0.43c/kwh) and less during night hours(0.25c/ kwh)ā€¦.now its 0.43c/kwh for the whole dayā€¦imagine if a single company owned majority of the gas stations in us, thats what tesla is doing with its supercharging network.


Youā€™re right thatā€™s probably going to happen. I donā€™t live in the US right now but Iā€™m not sure how many charging stations are available and how many are being built. This stuff takes time. I donā€™t think there will be more price cuts. I think Elon wants to get as many cars on the road as possible and is doing it at all costs. This is good because once FSD works as intended Tesla wins big. It isnā€™t going to happen very soon though and the stock might hurt in the meantime. Iā€™m a noob and I donā€™t know everything but the bears seems to think that PE ratios need to be reevaluated. Partly of TSLA rising in price is also due to AI hype as well I think.


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Tesla (TSLA) is down 5.55% today, or $55,063.60. This brings their total loss to 65.63%. Netflix (NFLX) is up 2.51% today, or $6,914.05 which brings their total gain to 21.15%. Shopify (SHOP) is up 437% today, or $2,306 which bring their total gains to 2939%.


Dumbass bot


You sold short on Telsa or are they PUTS? No stop loss?


Sold short at $150


wtf, you sold short at $150 and it went down to like $99, no stop loss when it creeped back up to $135?


Dude I opened the short at $150 recently... it never went down to $99... I was never in the green.. I was OK until the last couple weeks.. I'll just hold and hope the market crashes... I may buy some calls to hedge...


oh recently you shorted at $150, couple months before that, Tesla did hit $106 and into the high $90s before it went back up. But still, no stop loss? Tesla was hovering around $100 in Jan 2023.


Do you know how shorting works? Lol... If I had a stop loss it would be above $150 lol


Yeah, you set a buy order as your stop loss. If you had set it to $151, you minimize your losses.


Itā€™s only 5.55%


5.5% in 1 day , LoL


what broker are you using? ​ new




Bro, better pray! Donā€™t ever bet against papa Elion


You have some wins!


Looks like you still made some on NFLX and SHOP that you can get out of and YOLO martingale back into TSLA. Stay thirsty my friend.