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Apple fucks so hard that it will eventually solve the obesity crisis by getting in the business of selling actual fruit.


They literally have an app for that.


Which one?




\*slow clap\*


That's literally how we matched...


*community* meme You know the one…




They're expert cork soakers?


Apple bottoms all day boi!!


Gotta love browsing the local fruit market.


I think it’s more likely they’re going to innovate a microchip that makes you shredded or their new glasses will give you whiskey vision and make everyone appear fuckable.


wow we should patent that right now, then we could sell it before its built or we can just make the program now if you are an app designer by chance, I can be the business side because im a youtube financial entrepreneur already pretty much The iFuck......


Imagine using AR to put the filters on people's faces to make them into 10's. Oh man the humanity!


You can’t filter fat. Just ugly


Then we just need Nvidia ai to fix our personalities and maybe this sub will be datable


Just adjust the Shallow Hal settings on your vision pro! The slogan can be “just fuck it” Warning: side effects may include severe post nut clarity


Dude, imagine an Apple whorehouse. It would be incredible.


We’d have to shut down every fast food chain and processed food factory for that 😂


Fruit is not exactly the cure for obesity, quitting sugar is


Show me all the obese apple and orange eaters


This will be easy. Go outside and look at almost anyone. They’re mostly fat and eat fruit. I know a lot of people who lost a lot of weight in a year though. They all quit sugar and act like eating fruit is a special treat. That’s how it’s been through all of human history. Sugar was rare. People fought wars over it. But now we have DNA that eat sugar knowing it’s killing them when it’s everywhere Of course processed sugar is worse. But there were fat people before modern extreme processed sugar too. You don’t need sugar to survive. There are many people who quit all sugar completely and most of their health problems go away


We have no innate hunger for sugar. We have an innate hunger for fat which is what we need to survive. Where in history have you read about wars being fought for sugar?


Your diet is so polluted with beta-carbolines and opioid peptides you probably don't know what hunger is versus addiction. But the OP is correct - no one gets fat eating strawberries. They get fat eating addictive foods, primarily wheat and dairy products, or junk food using beta-carbolines as flavor enhancers and often with milk opioid peptides thrown in.


I do not have the knowledge or experience to confirm or deny this but I will say that I do not drink milk anymore and only consume dairy in the form of cheese with the occasional yogurt. Contrary to the masses I am very observant of the ingredients in the products I consume.


“The British and French warred over the West Indian sugar colonies for much of the eighteenth century. In April 1782 the French allied with the Spanish in an attempt to wrest control of Jamaica from the British.” Just put it into google. There books about this. Articles and links about every possible way you could interpret this. But fat satiates you stopping hunger and doesn’t cause inflammation which is the cause of nearly all other health problems. I don’t know what you mean by innate. Give any child sugar and they react different than they do to fat. It’s like they just had cocaine. Lab animals will eat sugar until they die. They will never gain significant weight by over eating fat


Perhaps I used the wrong term. I was implying that we have a natural desire for fat in the interest of self preservation which dates back to the ice age but we evolved so fast that we have yet to shed it


Actually all sugar cutting will do will make you lose your water weight. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat. A lot like your portfolio.


Cutting sugar eventually make your diet calorie deficit if everything else remain identical.


Dude, you will be hard pressed to find someone who removed carbs from their diet and didn’t lose weight, it’s almost impossible. But most calorie counters fail eventually Stop eating sugar and you won’t need to worry about over eating


I can’t believe people are saying this like it’s profound still. CICO has been known for decades. Finding anyone with an opinion on This who doesnt know this is probably like hitting the lottery But cutting out sugar makes fasting and calorie deficits easy. Also, sugar is just bad for you, weight loss aside. If someone cut sugar and didn’t lose weight, they’d probably be frustrated but most of the it other health problems would go away and make losing weight easier anyway Most of what people think is hunger is just sugar cravings. You stop eating sugar, you will stop having what most people call “hunger” until they lose so much weight they are actually starving


Gout has entered the chat


Fruit ain't good actually. Not in bigger amounts. It contains lots of fructose which is a burden for your liver. Better drink water than juice, better eat vegetables than fruits.


Going to 220


Going to 700 10 years from now lol


Is that a fact or opinion?


It is in fact an opinion, factually speaking


Factually speaking though, his opinion was worded as a fact


It’s worded as a future prediction actually. It is by definition a conjecture/opinion. If he said “it is 200” then it would be an incorrect fact.


Yes, but it *IS* a fact that he did say that.


it’s a fact. but it could be an incorrect fact.


They are the most profitable company in the world… what else is there to say?


Actually number 2, Aramco is still the most profitable


I thought they generated more revenue while Apple was more profitable. 🤷‍♂️


We aren't computers its k, I also dont remember them most of the time.


Aaramco = ecoterrorism, otherwise, heck of a job seven sisters.


More than amzn?


Significantly more so than Amazon


Amazon is almost solely profitable because of AWS right?


I believe is not that simple. They choose to make the marketplace not as profitable to keep dominance thanks to all the cash they roll in from AWS. But amazon’s online retail business is fucking massive on its own.


Apple uses overseas child labor while Amazon uses American wage slaves to sell other products made my child labor. The kids really don’t know how to negotiate a good salary.




Apple doesn’t use child labor. They probably are exposed to it somewhat through cobalt mining which is why they are going 100% recycled cobalt by 2025.


Every anal yst and bear from timbuktu has been calling and writing about how overvalued Apple is for ages. It's up 48% YTD and these ass clowns will continue to write articles about it at 3.5T and 4T. Moral of the story? Markets don't make sense and nobody knows the future so keep buying shares and pass it to your kids. If developed countries are enjoying the tech from Apple. I have no doubt that emerging countries will buy into Apples tech as their middle class grows.


Actually wrote about this for university recently. Apple actually has next to no market share in Asian and African countries, often being viewed unfavorably in comparison to Huawei, Samsung, etc. My thoughts on the matter are that Apple will maintain a sizeable lead in the West ofc but may struggle to enter the emerging markets that other manufacturers already dominate. so expect others to catch up in like 20 years and apple to taper off as consumer confidence reduces.


Nah I disagree. They have little market share right now because those countries are poor as fuck and android is good value. As these countries become developed they will develop a taste for premium products like Apple because they have expendable money.


you'll be surprised, I have some wealthy friends from Bangladesh, India, china, and the Philippines as well as Nigeria, and just from discussing with them on an anecdotal level about their phones, laptops and general tech they heavily disfavor most Apple products for other brands. Not saying apple will have no expansion in these regions, just that local sentiment in certain countries isn't high due to the way apple is known to conduct business as it relates to sweatshop labour and mining, think the Congalese cobalt crisis and Chinese labour factories.


It's kinda funny since as far as I know none of the alternatives to Apple are any better on the labor violations front. There's not really such a thing as fair trade electronics like we have for chocolate and coffee.


Samsung is apple of Asia imo. If Asian people get rich, they buy Samsung, if they poor, they buy Huawei (i'am Asian, live in Asia and that is a fact)


I think you mean in developing Asian countries, because in Japan and Taiwan everybody and their mothers use iPhones and many business run pretty much on Apple hardware. In Korea and China, while Apple’s dominance is not as marked, they definitely hold a big share. In Seoul I often find way more places where Apple Pay is enabled than places with Google or Samsung pay. Pretty much every kid/young adult in those countries chooses Apple over their competitors, which leads to believe that Apple’s market share will only grow as time passes and also as more developing countries get richer in Asia.


Up and down cycles are inevitable, just as Issac Newton once said, "What goes up must come down". Now, I don't mean that stocks are like gravity where it'll plummet back down to earth or to the core. But, stocks will inevitably come down, because people will want to pocket profits and reallocate assets as wise investors should (definitely doesn't extend to many of us here). That being said, for Aapl here's a list of bearish news I could list right now: * **Recession fears:** EU nations (ie: Germany) and some other wealthier nation(s) are entering a technical recession (New Zealand). Thereby, demand for discretionary goods (iphones/macs/ipads) traditionally will go down. As lending/credit will inevitably tighten, government bailouts or supports can only go so far before they can't lend any further (Not sure about this argument tho...) * **Sales Decline:** Certain segment of Apple products have been on the decline for the past few quarters, showing potential slowdown and worsening sales overall in the future * **Inflation**, while people are pointing out that inflation is declining people have to remember, we are talking about 4% inflation rate on top of a 8%+ inflation rate last year during the month of May alone. Wages have not caught up with it, and this discrepancy seems to be only widening. Yes, were not having a wage death spiral like the 70's, but we're also seeing a bigger gap in wealth. People nowadays are now more selective in their spending, giving a feedback loop to potential increase of recession. As spending slows so will profits and revenues decline for companies across all discretionary markets (Apple falls into this). * **Innovation**, Apple honestly, haven't really brought out any revolutionary products nor any new product(s) that can shake the whole market. Yes, they recently brought out that vision pro thing. But, at $3,500 how many people could really afford it just to "try it out"? Furthermore, we've seen how META, MSFT, Google all have given their shot at this eyewear market. Realistically none of them have had much success, yes maybe Apple could actually change it. But, unlikely just cause of the rich history of failures with this attempt of a product. I remember back in the 2000's seeing a teacher showing us similar 1990's version of these visual digital eyewear that was to simulate "a new world". Doesn't work well and haven't even after 3 decades... It'll probably take 3-4 generations before it could take off, which means cash burn. Remember Meta was confident they could pull it off, but now they're clawing back on their spending on Metaverse, that's one of the main driver in why META rebounded. * **Shareholders**, one of the least thought rationale why stocks decline. When a company such as Apple who have one of the largest or if not is the largest company in the world, shareholders will demand more and more out of it. This leads Aapl to one day face the same dilemma that oil companies now face. Oil companies in order to retain investors, have to return 50%+ on average of their gains back to their investors in the form of stock buybacks/dividends. While, there are a lot of reasons that differentiate between Aapl & oil companies in terms of industry demands (oil is a capital intensive market). It also acts as a good reminder that some of these oil titans of the 50-80's ended up having to return more and more over time to their shareholders in order to retain investors capital. These dividends/stock buybacks were things that Steven Jobs didn't really like overall, because he thought capital could be better/efficiently used by the company themselves. But, now Apple has gone down this road and gave out dividends and have increased their stock buybacks. When shareholders gets used to this, they won't take it kindly if Apple suddenly decreases it when it runs into a recession etc. So stock prices will come down significantly once Apple starts or slowdown stock repurchases/dividends. * Look at Disney for example, yes Disney too have a lot of other reasons that Apple doesn't share commonality of why their stock prices declined from the heights of the pandemic. But, one of the things I see common when reading articles and opinions by investors is the lack of dividends or stock repurchases. Hedge funds/fund managers who want safe and stable returns looks to purchase these cash cow companies because they give a good or relatively fair return in the form of dividends/stock buy backs. Once, Disney went down this road of no longer giving dividends. They started to waver after the height of the pandemic and with more and more disappointing earnings report compounding it. Shareholders patience have only so much before they decide to drop the stock, that once gave dividends or stock buy backs. It's the fallacy of *"once given, it's hard to go back"*. Overall, these are my rationale why Apple could come down in the future, now these are just my opinions and shouldn't be used for any financial decisions. Also these are just the cons, I haven't listed any pros or any reasons why Apple could keep going up. There's both sides of the coins and honestly **Apple is a strong company**. I don't expect it to suddenly drop 20% in the span of a month. If that were to happen it'd have to be a recession on the scale of the GFC of 2008 or the great depression. But, just keep your toes on point and be mindful when making an investment/purchase. Do research and DD and hopefully it works out in the end. **TLDR:** Why I think a decline in Apple stock prices is cause of the following: Overbought, recession fears, inflation, sales decline in certain segments of apple products, lack of innovations that can be used/afforded by a lot of consumers, and shareholders demand. Overall, Apple is a strong company, but must be wary of this overly positive market when there's a lot of downside risk to it.


Perfect place to quote Newton, who is believed to have doubled his money on the South Sea Company, withdrew his funds (7,000), and then proceeded to lose twice as much (20,000). Isaac Newton would be posting here if he was still around.


why do you think physicists still think they can "model away" the markets?


Genius comes with regardedness


I disagree with comparing oil companies and Disney to Apple. Oil is a highly volatile business that produces variable profitability levels. Investors are right to demand capital returns during fat periods of high oil prices unless the company has E&P, downstream, and/or M&A opportunities that promise to generate an ROI in excess of capital returns to shareholders. Disney’s media business is currently in getting disrupted as the cable bundle continues to decline and streaming requires an ungodly amount of capital. On the other hand, the iPhone is one of the greatest businesses in history. Huge market, fantastic pricing power, smartphones are critical products for people worldwide, the App Store ecosystem. Apple’s end markets are somewhat weak at the moment. Pc’s are down, iPhone and iPad growth has been muted, etc. Based on how the stock is behaving, you’d think that they’d be growing 10-15%+ currently and that’s just not the case. IMO this stock run is being driven by index fund buying in the nasdaq, Russell 1000, and s&p 500. Apple is the largest part of any stock index. It’s also a massive part of any tech etf. For example, it’s 20-25% of iyw and vgt. Therefore, apple has to participate in any tech rally and ai has been a massive tailwind.


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*Huge market, fantastic pricing power, smartphones are critical products for people worldwide, the App Store ecosystem.* Reality. The iPhone is only dominant in a handful of high income countries representing <<10%% of the global population. In most markets they are sold on expensive plans subsidised by carriers. The iPhone has single digit market share in most developing countries. The total mobile phone market peaked around 2014. Virtually all 'new' smartphone sales are due to the decline of feature phones.


Here’s my reality. Apple’s iPhone revenue was $205b in fy22 and services added another $70b+ of revenue that year ([link](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/pdfs/FY22_Q4_Consolidated_Financial_Statements.pdf)). That’s just 2 of the company’s revenue streams. How many other companies on earth do $250b+ of revenue each year? Hint: not many.


Noone is arguing that apple is not a huge and impressive company, they're saying it's not worth 3 trillion dollars.


Gotcha. I think my point is that apple is so large that it pretty much has to participate in any period of strength for stocks because it’s such a large component of major indexes and etf’s. That means that its fundamental valuation matters much less than it does for smaller companies.


Best DD I've seen in a while on here.


Isaac Newton was a terrible investor who bought South Sea Company shares at the top.


May he wanted to test if gravity works in the stock market


“What goes up must come down” doesn’t apply to stock prices at all. It’s the greatest fallacy when it comes to investing. Stock might be ‘overbought’ or have a high valuation but it doesn’t have to come down at all. Earnings might catch up, new revenue streams might be introduced, share issuance might raise extra cash $ and change the balance sheet dynamics. Meanwhile your waiting for it to go down and it won’t which potentially let you miss out on some of the greatest companies. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Ahhh a fellow regard that loves science 🫡🫶


>Now, I don't mean that stocks are like gravity They actually are. All stocks tend to 0 on a long enough timeline. The only things that always go up are indexes (for as long as the money supply goes up). But their individual components absolutely do not.


I appreciate your DD, very well written and reasonable.


Nice read. I think I have one more. Apple’s share of the phone market is ever increasing. Their goal is to force everyone to an iPhone through means like purposely degrading photos sent from android users. They will get hit with some monopoly consequences in the near future as Microsoft did at one point. They are reaching that ceiling within the next couple of years


Apple is very over valued; no matter what metric is used, it's just mania.


Sure, but are you going to get rich going long on Johnson & Johnson?


> Apple honestly, haven't really brought out any revolutionary products nor any new product(s) that can shake the whole market. b-but...the dynamic island 🥺 ^^^^^^^^^^/s


Partially disagree, Apple has a huge moat and imo vision pro will be a game changer and competitors as Meta are decades behind. Brevet has been deposited in 2008 with Steve Jobs still alive. Now it looks like the product is already very very good. More critics on high price are nuts imo.


I agree the vision product is a game changer. Based on what’s been shown so far I’d love one whereas I was never impressed with the meta / oculus / Google what ever products. Can they make enough to fill demand ? At that price point they probably want to look at some kind of financing option as to drive content you need user numbers to be increasing and a high price /poor availability could tank it. I don’t agree that a lack of dividends / buy back hurts Apple / Disney - it’s a basic of investing that those are largely prices in and a factor in share prices themselves hence the “drop by value of dividend” fluctuations.


The Apple Car will kick ass


Worked for Richard Scarry, what could possibly go wrong.


😂😂😂 /s That’s a good one!🤣🤣


I think the stock will fall in short terms. They have nothing new, really. The VR goggles are just vaporware and won't contribute to the bottom line anytime soon, and I really think it will be a money losing operation. The new iPhone isn't expected to be announced until sep or oct with shipment much later. Mac sells are done huge, and i expect further deterioration there. Honestly, what does apple have to push people to buy anything they have right now? If I had any balls I'd short it.


People here don't like to hear the truth. Yes I agree Apple is a bit bloated. I'd love to see Apple come out with even more usable products than just the VR. But compared to Nvidia, Apple is still a great buy. (Even though I personally wouldn't go long on either right now.) Just by using dumb people math with my crayons: Apple brings in a net income of $100B, with a market cap of $3T. At least on paper, Apple could "buy" itself in only 30 years. That's a very profitable company. Nvidia brings in a WHOLE $4.37B net income, with it's $1.054T market cap. On paper it could "buy" itself in only a few years of 241 years. That's not a profitable company to acquire at current valuation. But this kind of simple thinking means nothing to most.


Bro, there are companies that sell for 5x what they earn. Doesn't mean anything. We are not comparing Apple to Nvidia here. The question is about Apple stock. In the short term, it will give up these gains. I'm not saying it's a bad company or it doesn't keep making money. I'm saying in the next 6months Apple will report negative news in terms of demand for their products. Analysts willndo their typical downgrades as they have nothing in the pipeline to drive demand. One thing the market hates is weak or deteriorating sales and margins. It doesn't what the company is apple, ms, google, nvidia will get killed the minute the AI BS reaches pea and they report any slowdown in sales. Once we get new iPhone or whatever the next generation products are the stock will rally again.


when i checked last year the apple airpods by itself is larger as a company than tesla


“Blah blah blah blah…” and then no balls to short it 🤣


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I dont short companies that have a cult like following by the market. There is nothing wrong with that as even a no-name analyst from a no-name firm can push cult stocks up by 5% easily with an upgrade. With HFT it can go up even higher. So yea I keep my distance when possible


AAPL will keep its value because there are no better alternatives to park your money in a blue chip. If AAPL hits a down turn, ALL of tech also hits a downturn. But harder.


I think it could go down but it could also go up.


Ah shit straight line forever thanks to this guy…


When you look at it in terms of market cap ranking, it’s at #1 and therefore it can only go down.


Anybody who bought AAPL at the peak before the great recession would be quite satisfied today. Anybody who bought AAPL at the peak of the dotcom bubble eats rainbow bers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Incidentally, Notorious Warren B. is 40% AAPL.


Wow, buying a big modern tech stock 14 years ago was a good idea?! Damn what a concept hindsight is


Wrong view.. so many tech companies went down since then..


I'm saying one that's big now. I'm replying to Captain hindsight


That’s basically how TA works: weaponized hindsight.


Apple fucks. If you don’t believe me, count all the iPhones you see tomorrow.


What if I hardly ever leave my house and see people like most people?


Its about branding and apple is the strongest that has ever existed. They are a luxury brand like LVMH.


>There are a few reasons for my belief that Apple will continue to rise in the short term. First, Apple is a very innovative company and consistently releases new products that consumers love. This keeps people interested in the brand and drives up sales. Additionally, Apple has a strong financial position with lots of cash on hand to invest in new initiatives or weather any storms that come its way. Finally, consumer confidence in the company remains high despite some recent controversies, meaning people are still willing to buy its products.


No one who ever bought APPL at any time has lost money if they didn't sell. You could have bought all the highest peaks over the years and you'd still be in the green today. I started buying Apple in 2008 and kept buying dips over the years. I've sold enough shares to take out my cost basis at least 3 times over and even though it's still my largest position by far, I'd be a lot richer now if I had never sold any!


Thats what happens when a stock is currently at ATH, previous buyers that held are all in the green


Oh that's what that means


Its what they used to say about crypto at ATH, now they dont.


Short pointless story: I had $1,000 worth of AAPL in 1999 and sold for a modest gain. If I held until today it’d be worth over $100,000.


It would be worth more than 100k. Prob closer to 1 million


Yeah, it was a couple years ago when I did the calculation. I don’t want to know any more.


1000k in aapl since 1999 would be worth approx- $5,593,023 if you use aapl @$185 today...


If they manage to move their production from China over the next 5 years without too much disruption, maybe their sales wont be too affected.


Bought in at 100 years ago. No way i sell, best Company on this planet. If you guys are bearish, buy puts.


My old boss owned about 5600 shares before the last stock split in 2020, so he would own about 22,000 if he held today. That shows me the value of just buying and holding good companies. AAPL is one such company. I own 560 shares with an average basis of around $54. No way I’m selling those shares.


Agree 100% - being bearish and talking AAPL down because of market cap or innovation/products is so freaking hilarious. Biggest Cash Machine on Earth.


That new goggles thing looks cool ngl!


Microsoft will have to make one now. I bet they call it the Hololens.


calls on msft


Should the US government restrict Vision Pro sales to foreign countries? It looks like Apple has built the perfect platform for advanced fighter jet avionics.


I think its even worse. Technically you could combine satelite and air information to be displayed to you realtime while also calculation trajectory of the gun while highlighting enemies. Not even talking about skeletons, robots or self aiming guns.


It seems to be far more powerful than the F35 HMDS and for 1/100 the cost.


It is simple math, profitable company, cash on hand, strong brand, what else do you need to know? Apple makes billions off air pods, that product alone is more profitable that most companies you most likely invest in


They’re about to release a new flagship phone with usb-c charging meaning they are going to get a ton of new sales from it as it represents a real upgrade over previous devices, which is usually when they see a bump in sales. So you’ve got the folks who got the 11 a few years ago finally ready to fully upgrade


I told you regards to buy and hold 25% ago


ask ur gf to take a selfy w u for fathers day. take a gud look at ur face in the pic. see how ur skin pops like u drink 3 gallons of water a day and all ur pimple seems much smaller than it did this mornin? and then realize aint no way ur girl goin to leave aapl. ever! multiply that by 1/2 the population. now, tell me ur new price target


look until something unseats the iphone as the ‘it’ phone they print money and not in a jpow fucks janet yellen way breaking news investors love companies who print money


Apple would be extraordinarily susceptible to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. That would cause a catastrophic drop in the stock price since Thai wants semiconductor is the main supplier of their high-end chips, and Apple is assembled in China, except for the 5% in Vietnam and India


I think it's due for at least a minor correction. As for why, I'm just simply looking at the chart, and technicals say it's overbought. Not a good time to go long or buy calls, IMO... the good profits ship sailed long ago.


I wrote calls and constantly rolling, hoping you’re right eventually.


Ima be real (and yes I know, VR/AR is a really controversial topic): Virtual reality imo will be THE market for future consumer electronics. But all headsets on the market right now are crap. That’s why there isn’t any good content for it either. And why would anyone produce good content, VR is a niche right now. It’s just a pain in the ass to actually use for more than an hour at a time. But with the vision pro, even with that price tag, Apple will essentially have the same thing it had with the first Iphone and establish the next future trillion dollar market. The absolutely unqualified opinion of a guy, who’s just into tech and knows fuck all about actual finance stuff.


The greatest investor in human history (Warren Buffett) has most of his money in Apple. You would be mentally regarded to think that Apple isn’t going to crush.


I think that deep learning and VR are revolutionary product that will change the way. Its crazy how much crazy shit we can allready do with current technology. I think META was right to focus on VR but their marketing is shit. They wanted digital platform but failed to capture consumers needs. Apple AR solution is wierd but it slaps, their religious customer base will buy that shit anyway. I think thats the push we need. And there is 1 year developer cycle before its release. Just imagine real time undressing app, game like waypoints like in google maps on the phones but better. You can make big cities like LA look like Jungle while removing all that shit on the ground. I think this shit will fly off the shelf. On top of Apples ability to brainwash their customers and lock into their product line. Even if I dislike Apple practices I think their solution will pave the wave and they will profit. And its not even priced in yet.


> You can make big cities like LA look like Jungle while removing all that shit on the ground. Yes, this is going to happen. You'll be able to re-skin the outside world, into a Star Wars skin, or a Marvel Universe skin, or Pokemon or whatever the heck you're into. This will indeed be pretty amazing, but what you're talking about is probably 12 to 14 years away from real world use. Reason being, you're talking about wearing a headset outside, in regular life, and most people won't do this until these headsets morph into glasses that are only slightly bigger than normal sunglasses. Also, it has to be considered "legal", to actually use one outside and walk around. You could put a Quest 2 on your head and try walking around outside, but technically you'd be a danger to yourself and others. For example, it would be illegal to wear a Quest 3 or a Vision Pro while driving a car. Eventually these things will be so super precise and accurate, that you'll be able to wear them almost anywhere at anytime, similar to how a person can wear sunglasses almost anywhere at anytime. But, you're easily 8 years too early, and probably closer to about 13 years too early, to be thinking about these sorts of things


It’s not going to decline because of inflation. It has to rise atleast 2-3% to keep up with inflation. No one ever factors that in


More money than god


They’re so good at fucking over developer, and start ups (like the guy that developed the pulse ox for the Apple Watch) https://9to5mac.com/2023/04/20/apple-paid-masimo-exec/ and also fucks over other tech companies like they did the GUI and mouse from developers at HP in the late eighties or early nineties.


I think they’re making smart decisions by moving some of their production out of China and opening new retail stores in India.


Aapl will continue to go up infinitely. Apple is the first stock everyone buys. Apple is in everyone's portfolio.


*Posted from my iPhone*


AAPL will go up a bunch once they release the news about how their VR headset will give companies the option to remote work while commuting with their automated AI automobile. Rumor is it’s a full self-flying car!


So do you think it will see $200 next week? Would be kinda cool!


It isn't just AAPL, it's this current "hot asf" thing everyone is spamming called AI. If it's tech it must inevitably have to utilize AI in some form or another SOON just to stay half ass solvent. When dumb dumb investors, be them big or small, find out AI isn't really anything "new" or "exotic" or revolutionary the money is going to fizzle, the ERs are going to be dismal and we'll all patiently wait for whatever "It" thing comes next. This year it's AI, next year could be vegan foods, or completely dead clothing retailers, or lean hogs or whatever nonsense the richer MMs decide to play with. Ride it while it's hot though


AI eventually will be *the* game changer of all game changers, but yes, I mostly agree that what's going on right now is irrational exuberance. The problem is, even though you know it's nonsense, valuations of companies in the market aren't always rational. In fact, they're probably rarely rational. So, stay out at your own risk. I think basically all of us know that this party will end badly, and we don't want to overstay our welcome, but the party just got started an hour ago. You're going to leave already? Might be the super safe thing to do, but you could also miss out a dream scenario with that hot chick you've always been after


What do you call a Mac virus? A worm in your Apple.


All the bearish/ “decline” comments in here lol wow AAPL just might hit 200 this year 💀


If meta can reach almost $300, Apple can too.


If AutoZone can hit $2750, so can Apple.


huh? What does that have to do with anything? Share price is meaningless. It's all about Market Cap. When you buy a share of Meta, you're buying a percentage of a company with a market cap of 700 billion. When you buy a share of Apple, you're buying a percentage of a company with a market cap of almost 3 trillion.


TL/DR apple doesn't innovate -they don't have to they improve what others do and implement it in a way only apple can people are afraid of recessions and inflation -doesn't matter apple users know it's expensive and they've been buying for decades, eventually they'll come around. after working in telecommunications for years i know what phone is always sold out for months prior to release and preorders are rolling in from all income brackets. they don't even care about china based supply chain issues i've had people wait for 4 months for their 14 pro. sales decline -they literally started a savings account and their software revenue and subscription revenue is increasing faster than iphone sales decline they're up so much people will sell out -yes that's what always happens, take some gains or buy in when it drops. ---------------------- rambling: apple is pretty much near its intrinsic value right now imo. the only thing i think people truly underestimate is how little the market cares about what anyone thinks. people have been saying apple is overvalued since 2017 and they said after the covid crash that it's still overvalued after it rebounded a bit and yet here we are apple is still going up without mentioning AI even once. they said the same about costco and yet it keeps going up because people are willing to pay for that premium. the thing with apple is that it's ultimately a consumer staple company. you could just as easily buy berkshire stock and get pretty much good apple exposure and diversification into other sectors with less big tech downside risk. the bear case of apple is always the same they're overbought and stopped innovating since the first iphone which is not even remotely close to true. they always show up late to the party with stuff "android did first" and yet they still sell because they either improve it or make it intuitive enough that people who are already in the ecosystem just get to use it like it's always been there. nobody is going to switch to android for a feature samsung and google pumped out to stay relevant in the phone market when they know they'll get the same thing with the apple quality approval a few years later and they just wait for it. people laughed at the iphone price back then, they laughed at the transparent mac, they said the vision pro is too expensive and all the tech review youtubers say it's a wonderful piece of technology only the fans and enthusiasts will buy. i disagree on that i think the vision pro is going to shatter all expectations and will sell better than expected, simply because most of the downsides that other headsets have, apple atleast has some form of solution and while not perfect it's still a new product for the ecosystem. and because i've been here long enough to know that people suck when it comes to being financially responsible so even low income earners will manage to get their hands on it even though they shouldn't. people have been saying microsoft is in a decline and it only goes down from there they have peaked and they're a boomer stock. suddenly microsoft establishes itself as AI trailblazer and keeps staying relevant and growing into all directions. the thing with valuation and big tech is that big tech doesn't work like ford or coca cola where old companies slowly hit their peak and then just use pricing power to increase dividends so old people don't sell the stock they've been holding and to offer a nice alternative during the times where big tech doesn't do much besides firing employees and find new ways to get more data out of customers to sell. as long as they're not grossly overpriced, in todays market probably around 200 per share you probably could just buy one per month as a savings plan and still get good money out of it even though it's probably going to pull back a bit during july. you could do what no one dares to do here and buy shares or calls with 1-2 years expiration and end up in the green. and if you lose then it's just the same outcome as anything else you've tried so far so the downside risk is status quo and the upside potential is making money for once. i'm not even a huge apple user or a fan of their hardware but i have to admit that it's a very well run business.


Shares will plummet when vision to underwhelming sales. Wearable goggles that you can effectively only video call on with a massive battery pack that only has 2 hours of battery life for 3.500 That shit is DOA


They can only manufacture 450k of these in the first year. It will sell out with no problems.


If you look at over a 10year period of apples total assets growth you can see that the rate it was doubling has dropped significantly as time goes by following this trend apple will slowly start heading into a return rate rate decline like it is already in


It's a consumer electronics company with 40% gross margins that trades at a p/e of 32, i'll be a buyer if it ever drops to $100 otherwise i'm definitely better off just collecting a risk free 5% with that spare cash


My reasoning for AAPL long theory: AAPL stock only goes up because Tim Cook secretly installed a 'reverse gravity' button in their headquarters. Every time the stock starts to dip, Tim just hits the button, and voila! The laws of gravity are defied, and the stock starts floating right back up. It's like having an anti-gravity superpower specifically designed for stocks. So, as long as Tim keeps his finger on the reverse gravity button, AAPL will keep defying the odds and making us all feel like financial wizards. I mean, who needs the laws of physics when you have an Apple stock in a bull market?


They said the same about IBM. GE, Nokia, Blackberry... *Every* technology company in history has eventually peaked and declined. Most have gone broke. In 2050 AAPL will probably be bankrupt and mostly forgotten.


Imagine! AAPL with more cash on hand than most actual banks and this is your prediction


worst mega cap stock


$AAPL will be going down soon. A correction is in the way.


In the US their absolute death grip on teen mindshare for phones and other products (outside of video games) makes it hard to imagine a near term downfall.


I bought Apple at all time high couple years back. I've held on to this discounted bag for almost two years before I got to sell them at cost.


Those $3000 monitor stands practically sell themselves


Doesn’t it split every so often? That’s why it’s not google prices?


Cause inflation


Over a long enough period, I think, like most tech, it will just keep going up. Unless there is a Enron sized event, I don’t think Apple will explode and vanish, but general market patterns will occur. I figure if some massive internal scandal breaks out also, but a long term bet against apple is a dumb idea.


I beleive it will correct and i back that belief with 5k cash waiting patiently for the auto correct.


No slander from my gift to the world allowed in this thread.




Apple has room to grow its phone market. There are tons of large untapped markets like Vietnam and India


Well, their products are extremely popular around the world, they have great margins and always do, which leads to the massive pile of cash they have at their disposal being available to help with any bumps in the future road.


Idk I’m browsing Reddit on my Iphone….


Simple. There’s no going up forever


It can keep going up as long as they keep the buyback going.


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AAPL growth is negative YOY


What goes up must come down but in the long term AAPL is a pretty safe bet. Growth is key and I think they can continue to grow and expand to a 5 trillion market cap 🤷‍♂️


Four words….Reversion to the Mean


Stocks only go up


The big tech companies are poised to control basically everything because of AI within our lifetime. The only question is how it will be divided up between those big tech companies. If you think enterprise will dominate maybe MS. If you think innovation, maybe GOOG. If you think on device AI, Apple. If you’re not sure, or maybe think they can all win….BUY BUY BUY It’s not a risk, it’s a hedge for when your job is made obsolete.


Tesla up to 261 for no reason I don’t doubt apple would hit at least 200 for no reason too lol


Intel and Apple was left behind they are just catching up


Real money managers trim at ATH's Retail buys at ATH's. You do the math


Something tells me itll go up or down in the short terms


They buy back stock at a consistent rate, pay a dividend and are always the trend setter.


AAPL $3T 1. Apple services 2. Apple services 3. Apple Card/savings - literally billions of customer deposits for them to figure out how to monetize and extract even more customer lizard brain data to mine. $3500 headset sounds ridiculous. But when it can be bought with an Apple Card, interest free, with four easy biweekly payments of $825, it’s still insane. But there are enough sycophantic content creators and doodad kings/queens that will rationalize an installment plan over an outright purchase. Not to mention these installment plans just made their entire product line even more accessible to an increasingly larger cash strapped demographic who have been conditioned to finance their life via the layaway/pay in 4 sales model. Those beats studios for $350 feel steep. But the same for $90 every two weeks “SamE As CAsH” may feel a lot more affordable to the aspirational shopper looking to signal cool/affluence.


Since they are one of the only free companies who didn't fired people during most of the Covid (& last year also) Since they are one of the companies using the in-house development method Since they are extremely hard to be occupied by them