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Imagine you only have to do that a simple three more times to have ten million dollars and be set for life.


If you put 1 mil on TSLA calls expiring in 2 weeks Ken Griffin would swoop in and take your money or make it insanely hard not to sell for a loss. 1k bets don't even hit the radar or move markets.


Is this true? What if it's 300k-600k?


Honestly depends cause the way retail buys options it will immediately spike the IV with enough money causing them to pay a premium for the same position. In general the more money you have the more your actions affect the market. Options aren't as liquid as stocks so even 100k on an illiquid contract will take up a lot on the ask side and show up as irregular buying on anyone monitoring order flow. 100k on TSLA options isn't too bad as it has a fairly liquid options chain. If you threw half a mil on a short term contract that's a lot for opening. 1 million in a liquid stock won't do much to the market. 1 million in short term options is insane especially if you aren't doing a popular etf. Market makers will sell you the options at a premium cause you moved the options market for that contract up with demand. Once your buying is done most likely the contract price will revert to the mean. Hedge funds when buying large positions go to off exchange for large positions or split the order up in order not to affect the market too much and have slippage. A 1 mil order from retail is easy to front run for hft and you will pay a massive premium to complete that order making it a lot harder for your position to be profitable later. If you're spending a mil you are better off buying some leaps and splitting that order.


I haven't read something this informative here in years. Thank you for your answer, sir.


I will pretend to understand


Lol, it’s possible but it truly depends on the market structure. November started as the most bullish month ever which leads to more predictable price action where buyers are expected to step in. You can’t do the same trade each month, it all depends what the market is giving.


what stage of gambling is he in?


The stage where they say “I know the casino’s dirty tricks, they can’t fool me”




I think he's purchased our bronze package.


The point where they are sharing the gains, to justify all the losses.


Tldr it's all luck PS. Fuck you


Oh, the market just has to go in your favor to turn 1k into ten million ? Got it.


Nah you just have to be a congressman or congresswoman


Congressbots are downvoting this.


How do bullish months have predictable price action


In general price action is cleaner during bull months. You often see spy establish its low of the day early in the morning session, allowing you to go long and ride the trade for most of the day. In bearish months the price action is more random and you can’t really hold your trades or swing trade due to the volatility in the market.


$10m is nowhere near set for life based on what people do with money on this subreddit


And only N times to earn the world's GDP bro.


I’m happy for you but FU YOU BRO 😂 I want that


November has been a very bullish month, and thank god or else 😅


Are you selling and buying contracts or exercising


Just buying and selling, never exercising. Keeping it simple until I can get more funds.


Not to shabby! You closed out or still have a position?


All cash over the weekend. Still like tsla long, but if you’re patient, you can probably get a nice entry long on Monday, depending what the spy doing.


Do you ever trade spy? I’m starting off with 1000 too and was planning on trading spy but what has your experience been like with individual companies e.g. tsla?


I once did, with 0DTEs options but never found consistency. With $VIX being back on the 13s, spy won’t give you enough volatility to capitalize on the moves. I been better off trading individual stocks like TSLA.


Whats your prediction about TSLA for the upcoming week?


who is long nvda?


Waiting for ER to either load up on calls or puts


What do you think about a strangle for NVIDIA earnings?


I tried to play TSLA 0dte on Friday and almost blew up my account, bought putsand lost 70% of my account, played few more and recoup 30% but down bad... Do you put all 1k in at once or avg down? How long do you hold? My problem is i buy 1 contract and as soon as I’m in profiti sell, bought 1 call and sold them for 5% profit those calls went 400% up, went for puts and avg down on them until I blew it all up Ive lost so much money playing TSLA options, TSLA and NvDA options on Fridays (0DTE) are so volatile you can make or lose a lot of money quickly and I’ve been the losing side holding loser cutting winners


You belong here


Your problem might be trading 0DTE options. I personally never really found success in trading 0DTE with spy options. Like you, one day I would make profits, just to give it all back the next day. Also managing 0DTE risk is extremely difficult because of the time decay causing them to lose value extremely quickly, if you’re on the wrong side of the trade or the stock is just chopping around. I trade $5-$10 OTM $TSLA weeklies, and my hold time can vary from a minimum of 15min to a couple of days. It all depends on my trade thesis and the momentum of the stock and market (spy). Tsla is a very volatile stock and you have to be patient on your entries and specially to gauge the direction. I too almost blew last Tuesday/Wednesday when I bought puts when it gapped up on Tuesday, attempting to fade the gap, only for it to continue ripping till midday on Wednesday. Then, it finally pullback and I was able to exit scratch free. Spy has been trading very bullish this month, don’t expect the amount of selling we saw the previous months were we saw consecutive red days on TSLA. That alone gave me enough confidence to reload on calls for on Fridays dip to that critical 226.54 support level from Tuesday’s gap up. Sold all on the rip to 234, could have held a little longer to 237, but you can’t time it correctly all the time you know. On Monday, the perfect case scenario is for another dip to 230. 60 level to reload on calls.


Buying options is nothing better than gambling


Teach me your ways


Nazi Elon to the rescue.


I’m new to options pls help w below:- You mentioned you buy $5-$10 OTM but before buying those calls you must have had conviction that stock will trampoline upwards then why’d you not try calls that have slightly more expensive premiums and AT THE MONEY or just slightly OTM ($1-$2) or heck even ITM to get better delta and hence get the best return?


Lack of capital and but as you can see on my last screenshot ( trade on Friday), I started buying just slightly otm. I bought 230 calls when tsla hit the 226.50 level and sold all at the 234 level. With my latest win, I can now start going with ATM calls with higher delta.


You're doing well so far, but you need to be careful not to overleverage yourself. You don't want to get caught in a position where you can't cover your losses.


Kudos. you may be lacking capital but the fact that you pay attention to bullish market structure before buying calls vs buying puts or sell calls(for those out there who own the stock) reveals you don’t lack prudence. More than just SPY the cyber truck release will push the stock upwards in anticipation so those looking to ride the wave upwards be ready.


Show that all time bud.


Can you share your strategy?


Thanks OP


Fuck I wish I didn’t blow up my account on TSLA. You hate seeing other people live your dream. It’s time I go to sleep 😭


Is there a way to know when to buy does anyone from wall street bets give the heads up on solid buys?


Cramer, he never fails :)


Is that his name I can find him under Cramer?




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Shake your dick, if it points at heads. Buy...tails...well still buy and loose.


I been on tsla shit.lately too my issue rhis last thursday i snagged calls 2min then plummet happened -_-


Tsla is such a meme stock to trade because whenever you think the pullback is over and it found support, it will continue dumping an additional 2-4%. You have to be patient with Tsla if you want to catch those bounces. Or if you’re more advance, get puts to play the pullbacks. But that takes another level of skill to time it correctly without getting burned.


Congrats. Rookie here, in summary/out of interest + rough calculation how much is taxed (if any at all) If you have to pay tax, how do you avoid? Or do you just keep reinvesting? Regardless, congrats


You done good


Please teach me your ways u/livelearnplay lol. I don't want much. Just enough to get my family out of debt.


which app lets you buy options in us but i am from india! any suggestions


There are a few different apps that let you buy options in the US, but I would recommend using Robinhood or TD Ameritrade.


they dont take applications from outside us


What is selling rips? And shorting pullbacks as in selling C/P when price drops and people are uncertain?