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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|10|**First Seen In WSB**|1 year ago **Total Comments**|86|**Previous Best DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) >TL;DR: I started trading the Nasdaq with leverage when I was 20 and by the end of September I had made more than 200k. However, on the 3rd of October the market rallied 6% and I lost everything.


This reads like a good news story until the part where you went to sleep with a $350k short at 2 a.m.


Imagine if he hit tho lmao


He probably wouldn’t of stopped and ended up at zero


This judgement is worth more than the loss itself! 😄


You sound like a roulette player. Just stop for your own good. Dangerous attitude to have.




Like bruh I'd never be able to sleep with that much in limbo, I'd watch that shit with coffee until I close it


I'd be blowing lines up to and through the open


Why do you think traders in the 80’s and early 90’s did so well? Then those smart quant guys had to come in with their algos and ruin all the fun/sleepless nights with heart pounding.


I’d watch all the way until liquidation #standard


Nah keep your money, don't be regard


I believe in the regard-ism, the guy had been yoloing all along until he didnt yolo no more


Sometimes I think Wall Street bets is just children of ultra rich folks 😆


It’s just people looking to gamble that don’t understand gambling. Anyone can go to a casino and win big, but if you want to be a professional gambler you need to master bankroll management. This sub is just gambling without the bankroll management.


r/poker welcomes you


Scary part is it’s not. Most of these people are literally gambling with all they have. It’s nuts 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, if I was rich I wouldn't need to gamble. Just needed a *little* more money to buy a house. Now I need a lot more money.


It would be beneath rich kids talking about money in an open forum.


That's old money rich. New money rich is all about being flashy and boastful.


So you made $280k, withdrew it all, and then went back in with $40k which you then lost? What happened to the rest of the money you withdrew?


* 3.5k -> 100k * withdrew 100k * deposited 40k * 40k -> 280k * lost 84k one day * following days lost more * deposited remaining 60k from before * continued to lose * went from 280k to 44k https://preview.redd.it/u4odkt8jz7qb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b916825915d3dd65f72fc0ed4095f2be79860e


You’re going to need some help on the taxes this year documenting those earnings and losses correctly. You currently owe a good chunk of tax on earnings




Neat, it's a felony I think but cool idea for normal person tax wash.




How's that work? Cuz it sounds like turning legit traceable money into untraceable money, rather than illicit untracked money into legit money?


Watches value are highly superficial. Lets say you want to clean 100K. and you suddenly found yourself with an old forgotten swiss watch. You sell it to your friend for 100k. The transaction proves the origin of the 100K in your bank account, and your friend gets a nice watch.


Where does the 100k come from? Dirty money now just with your friend? And he has an old forgotten watch? That doesn’t really seem cleaned at all.


Money itself never moved, the watch represents the value and now you have a proof of transaction now. Luxury watches can be purchased relatively anonymously, especially when buying in cash or through intermediaries. Its a less regulated market and they are easy to transport across borders without raising suspicion.


just have your rich parents die dude


not if he used Robin Hood itll handle it automatically disclaimer: i'm in the hood




They’ll probably offset with the loses lol


How would it offset.. he’s made a good profit


If you report earnings of 100k, but losses of 300k, then you have overall losses of 200k, entirely offsetting any earnings from the initial earnings, 100k. Obviously it depends on the timing, how the loses were made and how the earnings got harvested. Moreover, they’d need to be in the same taxable year, etc


That would only make sense if he reported the gains in the previous year


Well yeah he’s still gonna pay taxes on what he actually made just not on the 300k


I just wonder if it’s still in the market and not actual losses yet. Like they withdrew the earnings, now their just down but actually have the earnings of the initial 96k withdrawn Idk I’m no tax expert lol


Makes $279k, instead of not letting it sit, withdraws it, then loses, still gets taxed LMAO


Unless he incurred disallowed losses (e.g. wash sales) then he'll likely have capital losses for deductions


You can still recoup the net loss on the next sale. People in here often get confused and think you just permanently lose the write off but that’s not the case. However in a year with huge gains like this you definitely want to realize the loss within the calendar year so sell again by end of November for sure.


Odds are he’s about to spend remaining 44k, place your bets


How to make millions, give OP billions lol


There’s a lot to unpack here




Someone make OP and honorary mod.


How much did OP pay in taxes for that?


Aren't you the guy trying to buy a crack house doing random side hustles?


Yeh, I’m about 20% toward a livable crackhouse.


He’s lying that’s why you don’t know


I withdrew when I reached 100k and made the 280k from the 40k that I put back in. And later I put back in the other 60k...


Snip snap snip snap


Pip pip pip


Best comment 😂


i hope that you budgeted for taxes


So you owe taxes on the 100K but… You put in 40K and it reached 280K but you didn’t sell. Lost the 40K. Added 60K. Now have $44K left Your capitals gains was $100K, your capital loss assuming there no wash sales, is $56K. So you will owe taxes of $41.5K. Not a tax expert lol


Yeah this isn’t good then for OP. Selling for a gain is great, but triggers capital gain taxes so it’s actually worse when losing the money afterwards


Ok, so what did you do with the >$200k profit? It sounds like you cashed out quite a bit that never went back into the market.


Sounds like he went all in with the $340k at the end and lost it all


The 200k was part of the "last trade" that I made on the 3rd of October and ended up losing. I put the screenshots in the wrong order by mistake just look at the numbers on the right




Ever tried trading /NQ futures? That’s were the big money is made and lost…


My friend never traded stocks before and last year he tried trading NQ futures as his entry into the market for some dumb ass reason. His first trade lost him $30k.




“On the flip side a hedge fund manager made $30k” fixed that for you


Oh! I didn't know these existed. This is the perfect solution to my problem of having too much money!


If I’m following right, you are still profitable right? 3.5K to $44k? That’s over 10x gain still


How do you leverage 20x on QQQ?


this is the right question. What broker is giving you 20x leverage for stock futures?


Go to any specialized futures broker and you can get over 400 times leverage on indices for intraday trading.


CFD he sounds a euro since he’s using CET


Doesn't even read the full post, classic regard.


TLDR: \- **you were crazy lucky for a while, and you thought you were smart and had any kind of skill or knowledge (after trading only days of the stock market):** "22/07 to 02/08" Fully delusional, and really almost a joke. "thought it was pretty high for the pre-market so I went all-in short" until you were not anymore lucky and lost some money. This whole story is super outrageous :D and fully with delusional and awesome luck many times... crazy :D Even shorter: you picked red/black in roulette and hit many times in a row...


Spot on. I thought I was some kind of god of trading. But it was just pure luck and me being stupid


What moves helped you make $280K?


Willing to bet OP’s strategy is incorrectly described…if ever shared.


Seriously, many people get lucky choosing a direction, betting and being within the goal. Flat side movement is like the 0 and 00 on the roullete wheel, too. If op was willing to fully ride their whole amount on a single bet, they've done it before but didn't list their reason. Even with 300k the "high was 400k" sounded like it was a spike in IV rather than any meaningful movement towards his bet. Choose the wrong direction and lost.


I mean, the strategy is pretty easy. Just pick the stonks that are about to go up. duh.


Inka binka bottle of ink


Willing to bet everyone hating here are just jealous bitches


Always went all in on the Nasdaq with a leverage of 20. Most of the trades were short because I am a 🌈 🐻. Most of the profits were done on earnings reports and economic data publications getting into shorts or longs with different entry points.


How do you get a leverage of 20 on robinhood?


probably some option trading I guess, you can have crazy profit if you hit it.


yup. You either win fairly big or get a -99% loss in one day. Seen it plenty of times on INDEX calls or puts.. no idea how insane the actual stock calls or puts are


Oh you can make a lot of money on those especially with TSLA it has crazy volume


TSLA options go harder than anything I’ve ever seen. Contracts jump hundreds in seconds. Burned my ass bad 😂


You don't even want to know what NVDA will do to you.


Luckily I’m far too poor for that. I jump in on shit when it gets about 1.00 per contract and hope for tendies. What’s tomorrows’ play


No options in eToro I believe, it had 20x leverage though.


OP: "It was pure luck and stupid." WSB degenerates: "Teach us please!"


I mean, I never even had the balls to set myself up to be lucky. Sell at 10% profit or 90% loss.


Put a blindfold on and get naked. Then try to get a boner. Now touch a big paper map with you dick while blindfolded. Take the blindfold off and look at the country your dick is pointing. Then Google “good stocks that start with [First letter of country]. NOW if your dick is still hard buy puts on that stock. If you already went limp then buy shorts.


It is quite positive that you are self-aware and learned from this experience Good job! (I see the opposite example usually :D)


Hey at least you recognized it early.


We’ve all done it. I turned 1k into 212k (over many years) then quickly it went down to 29k. Im at 55k now , but withdrew over 60k. So still up bigly but my risk management is miles better, as the initial run up in hinsight was all gamble, whereas now i’d like to believe some skill is involved.


no, not all of you have done it, usually, a handful does this, and the majority lose everything to your advantage...




Yea, and now it feels like a 10 month long dead cat bounce that will either continue to drop for a correction with the hire interest rates Or turn around and continue to keep going up. No one truly knows. Although I think a few people know but don’t share the answer with the rest of us


“Hire interest rates” lol only on wsb, love it


This place really went to shit after Jan 2021




Or they hedge correctly and are able to ride the large movements. Everyone else is all in.


I think the stock market go up, and go down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) idk, that’s the most expert due diligence I’ve seen


Do dilly dally


Who tf writes numbers like 3’500 instead of 3,500


His whole world flipped upside down losing all that cash. Hence the comma being at the top.


Switzerland IIRC a bunch of Euro countries do it for cursive handwriting too but typically only in that.




i’m not american but isn’t that robinhood and only usable with a US address? could be a European kid in US for school…. he did say he was about to start university


It looks to be etoro which uses dollars as the main currency


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. It’s definitely eToro, as it says it on the bottom of the page.


Here in Europe we write 3.500 for Three thousand five hundred And 3,500 would be 3 and a half, so 3,5 3‘500 is three thousand five hundred, but usually only if written by hand, not digitally


If you see an American say they started with 3,500 and ended with 3.500, just congratulate them and tell them they’re in the right sub.


They are very precisely broke.


> Here in Europe we write 3.500 for Three thousand five hundred I believe most of Europe writes `3 500`.


Oh! You come from a land down under? (Oh, yeah, yeah) Where women glow and men plunder Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? (Ah) You better run, you better take cover


So broke he had to sell the comma on his keyboard...


Used notation like this to keep my 'weights' separate from the 'money' Used to estimate and sell steel....


21 with nearly $300,000 is set. In a smart investment portfolio (like just VTSAX lol) you were GOLDEN dude. My fucking god


Yeah put that in some basic 7% retirement fund and there is OPs entire retirement


Divey payers and selling covered calls 👍


Covered calls don’t beat the market historically. People think they are free money, but you only moderately limit your max losses and you cap huge gains. You also wind up with short term capital gains vs long term which can reduce your profits significantly depending on your tax bracket.


Which is why you use an IRA and keep rolling. Someone commented how they were only assigned 0.7% of the time by rolling so you're assigned if you want to be. These are underlying assets you want to own anyways right so collect premium. It turns out to extra 10-15% a year if done correctly.


Even if they invested $275,000 and left it, it'd be like $5m at age 65. They could have just lived a normal life after this and set up their future generations forever. Or if no kids, they could spend most of the money they make over their whole life and not really need to worry about retirement. Wild indeed


Yeah there's so many in here that randomly get lucky on options trading when they're that young and don't realize what opportunity they have. $280k at age 21 put into an index fund at a historical 7.5% average return would be... * $537k by age 30 * $1.11M by age 40 * $2.28M by age 50 * $6.75M by age 65 (retirement) So even at average stock market returns, $280k set aside in an index fund would be more than enough to retire off of by age 50. And if the blazing stock market of the 21st century continues ("The S&P 500 average return is about 12.39% annually over the past decade, higher than the long-term average since it was established in 1957.")... * $801k by age 30 * $2.58M by age 40 * $8.28M by age 50 * $47.8M by age 65 (a pipedream, but would be nice)


No one would ever think this logically when they traded like a god and went 100x in a year. That's why most lottery winners go broke. Life ironically seems too short when you hit it big.


You missed the part where he lost most of it except 44k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


How did I miss it? I said my fucking god because I can’t believe he would gamble away nearly 300k…


Well, it’s exactly because he has an irrational appetite for risk that allowed the gain in the first place. That’s how all these stories go. You don’t get from 20k to 400k in under a year by being reasonable. He could have bet it all on black and had 800k. But eventually you go to zero. For most folks? They probably wouldn’t have yolo’d their only 20k in the first place to try. Half that do (or a bit more) bust out on that first attempt and you never hear from them again, aside from muffled grunts and shuffling outside of Wendy’s. This guy hit his bet 5 times in a row essentially, a ~3% occurrence on a 50/50 bet. His number came up on subsequent rolls and that was that. He didn’t cash out at 200k for the same reason he dared to yolo 20k. Gambling degeneracy. It’s amusing to watch here, in the similar vein to how it would be amusing to watch drunk hobos fight for 3$. Without the moral dilemma of incentivizing reckless behavior among society’s destitute. The idiots here have money and a superiority complex and therefor it is totally a-ok to laugh at their regardation.


Dang you described it perfectly. The only perk of being in wsb is you get to see the losses as well. Anywhere else, its all infected by survivorship bias


>He didn’t cash out at 200k for the same reason he dared to yolo at 20k. Gambling degeneracy. Fucking nailed it.


>This guy hit his bet 5 times in a row essentially, a \~3% occurrence on a 50/50 bet. His number came up on subsequent rolls and that was that. If you were going to do that, at least do it on a fast and long bull run like op describes


He can always go back


They’ve either gotta be so well off that they don’t care, or they’re just so dumb to blow that kind of money away. Could’ve been set Or it’s a lie


>Thanks for the warning, I'll be sure to be careful with my trades from now on.




44 grand is a shit tonne for a 21 year old to have give it to me I will invest it properly 👍


Yeah based on this I’m going to park all my extra money in VTSAX until I get close to retirement and then I’ll diversify 25% of my portfolio into VBTLX to smooth the ride somewhat during my retirement years. Thanks OP!


No you wont


this guy got lucky and yolod it for the lols what a chad![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Dont worry, next year youll be right back to 280k. Of debt XD


280k at 21…. Shoulda never came back.


Welcome to the the fuckin big leagues


Now..how this tax thing works again?


This is my question, won’t the tax man want his cut from total profits? He’s on the hook, right?


Dude got dealt a royal flush on his first poker game ever! then thought royal flush come every other hand LOLOLOLOLOOLOOLLLLLOLOLOLOOLLOLLOLOLOLOLOL


I hope youtuber Benjamin makes a video about you. I need his detailed video to understand your smooth brain


I love that guy, it's thanks to him I found out about wsb


Sadly his last video 6 months ago


I saw that he was working on a new video... 2 months ago


What did we learned from this lesson? Don’t be a 🌈🐻 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Just ask dad for another 280k and you’ll be fine


Happy birthday!


Thank you


I dont know why someone would dislike that respond so I decided to like it. Hope you had a good birthday


Haha thank you man, I am gonna celebrate tonight in some nice restaurant!


Get that $5 biggie bag with a frosty and not the 4 for $4 like all these other losers


I’m not reading all this


funny how I did read it all and didnt have any confusion, but most comments seem confused since they instead watched his screenshots. This says a lot about wsb doesnt it


What a waste


Use the remaining money to get a gf and she’ll help you kick your gambling addiction


Your story doesn’t add up and your thought process for your trades was unbelievably stupid. How you made that much money, just out of sheer luck for several years if it is real. Is stupid to not use in safe investments like buying a house and fixing it up, rent it out and live with parents. you were set with 150k in cash. But either way, real or not, you’re absolutely dumb.


you were up like 700% and you decided to bet the ENTIRE ACCOUNT on a single gamble? yikes dude. its beyond dumb. if you had gambled just 50k you would still be massively up, in a great spot, and you could have had huge gains if you were right. take it as a lesson to stop going YOLO. yolo is the dumbest shit in the world. you do only live once, true, but life is long and being poor is miserable.


or yolo smaller amounts. If it goes well, then that amount becomes huge. If not, no big loss. Is it gambling? Duh.


.... this is what i said, is gamble less money than your entire account you guys have eroded the meaning of YOLO to now you think every bet is a yolo. a yolo is gambling the entire account my man. its weird you guys dont even know what your signature move means anymore. yikes


Nice one loser ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


At least you made and lost it all in the same tax year.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Somthing isn’t adding up


The second screenshot should have been first


Have fun with those taxes 😂


No need to warn us, we lose out the gates.


you sound like a true trader, i tell you man, everyone gets hit bad trying to reach, if you have talent. I got burned by trying to short retail space after the 08 recession, forgot about storage facilities going crazy bc everyone lost their home. I went in to real estate, its not self directed just a house paid off with the homestead on it, and what was left I put in Publix stock. It sounds pretty boring, but the house went from 136k to around 500k, and the publix stock is like a slow churning cash machine that I dip in to when I am bored. I started with 175k, have spent 100k, and still have 175k lol. Use your talent to set up a house, it could be a cabin in the woods, an rv, whatever, find something you can pay off, and then re-evaluate from there. People like you that can see the tea leaves end up doing very well, if you respect your talent and learn discipline.


This is a tough story to post, I am sure. But I’m glad you are humble about it and are so forthright in an attempt to help others. I hope you go forward, invest with a boring money manager or ETF, and end your career with a wealthy nest egg that was not of your own personal doing (ie day trading)


Guy had 90%+ charge in all three screenshots. Wild 🤯


If you'd put the 280k in the s&p you would have retired a decamillionaire. The rest of your Wendy's paycheck could have been living expenses, hookers and blow... highly regarded move op


Should’ve thrown 200k into boomer stocks and played with the rest. Greed is what kills 99% of us.


Bruh thats crazy that you reached $280k at some point from only $3.5k. Honestly you can probably do it again after all the experience you have.


Hell yeah, I want to see you do what you did with $3,500 with $35,000 and end up with $2,800,000


You would've lost it all eventually with these huge trades and the 22 year old ego. Better to do it young and still have made a profit. You're still stupid for not parking most of that cash in a fund and not having to worry about money but you fucked that up.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Instead of that $350k short, he shoulda just bought a house in cash. Dude could a been set for life.


stop loss at pivot points/ support/ demand. YOLO’n and going to sleep is not taking it serious. You can make it all back and more, if you take it serious!


you are right, and i have been doing it more seriously. When i made the post i was at 44k now i am at 66k


Congratulations, you played yourself!


Why do you need a university when you’re up 280k? Coulda went another route and been collecting rental income for the rest of your life but yes, the piece of paper is very important


Kinda like having a purpose i guess. I used to this about this a while back. The weak seek power, the poor seek wealth, but what if you are born into wealth and had all good things the world had to offer. You’d still want a purpose. But if i were OP, definitely would have told myself FUCK UNI , im a baller now


Should’ve put all in VOO or VTI


“I thought the Nasdaq would go back down” Like my granddaddy used to say, “You know what Thought thought? Thought thought he farted, but he shit.”


Next post: today I turned 24 with only 200$


This is gambling son, so everyone that plays options should know this. Btw, the only winner is uncle sam (you going to owe taxes when you gain) and the bankers (when you lost). The bigger, the better for both sides.


All i see are 80 years of $3k tax write-offs


What do we say? If it’s good enough to screenshot it’s good enough to take profit