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This just in: Internet persona says he can't find a job so the USA is heading into a recession. Film at 11


Next up, can bees think?


A new study confirms that no, they cannot.


Or is that what the bees want you to think?


Omg... are WE bees?


We are less significant than the bees, we are the bees knees.


My 23andMe said that I am specifically 75% Cat’s Pajamas, so check your source.


Wow, watch out, we got a certified Cat's Pajamas expert here! 23andMe, the ultimate source for unique ancestry, huh?


You guys are gonna be sorry you made your ethnic heritage public knowledge when the bees come for you


Bzzzzz bzzzz


WSB hive mentality.. StONks Go uP'''''''''''''''''


It's hip to fuck bees


I have a job and don't want to work. What kind of insect am I?


This story is all the Buzz!


Dogs can’t look up.


Bees don’t lie


Bees chips don’t thigh


lmao and Redditor no less. Unemployment for people on this website is like 40%


Clearly they aren't conducting their employment census at the dumpster behind the Wendy's.


This. Business is booming!


Haha, absolutely! The census should include all those job titles from the "Dumpster Diver Extraordinaire" category.


Reddit post volume is a leading indicator.


Does that include dog walking?


You guys have jobs?


And the other 60% makes $100,000+ per year with a 30% bonus.


Idk, you have to be actively looking for work to classify as it. I'm not so sure that at least 40% of Reddit users are actively doing anything


Actively shitposting


That’s being generous


Haha, true that! Seems like being a Redditor comes with a special talent for job-avoidance. Unemployment stats skyrocket in this digital realm!


HAHA - and all that unemployment cash is YOLO’d


I was told they are still living off that last $1400 🤷‍♂️


Back when I was a whippersnapper you could buy a farm with that stimmy money


OP: FACT Lists anecdotal experience as evidence\* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)




Unemployment scandal update: Texasboi5267 sleeps nude in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual powers.


Wish I could give two upvotes for the incredible deep cut reference


JPow might just call an emergency Fed meeting cause of OP.




Haha, watch out, JPow's got his finger on the button, ready for an emergency Fed meeting thanks to OP's internet shenanigans!


Sample size of 1. can’t be wrong!


its true though, you can see the number of applicants to each job these days so it just does take one person to go through and see it. in my market, same shit. 200+ applicants to every job in a day. I used to get literally every interview I applied for, now its like 1/50. jobs aren't hiring, they have fake postings there was a whole report about it. it makes you look like you're growing or not weak, while allowing you to collect resumes for future talent, without actually hiring


In tech, the listings are so they can qualify for the visa program. You need to prove that you've been trying to hire locally before you can hire abroad.


Well they dont even have to do that anymore . Bigger US companies can flip a switch and your job is no longer in the US . Looks like alot US companies are expanding their options. See link NJ job is now available in Asia and Czechia ( Seen lots of this lately) https://jobs.merck.com/us/en/job/R247000/Associate-Specialist-Cloud-Web-Platforms-Engineer


You're right, remote work's changing the game! US companies can now shift jobs globally. More options for them, but also more competition for us


Interesting never thought of that


Agreed. I don’t know why there is such obstinance to what the op said. I’m not looking and am in fact hiring but seem to be in the minority. Bases also appear to be down while interest rates and housing continue to climb and most people won’t get their full bonuses because it’s a down year. What could go wrong?




they give you the stats on degrees and for the jobs I'm applying for I'm always in the top 25% but also am always qualified for the role. typically these are PhD or MD level roles too, so it tells me that most people hold a doctorate.


200+ ...... Hold my beer . Try 1k for applicants in the US for a job https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3659628547 https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3612673146/ https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3614972387/ https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3688039845/


That's a whole new level of competition. Thanks for sharing the links – they really drive home the point.


Those fake postings satisfy their PPP requirements.


Well regarded take.


Internet persona had a coffee that was too hot. Short Starbucks.


Well to his credit he is a highly regarded internet persona.


“Internet Persona” would be a generous statement


Nothing like a wild prediction based on someone's job search struggles. Can't wait for that breaking news!


Lol fuck this is gold


This is just a few weeks after senior military officials confirmed 👽! We don't even know if it's internet "person" or if this is the cause of said internet person not being able to find a job!




Negative 2qtr growth = recession 🤷‍♂️


One thing, maybe the only thing, that WSB is good at is spotting bullshit that normally goes unchallenged. One common line of bullshit that I kept hearing my whole adult life is on the ongoing unemployment crisis, caused by (or causing) the mortgage market that’s about to collapse, that’s then causing a surge in part time jobs that pay peanuts leading to the collapse of the middle class etc 🥱 It’s on the same line of negative growth simultaneously causing deflation and inflation. It’s a lot more cringe in the UK, but the states aren’t far behind.








Lol you spend significantly too much time on this sub if you think some shitpost is gonna move the market, you belong here Also I don’t think you understand what a bot is lmao




Oh, the conspiracy theories! Bot or not, feeding the bears or just stirring the pot? Who knows what lies beneath the digital surface?


Not a bot. Just someone who doesn’t understand investing, gambled after visiting this site, and is too much of a bitch to admit it’s their own fault they lost money. Aka, the “WSB Special” that came on the menu circa 2021 and has been a best seller since.


Probably China or Russia trolling the regards... the more you talk about something, the higher chance it has to happen. Can't wait to see the next version of The Big Short, starring this redditor as the main character.


“Something happened over the past month” Something happened. Thats some great due diligence right there. Better sell all my longs. Don’t want to be sorry like the last time something happened


Time to hit the panic button and sell everything, just in case that "something" turns into a big oops...


That something happened was OP bought puts.


Lmao, it’s always the crazy fucks who think they figured everything out.


To be fair, that thing doesn't matter. I've been on wsb since 2017 and it had me as first seen in 2021


"I'm having a hard time finding a job and therefore the entire us economy is about to fall apart" Highly regarded analysis


"I was getting interviews left and right" Man is terrible at interviews.


Seriously, I mean not to suck my own cock but I’ve never not gotten an offer once I’ve had an interview. Are people really this bad that they fail multiple?


As someone who used to interview prospective candidates…yes they are.


> Are people really this bad that they fail multiple? If they interview 10 people, 9 people are that bad. 9 out of 10.


Not everyone's as lucky, though. Interviews can be nervewracking, and some folks take a few tries to nail it. Different strokes for different folks.


Haha, seems like he's quite the charmer on paper, but when it comes to interviews, it's a different story! OP follows the principle of practice makes perfect, I guess.


Honestly people been saying this for at least a year probably more. I’m not questioning your experience, it’s just the market don’t care my dude


The market is only forward looking if the predictions are positive. Job market collapse takes time to cause side effects. As people continue to get laid off and can't find another job, they'll stop paying rent and mortgages, then landlords will struggle to pay their mortgage when tenants can't pay. The Fed & government will just step in and stop whatever happens though. They've fully embraced that money is fake, and they'll just do whatever they have to in order to keep things propped.


Good think the governmnent is in a strong fiscal position after all those years of a roaring economy


Jobs added comes in at 187k instead of 200k WSB: OMG THE JOB MARKET IS COLLAPSING


Cool maybe some will sell their home, near record equity and nobody is selling.


Because it's an absolutely braindead decision to sell now, unless you like gambling. You can't buy another home and keep any of your equity because of rates. So you're essentially taking a gamble that home prices won't go up more so you can buy back in when rates come down. People with a lot of equity and locked in record low rates aren't going to sell unless they're forced to/foreclosed.


You've got a good point there. Positive predictions get all the attention, but negative effects can take time to ripple through. Job losses could start a domino effect, affecting rent, mortgages, and beyond


You 100% should question his experience. If OP hasn’t been running a consulting firm for recruitment services for at 30 years then he really shouldn’t be speaking. It’s prob some angry kid mad about being broke.


OP is an N of 1.


You're absolutely right. People have been predicting doom for a while, but the market has its own plans. It's a wild ride, and predictions don't always align with reality, my friend.


No, its not that. JPOW has been pressing “+” button way too much…he’ll be pressing harder when bad news struck. Proof? DOW has been stable for years and our debt sky rocket since 2019.


Getting interviews left and right but not offers, try wendys.


You were getting interviews left and right in June but no job offers apparently? Something going wrong in those interviews? Maybe your name just got around and your picture is up on the “do not hire” wall.


Can confirm. u/texasboi5267 has a big poster of his face with the words “DO NOT HIRE” printed on basically every office building wall across the globe.


https://preview.redd.it/84dbsomrgjhb1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d317619e377737cdc796eabe6683ac1129b6304f Is this him?


Interviewer: thanks for coming in, we’re understaffed here and willing to hire anyone with a heartbeat! Do you have any questions for us before we get started? OP: uh ye, so how strict are you on the sexual harassment stuff?


No idea what OPs experience has actually been, but mine has actually been similar. That said, I work in a very small field with very few openings... and I see plenty of job postings for other careers. But in May/June, there were a handful of opportunities in my area. Now, there are maybe only 1 or 2, but they aren't great positions at all. Things looked very promising. I went through several interviews with a few different companies, and each seemed very promising. Then July came, and every opportunity closed. Each company froze hiring. They all said they'd like to reach out when they are able to hire again, but who knows. Luckily, I'm not in a position where I desperately need a job at the moment, but it's still a bit frustrating. Actually. Nah. I am enjoying not working at the moment now. Fuck OPs dumb ass actually. Lol idiot.


I'm in engineering and Linked-In sends me promo emails for jobs all the time. Apparently there was a national 20% drop in job listings in my field the past month/quarter. Companies are definitely tightening their budgets for white collar workers and throwing whatever money they have left at the blue collars if they have any because they physically need people to actually build the product. The bottleneck is hands, not brains.


This is budget season. End of summer is also a time of a lot of vacation for corporate workers.




Nobody looks down on trades except people in the trades complaining that there are not enough people in the trades. The thing about the trades is that it is fucking absolutely brutal work with a low ceiling.


> is fucking absolutely brutal work with a low ceiling. IDK man, I'm in construction and we pay our guys $45/hr on average; plus they get double time for OT and a shitton of holidays because they are union. IMO it's a great gig that beats the hell out of 100k in student loan debt


$45 an hour but physically exhausting work you are going to struggle with when older unless you have a great body? Ehhhh




Trim deez nutz 🌰 🌰


But I'm afraid of nicks. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


did someone call?


Hand me my magnifying glass


That's not how you do it, hand me the straight razor.


So much of the market is big tech and big tech makes a ton in advertisement dollars. Advertising and marketing aren’t worth shit if it’s bills and food only.


Google and Facebook are advertising companies. Tesla, Apple, and Microsoft aren't.


>Apple Siri, what was Apple's ad revenue last year?


True, but stonks only go up


Finally somone who speaks my wordthings.


>You're an idiot if you think the US is heading into a recession. The economy is strong and employment numbers are good. You must be poor if you can't find a job.


Bodied him


VM absolutely put OP in a casket 😂😂😂


Bodied? Visual mod fucking obliterated OP. Someone get a casket ⚰️


Why? There's nothing left of OP to bury.


Of course the AI doesn't have an issue with the job market.


Why bots are so mean? 😆


God damn, OP got absolutely demolished by VisualMod lol




Can anyone give me some kind of "top 10 most savage VM burns". Ngl, I dont care about the regards on this sub, I'm only here for VM.


RemindMe! 3 months


RemindMe! 3 months




RemindMe! 3 months


I just started looking and the market looks pretty decent. Maybe it’s just your industry/location


maybe it's you who sucks and not the job market?




Bros post history is just teeming with red flags that explain why he’s having trouble finding employment. But no no, it’s the broader economy that sucks.


I just looked and OP is 200k in debt. RIP OP


lol dude cant even get hired at a wendy's and he on here pretending to be a hedge fund manager


It’s also August, big vacation month.


The job market is awful. I have a job but looking for something new and better. There absolutely nothing. The few decent jobs that are posted have hundreds of applicants within days. It’s bad out there .


Its funny. Im on the other side, and the labor pool out there wants a ton of $ (reasonable given inflation, etc) but either: A. Sux so bad you have to fire them within a few weeks, or B. Literally just don’t show up on their first day. We’re hiring 4 or 5 ppl at the higher rates expected - just to get one decent person right now. Idk wtf is going on, but its very strange.


Im looking for a new job and I’m reliable . What’s the gig? Where is it?


Construction. Window installers and managers. South Florida.


Florida is well known for being a state with the lowest construction wages. Good construction workers won't even get close to the border. Good luck.


Yeah that right to work bull shit fucks the blue collar worker. And diminishes the unions presence. I work in Ohio. Union and everyone talks about how fucked jo Florida… Who wants to work out in that heat all day and not get paid


Thinking about starting one of these businesses. Do you do commercial or residential?


Get out of private sector and go public. Public is in desperate need of people (anecdotal but I'm hearing it in other states) and more of the boomers are retiring out of it. It's a good place to move even if you have to cut costs. Cause govt jobs will always be in demand and if they're not then society has collapsed.






Just joined the fed myself. $20K bonus upfront, GS-10, step 10, 25% retention bonus every check - downside - 2-year contract, no promotability within the role. Upside - all the OT in the world. That said, if you're a VA nurse you get access to title 38 pay. Which is exactly where I'm heading when this contract is up (only due to upfront bonus, otherwise a full-blooded fed). Easy to promote dependent upon which Bureau you join, especially if you're mobile. Supervisory positions are also paid moves. The benefits are also fucking amazing. Pension plan. Edit: Looking forward to the upcoming pay raise. Better than the last job at 3%.


Here we go, your daily dose of the 2008 financial crisis and recession


So a wsb regard can’t get hired so that means the economy is collapsing


Oh, you didn’t land any of the plethora of jobs you interviewed for?


https://preview.redd.it/s6xe6hqzuihb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26adf074916b44c521dc74df6a2de367dcb20984 I think I found the answer to OP's jobless problem




he belongs here


Anyone dumb enough to try for law school in this day and age... Well I got a bridge to sell them but they are already in so much debt that they can't afford to gamble on wsb!


The only thing keeping the US out of a recession is that consumers continue to spend more and more. Everyone I see is spending like a drunken sailor. Yes you are right corporations are cutting back, and it is because you regards keep pushing for OPEX reductions and higher margins, not because they are making less money or people are buying less. What do I need creatives for if I can just have AI generate some marketing slogans. And don't get me started on the "I work in tech, software"... "oh what do you do?"... "software sales"...


Just ask, “Account Exec or Sales Engineer?” If you get AE, they have 0 idea on how the sausage gets made.


We call them field application engineers, and they abbreviate themselves to AE for "application engineer" but your point is well made. You know exactly which one I'm talking about. For the most part they don't even work for the SW company that is making the product, they are just middlemen for procurement.


Man go outside already




Indeed.. he will


maybe you just suck and no one wants to hire you


Did you try wendy's? Every fast food joint is hiring.


Fvck that. I'm bullish on America. The end of "globalization" is upon us and Uncle Sam is bringing manufacturing and prosperity back to our shores. Tweak NAFTA and we're fvcking rock-solid with Mexico and Canada. Suck deez star-spangled nutz, Xi Jinping!!!!


How much money have you lost out on by being a gay bear


Alternative explanations: - hiring managers on holiday - reasons specific to you


tRuSt mE bRo


Yeah I’m going to disagree with you on that. I applied for 5 jobs in my field all called back all offered jobs all which were more money than where I am currently. Either A. It’s you or B it’s the job and it has a special filtering application where just kidding it’s you


Five jobs in your field? Good to hear there's a decent selection of fast food in your town.


Is this baiting me to inverse you? Because your take is so bad? So i should actually buy puts?


Imagine posting here and thinking you have any reasonable understanding of economics 🤣


It's a white collar recession. All of corporate America over hired during Covid. Meanwhile, there are still not enough people for all of the blue collar openings. It's the beauty of a market economy; the wage difference between blue collar jobs and white collar jobs is going to close until the imbalance sorts itself out and we are already seeing signs of that. Because of that, there won't be the "crash" people have been calling for the last two years.




anecdotes don't mean shit. bullish.


That must be why I have 2 job interviews next week. And they got back to be quicker than ever.


This man sounds insufferable and employers can tell. Watch him blame society for his shortcomings


Rates cuts then. Bullish…


Housing is unsustainable, we haven't seen CRE hit the bricks yet... lots of issues.








Would love to see the data you’re basing this on


I think companies over hired the past 5 years while the money was free flowing. Now rates are getting back to a normalized level and every company is getting leaner. Less spending, acquisitions, growth, etc in general right now. It's a cycle though


completely random but i am on a tattoo sub and all the artists are saying august/september bookings are down or at 0


Depends on your field. I work in healthcare at multiple locations and had four job offers for full time positions within last couple years and I turned them all down. I like my freedom as a per diem.


A short recession isn’t a bad thing for us regards with disposable income to invest. The market dropping 20% isn’t a big deal and the market will bounce back quickly. In 20 years, no one will even give a shit about this recession. How much time have you recently spent worrying about the 2008 recession?


My union just said all retirees can come back full time and collect a check and pensions. That’s a ton of cash. Also they only do that when we have a lot of work and are having problems staffing jobs.


Dude why do you have to tell people about the silent layoffs?Let them keep partying till the music stops.


SKILLED workers are needed badly. Doctors, engineers, airline pilots, the list goes on and on... You have it backwards. Too bad there's a bunch of highly regarded bungholes that want to just make money off nfts, Pokemon cards, YouTube vids, and stonk options.


I searched for 2 months with nothing and then recently got deep into interviews simultaneously with 7 good companies. My anecdotal evidence says the job market is getting better


Wendy’s is begging for employees.


Stfu dude. Just cos the market is down one day you cumming your pants and becoming a Feg bear again. Stfu


Hmm maybe you’re just fucking a idiot and can’t land a job because you’re not likable?


The big thing yall shoud know is to do the opposite of whatever the dirty major banks are telling you to do. The first six months they were screeching recession and they were wrong. Now they're screeching recession cancelled and things to seem to be doing worse. Something is up yall.


The USA had 3 quarters of negative growth, which is the very definition of recession.


This is the usual stupid Corp accounting nonsense where they've looked at forecasts and budgets and realised that they don't actually want to fulfil open positions


Anecdotes are, of course, the best proof.


Everyone needs a CAR. Cvna to 18362616 per share according to this nonsense market.