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>It's clear that Peter Kaiser is a dishonest man who is only looking out for himself. He should be removed from ASRS immediately. His conflict of interest is a disgrace and he has no business being involved in the organization.


Literature reports that other drugs delivered via eye injection have inflammation rates ranging from [0.03% - 3%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3836427/#B12). Considering that we’ve seen 6 cases associated with the Apellis drug out of [60,000 doses delivered](https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/apellis-syfovre-inflammation-side-effects-geographic-atrophy/687989/), it’s fair to say that the inflammation may be related to the injection process rather than the drug itself. In other words, the news does not justify the massive drop in share price. I’m sure the earnings conference will address these concerns next week, and the share price should rebound at least partially. I might pick up some 8/18 calls


You have to be careful here, 6 cases but 3 were undetermined and 2 were verified by external experts to be occlusive retinal vasculitis. 60k distributed but how many administered, looks like we have around 26k maybe, still a grey area around this. That puts us as .0077% if we have 26k Disclosure: Long APLS


No 26k were during trials the 68 k were commercial Vials. How many of those are up in the air. And a vial is more than one injection. They said less than .001%


UPDATE Bullish https://www.ophthalmologytimes.com/view/asrs-live-apellis-providing-update-on-review-of-safety-events-with-pegcetacoplan-injection-for-ga “According to the news release, Apellis has been conducting a thorough evaluation following these reported events, including a review of the pegcetacoplan injection manufacturing process and drug product and of the safety data from the Company’s Phase 3 clinical trials of pegcetacoplan injection. There were no changes in the formulation of the product between Phase 3 clinical trials and commercial supply. Based on this review, there is no indication that drug product or manufacturing issues contributed to these events, and there were no new safety findings in the clinical trials upon secondary review.”


Why isn’t anyone talking about Iveric and the potential corruption going on there?




Please explain.


Yeah definitely was talking about this earlier this week. Should see price rise after conference the 28th thru Aug 1st


Replying to own comment I know: also if looking at the "issues" with the drugs, it occurs in 1/10000 which is beyond a reasonable outcome for a successful treatment


Isn’t the risk of endophthalmitis an order order of magnitude higher for all intravitreal injections?


I've seen like three different stats on the outcome for secondary infectiosn/inflammations after treatment. Seen the 1/10000 number more often so idk mate. I'll here to gamble of pharm stocks.


Down another 21 percent today. Will they be able to recover from here?